4895 lines
151 KiB
4895 lines
151 KiB
/* globals _StationInfo, luxon, _RegionalCities, utils, icons, _TravelCities, SunCalc */
const {DateTime} = luxon;
const _DayShortNames = { 'Sunday': 'Sun', 'Monday': 'Mon', 'Tuesday': 'Tue', 'Wednesday': 'Wed', 'Thursday': 'Thu', 'Friday': 'Fri', 'Saturday': 'Sat' };
const _DayLongNameArray = Object.keys(_DayShortNames);
const _DayLongNames = { 'Sun': 'Sunday', 'Mon': 'Monday', 'Tue': 'Tuesday', 'Wed': 'Wednesday', 'Thu': 'Thursday', 'Fri': 'Friday', 'Sat': 'Saturday' };
const _MonthLongNames = { 'Jan': 'January', 'Feb': 'February', 'Mar': 'March', 'Apr': 'April', 'May': 'May', 'Jun': 'June', 'Jul': 'July', 'Aug': 'August', 'Sep': 'September', 'Oct': 'October', 'Nov': 'November', 'Dec': 'December' };
var canvasProgress;
var divProgress;
var divRegionalCurrentMap;
var canvasRegionalObservations;
var divRegionalForecastMap1;
var divRegionalForecastMap2;
var canvasRegionalForecast1;
var canvasRegionalForecast2;
var divDopplerRadarMap;
var canvasLocalRadar;
var divTemperature;
var divStation;
var divConditions;
var divHumidity;
var divIcon;
var divDewpoint;
var divCeiling;
var divVisibility;
var divWind;
var divPressure;
var divGust;
var divHeatIndex;
var canvasCurrentWeather;
var canvasExtendedForecast1;
var canvasExtendedForecast2;
var canvasLocalForecast;
var divHazards;
var divHazardsScroll;
var canvasHazards;
var canvasAlmanac;
var canvasAlmanacTides;
var canvasOutlook;
var canvasMarineForecast;
var canvasAirQuality;
var tblTravelCities;
var divTravelCitiesScroll;
var canvasTravelForecast;
var divOutlookTemp;
var cnvOutlookTemp;
var divOutlookPrcp;
var cnvOutlookPrcp;
var tblRegionalObservations;
var canvasLatestObservations;
var _WeatherParameters = null;
var _DopplerRadarInterval = null;
var _DopplerRadarImageIndex = 0;
var _DopplerRadarImageMax = 6;
var LoadStatuses = {
Loading: 0,
Loaded: 1,
Failed: 2,
NoData: 3,
var _UpdateWeatherCanvasInterval = null;
var _UpdateWeatherUpdateMs = 50;
var canvasBackGroundDateTime = null;
var canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions = null;
var CurrentConditionTypes = {
Title: 0,
Conditions: 1,
Temperature: 2,
HumidityDewpoint: 3,
BarometricPressure: 4,
Wind: 5,
VisibilityCeiling: 6,
MonthPrecipitation: 7,
var _UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionType = CurrentConditionTypes.Title;
var _UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs = 0;
var _UpdateCustomScrollTextMs = 0;
var _UpdateHazardsY = 0;
var _UpdateLocalForecastIndex = 0;
var CanvasTypes = {
Progress: 0,
CurrentWeather: 1,
LatestObservations: 2,
TravelForecast: 3,
RegionalForecast1: 4,
RegionalForecast2: 5,
RegionalObservations: 6,
LocalForecast: 7,
MarineForecast: 8,
ExtendedForecast1: 9,
ExtendedForecast2: 10,
Almanac: 11,
AlmanacTides: 12,
AirQuality: 13,
Outlook: 14,
LocalRadar: 15,
Hazards: 16,
var _FirstCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Progress;
var _LastCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Hazards;
var _CurrentCanvasType = _FirstCanvasType;
var _CurrentPosition = 0.0;
var _PreviousPosition = 0.0;
var _IsPlaying = false;
var _PlayIntervalId = null;
var _IsAudioPlaying = false;
var _AudioPlayIntervalId = null;
var _AudioPlayInterval = 100;
var _AudioFadeOutIntervalId = null;
var _MusicUrls = [];
var _MusicUrlsTemp = [];
var audMusic = null;
var _AudioContext = null;
var _AudioBufferSource = null;
var _AudioDuration = 0;
var _AudioCurrentTime = 0;
var _AudioGain = null;
var _AudioRefreshIntervalId = null;
var _IsNarrationPlaying = false;
var _Utterance = false;
var _CurrentUtterance = false;
var _CurrentUtteranceId = null;
var _IsSpeaking = false;
