2020-10-29 16:44:28 -05:00

330 lines
11 KiB

// display sun and moon data
/* globals WeatherDisplay, utils, STATUS, draw, SunCalc, luxon */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
class Almanac extends WeatherDisplay {
constructor(navId, elemId) {
super(navId, elemId, 'Almanac');
// pre-load background images (returns promises)
this.backgroundImage0 = utils.image.load('images/BackGround3_1.png');
this.backgroundImage1 = utils.image.load('images/BackGround1_1.png');
// load all images in parallel (returns promises)
this.moonImages = [
this.timing.totalScreens = 2;
async getData(_weatherParameters) {
const weatherParameters = _weatherParameters ?? this.weatherParameters;
// get images for outlook
const imagePromises = [
utils.image.load('', true),
utils.image.load('', true),
// get sun/moon data
const { sun, moon } = this.calcSunMoonData(weatherParameters);
// process images for outlook
const [outlookTemp, outlookPrecip] = await Promise.all(imagePromises);
const outlook = Almanac.parseOutlooks(weatherParameters.latitude, weatherParameters.longitude, outlookTemp, outlookPrecip);
// store the data = {
// update status
// share data
calcSunMoonData(weatherParameters) {
const { DateTime } = luxon;
const sun = [
SunCalc.getTimes(new Date(), weatherParameters.latitude, weatherParameters.longitude),
SunCalc.getTimes(DateTime.local().plus({ days: 1 }).toJSDate(), weatherParameters.latitude, weatherParameters.longitude),
// brute force the moon phases by scanning the next 30 days
const moon = [];
// start with yesterday
let moonDate = DateTime.local().minus({ days: 1 });
let { phase } = SunCalc.getMoonIllumination(moonDate.toJSDate());
let iterations = 0;
do {
// get yesterday's moon info
const lastPhase = phase;
// calculate new values
moonDate ={ days: 1 });
phase = SunCalc.getMoonIllumination(moonDate.toJSDate()).phase;
// check for 4 cases
if (lastPhase < 0.25 && phase >= 0.25) moon.push(this.getMoonTransition(0.25, 'First', moonDate));
if (lastPhase < 0.50 && phase >= 0.50) moon.push(this.getMoonTransition(0.50, 'Full', moonDate));
if (lastPhase < 0.75 && phase >= 0.75) moon.push(this.getMoonTransition(0.75, 'Last', moonDate));
if (lastPhase > phase) moon.push(this.getMoonTransition(0.00, 'New', moonDate));
// stop after 30 days or 4 moon phases
iterations += 1;
} while (iterations <= 30 && moon.length < 4);
return {
// get moon transition from one phase to the next by drilling down by hours, minutes and seconds
getMoonTransition(threshold, phaseName, start, iteration = 0) {
let moonDate = start;
let { phase } = SunCalc.getMoonIllumination(moonDate.toJSDate());
let iterations = 0;
const step = {
hours: iteration === 0 ? -1 : 0,
minutes: iteration === 1 ? 1 : 0,
seconds: iteration === 2 ? -1 : 0,
milliseconds: iteration === 3 ? 1 : 0,
// increasing test
let test = (lastPhase, testPhase) => lastPhase < threshold && testPhase >= threshold;
// decreasing test
if (iteration % 2 === 0) test = (lastPhase, testPhase) => lastPhase > threshold && testPhase <= threshold;
do {
// store last phase
const lastPhase = phase;
// calculate new phase after step
moonDate =;
phase = SunCalc.getMoonIllumination(moonDate.toJSDate()).phase;
// wrap phases > 0.9 to -0.1 for ease of detection
if (phase > 0.9) phase -= 1.0;
// compare
if (test(lastPhase, phase)) {
// last iteration is three, return value
if (iteration >= 3) break;
// iterate recursively
return this.getMoonTransition(threshold, phaseName, moonDate, iteration + 1);
iterations += 1;
} while (iterations < 1000);
return { phase: phaseName, date: moonDate };
// use the color of the pixel to determine the outlook
static parseOutlooks(lat, lon, temp, precip) {
const { DateTime } = luxon;
const month = DateTime.local();
const thisMonth = month.toLocaleString({ month: 'short' });
const nextMonth ={ months: 1 }).toLocaleString({ month: 'short' });
// draw the images on the canvases
const tempContext = utils.image.drawLocalCanvas(temp);
const precipContext = utils.image.drawLocalCanvas(precip);
// get the color from each canvas
const tempColor = Almanac.getOutlookColor(lat, lon, tempContext);
const precipColor = Almanac.getOutlookColor(lat, lon, precipContext);
return {
temperature: Almanac.getOutlookTemperatureIndicator(tempColor),
precipitation: Almanac.getOutlookPrecipitationIndicator(precipColor),
static getOutlookColor(lat, lon, context) {
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
// The height is in the range of latitude 75'N (top) - 15'N (bottom)
y = ((75 - lat) / 53) * 707;
if (lat < 48.83) {
y -= Math.abs(48.83 - lat) * 2.9;
if (lon < -100.46) {
y -= Math.abs(-100.46 - lon) * 1.7;
} else {
y -= Math.abs(-100.46 - lon) * 1.7;
// The width is in the range of the longitude ???
x = ((-155 - lon) / -110) * 719; // -155 - -40
if (lon < -100.46) {
x -= Math.abs(-100.46 - lon) * 1;
if (lat > 40) {
x += Math.abs(40 - lat) * 4;
} else {
x -= Math.abs(40 - lat) * 4;
} else {
x += Math.abs(-100.46 - lon) * 2;
if (lat < 36 && lon > -90) {
x += Math.abs(36 - lat) * 8;
} else {
x -= Math.abs(36 - lat) * 6;
// The further left and right from lat 45 and lon -97 the y increases
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
// Determine if there is any "non-white" colors around the area.