const OperatingSystems = {
Unknown: 0,
Windows: 1,
MacOS: 2,
Linux: 3,
Unix: 4,
iOS: 5,
Andriod: 6,
WindowsPhone: 7,
let _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Unknown;
const _UserAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (_UserAgent.indexOf('Win') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Windows;
if (_UserAgent.indexOf('Mac') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.MacOS;
if (_UserAgent.indexOf('X11') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Unix;
if (_UserAgent.indexOf('Linux') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Linux;
if (_UserAgent.indexOf('iPad') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.iOS;
if (_UserAgent.indexOf('iPhone') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.iOS;
if (_UserAgent.indexOf('iPod') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.iOS;
if (_UserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Andriod;
if (_UserAgent.indexOf('Windows Phone') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.WindowsPhone;
const GetMonthPrecipitation = async (WeatherParameters) => {
const DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
const today = DateTime.local().startOf('day').toISO().replace('.000','');
try {
const cliProducts = await $.ajaxCORS({
type: 'GET',
url: 'https://api.weather.gov/products',
data: {
location: WeatherParameters.WeatherOffice,
type: 'CLI',
start: today,
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
// get the first url from the list
const cli = await $.ajaxCORS({
type: 'GET',
url: cliProducts['@graph'][0]['@id'],
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
WeatherParameters.WeatherMonthlyTotals = WeatherMonthlyTotalsParser(cli.productText);
} catch (e) {
console.error('GetMonthPrecipitation failed');
return false;
var GetTideInfo2 = function (WeatherParameters) {
var Url = 'https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/mdapi/latest/webapi/tidepredstations.json?'; //lat=40&lon=-73&radius=50";
Url += 'lat=' + WeatherParameters.Latitude + '&';
Url += 'lon=' + WeatherParameters.Longitude + '&radius=50';
var MaxStationCount = 2;
var StationCount = 0;
var TideInfoCount = 0;
WeatherParameters.WeatherTides = null;
// Load the xml file using ajax
type: 'GET',
url: Url,
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
cache: false,
success: function (json) {
var StationIds = $(json.stationList);
if (StationIds.length === 0) {
// No tide stations available for this location.
const Today = DateTime.local();
const Tomorrow = Today.plus({days: 1});
StationIds.each(function () {
var StationName = this.name;
var StationId = this.stationId;
var Url = 'https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/api/datagetter?product=predictions&application=NOS.COOPS.TAC.WL';
Url += `&begin_date=${Today.toFormat('yyyyMMDD')}`;
Url += `&end_date=${Tomorrow.toFormat('yyyyMMDD')}`;
Url += `&datum=MLLW&station=${StationId}`;
Url += '&time_zone=lst_ldt&units=english&interval=hilo&format=json';
if (WeatherParameters.WeatherTides === null) {
WeatherParameters.WeatherTides = [];
var WeatherTide = {
StationId: StationId,
WeatherTide.StationName = StationName;
// Load the xml file using ajax
type: 'GET',
url: Url,
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
cache: false,
success: function (json) {
if (json.error) {
var TideTypes = [];
var TideTimes = [];
var TideDays = [];
var Predictions = json.predictions;
var Index = 0;
$(Predictions).each(function () {
if (Index > 3) {
return false;
var Now = new Date();
var date = new Date(this.t);
// Skip elements that are less than the current time.
if (date.getTime() < Now.getTime()) {
return true;
switch (this.type) {
case 'H':
$(TideTimes).each(function (Index) {
var TideTime = this.toString();
TideTime = TideTime.replaceAll(' AM', 'am');
TideTime = TideTime.replaceAll(' PM', 'pm');
if (TideTime.startsWith('0')) {
TideTime = TideTime.substr(1);
TideTimes[Index] = TideTime;
WeatherTide.TideTypes = TideTypes;
WeatherTide.TideTimes = TideTimes;
WeatherTide.TideDays = TideDays;
if (TideInfoCount >= MaxStationCount) {
error: function (xhr, error, errorThrown) {
console.error('GetTideInfo failed: ' + errorThrown);
if (StationCount >= MaxStationCount) {
return false;
error: function (xhr, error, errorThrown) {
console.error('GetTideInfo failed: ' + errorThrown);
var PopulateTideInfo = function (WeatherParameters) {
if (WeatherParameters === null || (_DontLoadGifs && WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac !== LoadStatuses.Loaded)) {
var AlmanacInfo = WeatherParameters.AlmanacInfo;
var WeatherTides = WeatherParameters.WeatherTides;
// Draw canvas
var canvas = canvasAlmanacTides[0];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var BackGroundImage = new Image();
BackGroundImage.onload = function () {
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 30, 500, 90, _TopColor1, _TopColor2);
DrawTriangle(context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 90, 52, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 584, 90, 640, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
DrawTitleText(context, 'Almanac', 'Tides');
var Sunrise = '';
if (isNaN(AlmanacInfo.TodaySunRise)) {
Sunrise = 'None';
} else {
Sunrise = AlmanacInfo.TodaySunRise.getFormattedTime();
Sunrise = Sunrise.replaceAll(' am', 'am');
Sunrise = Sunrise.replaceAll(' pm', 'pm');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 115, 375, 'Sunrise ' + Sunrise, 2);
var Sunset = '';
if (isNaN(AlmanacInfo.TodaySunSet)) {
Sunset = 'None';
} else {
Sunset = AlmanacInfo.TodaySunSet.getFormattedTime();
Sunset = Sunset.replaceAll(' am', 'am');
Sunset = Sunset.replaceAll(' pm', 'pm');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 360, 375, 'Set ' + Sunset, 2);
var y = 140;
var x = 0;
$(WeatherTides).each(function () {
var WeatherTide = this;
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 315, y, (WeatherTide.StationName + ' Tides').substr(0, 32), 2, 'center');
y += 40;
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, y, 'Lows:', 2);
x = 360;
$(WeatherTide.TideTypes).each(function (Index) {
var TideType = this.toString();
if (TideType !== 'low') {
return true;
var TideTime = WeatherTide.TideTimes[Index];
var TideDay = WeatherTide.TideDays[Index];
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
TideTime = utils.calc.TimeTo24Hour(TideTime);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', x, y, TideTime + ' ' + TideDay, 2, 'right');
x += 200;
y += 40;
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, y, 'Highs:', 2);
x = 360;
$(WeatherTide.TideTypes).each(function (Index) {
var TideType = this.toString();
if (TideType !== 'high') {
return true;
var TideTime = WeatherTide.TideTimes[Index];
var TideDay = WeatherTide.TideDays[Index];
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
TideTime = utils.calc.TimeTo24Hour(TideTime);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', x, y, TideTime + ' ' + TideDay, 2, 'right');
x += 200;
y += 40;
//WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac = LoadStatuses.Loaded;
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasAlmanacTides);
//BackGroundImage.src = "images/BackGround1_1.png";
//BackGroundImage.src = "images/BackGround1_" + _Themes.toString() + ".png";
BackGroundImage.src = 'images/BackGround1_1.png';
var GetOutlook = function (WeatherParameters) {
WeatherParameters.Outlook = null;
// No current support for HI and AK.