// Search a 16x16 region.
for (let colorX = x - 8; colorX <= x + 8; colorX += 1) {
for (let colorY = y - 8; colorY <= y + 8; colorY += 1) {
const pixelColor = Almanac.getPixelColor(context, colorX, colorY);
if ((pixelColor.r !== 0 && pixelColor.g !== 0 && pixelColor.b !== 0)
|| (pixelColor.r !== 255 && pixelColor.g !== 255 && pixelColor.b !== 255)) {
return pixelColor;
return false;
// get rgb values of a pixel
static getPixelColor(context, x, y) {
const pixelData = context.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
return {
r: pixelData[0],
g: pixelData[1],
b: pixelData[2],
// get temperature outlook from color
static getOutlookTemperatureIndicator(pixelColor) {
if (pixelColor.b > pixelColor.r) {
return 'Below Normal';
} if (pixelColor.r > pixelColor.b) {
return 'Above Normal';
return 'Normal';
// get precipitation outlook from color
static getOutlookPrecipitationIndicator(pixelColor) {
if (pixelColor.g > pixelColor.r) {
return 'Above Normal';
} if (pixelColor.r > pixelColor.g) {
return 'Below Normal';
return 'Normal';
async drawCanvas() {
const info =;
const { DateTime } = luxon;
const Today = DateTime.local();
const Tomorrow ={ days: 1 });
// extract moon images
const [FullMoonImage, LastMoonImage, NewMoonImage, FirstMoonImage] = await Promise.all(this.moonImages);
switch (this.screenIndex) {
case 0:
// sun and moon data
this.context.drawImage(await this.backgroundImage0, 0, 0);
draw.horizontalGradientSingle(this.context, 0, 30, 500, 90, draw.topColor1, draw.topColor2);
draw.triangle(this.context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
draw.horizontalGradientSingle(this.context, 0, 90, 640, 190, draw.sideColor1, draw.sideColor2);
draw.titleText(this.context, 'Almanac', 'Astronomical');
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFF00', 320, 120, Today.toLocaleString({ weekday: 'long' }), 2, 'center');
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFF00', 500, 120, Tomorrow.toLocaleString({ weekday: 'long' }), 2, 'center');
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 150, 'Sunrise:', 2);
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 270, 150, DateTime.fromJSDate(info.sun[0].sunrise).toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE).toLowerCase(), 2);
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 450, 150, DateTime.fromJSDate(info.sun[1].sunrise).toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE).toLowerCase(), 2);
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 180, ' Sunset:', 2);
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 270, 180, DateTime.fromJSDate(info.sun[0].sunset).toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE).toLowerCase(), 2);
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 450, 180, DateTime.fromJSDate(info.sun[1].sunset).toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE).toLowerCase(), 2);
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFF00', 70, 220, 'Moon Data:', 2);
info.moon.forEach((MoonPhase, Index) => {
const date ={ month: 'short', day: 'numeric' });
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 120 + Index * 130, 260, MoonPhase.phase, 2, 'center');
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 120 + Index * 130, 390, date, 2, 'center');
const image = (() => {
switch (MoonPhase.phase) {
case 'Full':
return FullMoonImage;
case 'Last':
return LastMoonImage;
case 'New':
return NewMoonImage;
case 'First':
return FirstMoonImage;
this.context.drawImage(image, 75 + Index * 130, 270);
case 1: {
this.context.drawImage(await this.backgroundImage1, 0, 0);
draw.horizontalGradientSingle(this.context, 0, 30, 500, 90, draw.topColor1, draw.topColor2);
draw.triangle(this.context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
draw.horizontalGradientSingle(this.context, 0, 90, 52, 399, draw.sideColor1, draw.sideColor2);
draw.horizontalGradientSingle(this.context, 584, 90, 640, 399, draw.sideColor1, draw.sideColor2);
draw.titleText(this.context, 'Almanac', 'Outlook');
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 180, '30 Day Outlook', 2, 'center');
const DateRange = `MID-${info.outlook.thisMonth.toUpperCase()} TO MID-${info.outlook.nextMonth.toUpperCase()}`;
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 220, DateRange, 2, 'center');
const Temperature = info.outlook.temperature;
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 300, `Temperatures: ${Temperature}`, 2);
const Precipitation = info.outlook.precipitation;
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 380, `Precipitation: ${Precipitation}`, 2);
// make sun and moon data available outside this class
// promise allows for data to be requested before it is available
async getSun() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if ( resolve(;
// data not available, put it into the data callback queue