if (WeatherParameters.State === 'HI' || WeatherParameters.State === 'AK') {
var ImagesLoadedCounter = 0;
var ImagesLoadedMax = 2;
var ImageOnError = function () {
var ImageOnLoad = function () {
if (ImagesLoadedCounter < ImagesLoadedMax) {
var Outlook = {};
var now = new Date();
var CurrentMonth = new Date(now.getYear(), now.getMonth(), 1);
if (now.getDate() <= 14) {
CurrentMonth = CurrentMonth.addMonths(-1);
Outlook.From = CurrentMonth.getMonthShortName();
CurrentMonth = CurrentMonth.addMonths(1);
Outlook.To = CurrentMonth.getMonthShortName();
var cnvOutlookTempId = 'cnvOutlookTemp';
var contextTemp;
if (_DontLoadGifs === false) {
// Clear the current image.
divOutlookTemp.html('<canvas id=\'' + cnvOutlookTempId + '\' />');
cnvOutlookTemp = $('#' + cnvOutlookTempId);
cnvOutlookTemp.attr('width', '719'); // For Chrome.
cnvOutlookTemp.attr('height', '707'); // For Chrome.
cnvOutlookTemp = $('#' + cnvOutlookTempId);
contextTemp = cnvOutlookTemp[0].getContext('2d');
contextTemp.drawImage(TempImage, 0, 0);
var TempColor = GetOutlookColor(WeatherParameters, contextTemp);
var Temperature = GetOutlookTemperatureIndicator(TempColor);
Outlook.Temperature = Temperature;
var cnvOutlookPrcpId = 'cnvOutlookPrcp';
var contextPrcp;
if (_DontLoadGifs === false) {
// Clear the current image.
divOutlookPrcp.html('<canvas id=\'' + cnvOutlookPrcpId + '\' />');
cnvOutlookPrcp = $('#' + cnvOutlookPrcpId);
cnvOutlookPrcp.attr('width', '719'); // For Chrome.
cnvOutlookPrcp.attr('height', '707'); // For Chrome.
cnvOutlookPrcp = $('#' + cnvOutlookPrcpId);
contextPrcp = cnvOutlookPrcp[0].getContext('2d');
contextPrcp.drawImage(PrcpImage, 0, 0);
var PrcpColor = GetOutlookColor(WeatherParameters, contextPrcp);
var Precipitation = GetOutlookPrecipitationIndicator(PrcpColor);
Outlook.Precipitation = Precipitation;
WeatherParameters.Outlook = Outlook;
var TempUrl = 'https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/30day/off14_temp.gif';
TempUrl = 'cors/?u=' + encodeURIComponent(TempUrl);
var TempImage = new Image();
TempImage.onload = ImageOnLoad;
TempImage.onerror = ImageOnError;
TempImage.src = TempUrl;
var PrcpUrl = 'https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/30day/off14_prcp.gif';
PrcpUrl = 'cors/?u=' + encodeURIComponent(PrcpUrl);
var PrcpImage = new Image();
PrcpImage.onload = ImageOnLoad;
TempImage.onerror = ImageOnError;
PrcpImage.src = PrcpUrl;
var GetOutlookColor = function (WeatherParameters, context) {
var X = 0;
var Y = 0;
var PixelColor = '';
var Latitude = WeatherParameters.Latitude;
var Longitude = WeatherParameters.Longitude;
// The height is in the range of latitude 75'N (top) - 15'N (bottom)
Y = ((75 - Latitude) / 53) * 707;
if (Latitude < 48.83) {
Y -= Math.abs(48.83 - Latitude) * 2.9;
if (Longitude < -100.46) {
Y -= Math.abs(-100.46 - Longitude) * 1.7;
} else {
Y -= Math.abs(-100.46 - Longitude) * 1.7;
// The width is in the range of the longitude ???
X = ((-155 - Longitude) / -110) * 719; // -155 - -40
if (Longitude < -100.46) {
X -= Math.abs(-100.46 - Longitude) * 1;
if (Latitude > 40) {
X += Math.abs(40 - Latitude) * 4;
} else {
X -= Math.abs(40 - Latitude) * 4;
} else {
X += Math.abs(-100.46 - Longitude) * 2;
if (Latitude < 36 && Longitude > -90) {
X += Math.abs(36 - Latitude) * 8;
} else {
X -= Math.abs(36 - Latitude) * 6;
// The further left and right from lat 45 and lon -97 the y increases
X = Math.round(X);
Y = Math.round(Y);
// Determine if there is any "non-white" colors around the area.
// Search a 16x16 region.
var FoundColor = false;
for (var ColorX = X - 8; ColorX <= X + 8; ColorX++) {
for (var ColorY = Y - 8; ColorY <= Y + 8; ColorY++) {
PixelColor = GetPixelColor(context, ColorX, ColorY);
if (PixelColor !== '#FFFFFF' && PixelColor !== '#000000') {
FoundColor = true;
if (FoundColor) {
if (FoundColor) {
return PixelColor;
var GetOutlookTemperatureIndicator = function (PixelColor) {
var RGB = HexToRgb(PixelColor);
if (RGB.b > RGB.r) {
return 'B';
} else if (RGB.r > RGB.b) {
return 'A';
} else {
return 'N';
var GetOutlookPrecipitationIndicator = function (PixelColor) {
var RGB = HexToRgb(PixelColor);
if (RGB.g > RGB.r) {
return 'A';
} else if (RGB.r > RGB.g) {
return 'B';
} else {
return 'N';
const GetPixelColor = (context, x, y) => {
var PixelData = context.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
var R = PixelData[0];
var G = PixelData[1];
var B = PixelData[2];
return '#' + ('000000' + RgbToHex(R, G, B)).slice(-6);
const RgbToHex = (r, g, b) => {
if (r > 255 || g > 255 || b > 255) throw 'Invalid color component';
return ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | b).toString(16).toUpperCase();
const HexToRgb = (h) => {
const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(h);
return result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16),
} : null;
var PopulateOutlook = function (WeatherParameters) {
if (WeatherParameters === null || (_DontLoadGifs && WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac !== LoadStatuses.Loaded)) {
var Outlook = WeatherParameters.Outlook;
// Draw canvas
var canvas = canvasOutlook[0];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var BackGroundImage = new Image();
BackGroundImage.onload = function () {
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 30, 500, 90, _TopColor1, _TopColor2);
DrawTriangle(context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 90, 52, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 584, 90, 640, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
DrawTitleText(context, 'Almanac', 'Outlook');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 180, '30 Day Outlook', 2, 'center');
var DateRange = 'MID-' + Outlook.From.toUpperCase() + ' TO MID-' + Outlook.To.toUpperCase();
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 220, DateRange, 2, 'center');
var Temperature = GetOutlookDescription(Outlook.Temperature);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 300, 'Temperatures: ' + Temperature, 2);
var Precipitation = GetOutlookDescription(Outlook.Precipitation);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 380, 'Precipitation: ' + Precipitation, 2);
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasOutlook);
//BackGroundImage.src = "images/BackGround1_" + _Themes.toString() + ".png";
BackGroundImage.src = 'images/BackGround1_1.png';
var GetOutlookDescription = function (OutlookIndicator) {
switch (OutlookIndicator) {
case 'N':
return 'Normal';
case 'A':
return 'Above Normal';
case 'B':
return 'Below Normal';
var GetMarineForecast = async (WeatherParameters) => {
var Url = 'https://l-36.com/weather_marine_cg.php?lat_long2=';
Url += encodeURIComponent(WeatherParameters.Latitude) + ',' + encodeURIComponent(WeatherParameters.Longitude);
WeatherParameters.MarineForecast = null;
// Load the xml file using ajax
type: 'GET',
url: Url,
dataType: 'html',
crossDomain: true,
cache: false,
success: function (html) {
var $html = $(html);
$html.find('[src]').attr('src', ''); // Prevents the browser from loading any images on this page.
var MarineZoneId = null;
var select = $html.find('select[name=zone1]');
var options = select.find('option');
if (options.length !== 0) {
MarineZoneId = options.val();
WeatherParameters.MarineZoneId = MarineZoneId;
if (MarineZoneId === null) {
var Url = 'https://forecast.weather.gov/shmrn.php?mz=';
Url += MarineZoneId;
// Load the xml file using ajax
type: 'GET',
url: Url,
dataType: 'html',
crossDomain: true,
cache: false,
success: function (html) {
var $html = $(html);
$html.find('[src]').attr('src', ''); // Prevents the browser from loading any images on this page.
if ($html.text().indexOf('No Current Marine Product for Zone ') !== -1) {
var MarineForecast = {};
MarineForecast.Warning = '';
//var spanWarn = $html.find(".warn");
//if (spanWarn.length !== 0)
// MarineForecast.Warning = spanWarn.text().trim();
// MarineForecast.Warning = MarineForecast.Warning.replace(" For Hazardous Seas", "");
var fontWarning = $html.find('font[size=\'+1\'][color=\'#FF0000\']');
if (fontWarning.length !== 0) {
MarineForecast.Warning = fontWarning.text().trim();
//MarineForecast.Warning = MarineForecast.Warning.replace(" For Hazardous Seas", "");
var Index = MarineForecast.Warning.indexOf(' FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS');
if (Index !== -1) {
MarineForecast.Warning = MarineForecast.Warning.substr(0, Index);
var Index2 = MarineForecast.Warning.indexOf(' IN EFFECT');
if (Index2 !== -1) {
MarineForecast.Warning = MarineForecast.Warning.substr(0, Index2);
MarineForecast.Warning = MarineForecast.Warning.capitalize();
MarineForecast.SeasOrWaves = 'SEAS';
var fontForecast = $html.find('font[size=\'+1\'][color=\'#800000\']');
fontForecast.each(function (DayIndex) {
var Day = $(this);
var ForecastText = $(Day.parent()[0].nextSibling).text().trim().toUpperCase();
ForecastText = ForecastText.replaceAll('\n', '').replaceAll(String.fromCharCode(160), ' ');
var DayName = Day.text().trim().capitalize();
if (_DayLongNames.hasOwnProperty(DayName)) {
DayName = _DayLongNames[DayName];
} else if (DayName === 'Overnight') {
DayName = 'Tonight';
DayName = DayName.replaceAll('Rest Of ', '');
var WindSpeedLow = 0;
var WindSpeedHigh = 0;
var WindSpeedLowC = 0;
var WindSpeedHighC = 0;
var WindDirection = '';
var TideLow = 0;
var TideHigh = 0;
var TideLowC = 0;
var TideHighC = 0;
var TideConditions = '';
var Index = 0;
var Index2 = 0;
var Offset = 0;
if (ForecastText.indexOf('N WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('N WIND ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('NORTH WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('NORTH WIND ') !== -1) {
WindDirection = 'N';
} else if (ForecastText.indexOf('S WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('S WIND ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('SOUTH WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('SOUTH WIND ') !== -1) {
WindDirection = 'S';
} else if (ForecastText.indexOf('E WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('E WIND ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('EAST WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('EAST WIND ') !== -1) {
WindDirection = 'E';
} else if (ForecastText.indexOf('W WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('W WIND ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('WEST WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('WEST WIND ') !== -1) {
WindDirection = 'W';
if (ForecastText.indexOf('NE WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('NE WIND ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('NORTHEAST WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('NORTHEAST WIND ') !== -1) {
WindDirection = 'NE';
} else if (ForecastText.indexOf('SE WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('SE WIND ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('SOUTHEAST WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('SOUTHEAST WIND ') !== -1) {
WindDirection = 'SE';
} else if (ForecastText.indexOf('NW WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('NW WIND ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('NORTHWEST WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('NORTHWEST WIND ') !== -1) {
WindDirection = 'NW';
} else if (ForecastText.indexOf('SW WINDS ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('SW WIND ') !== -1 || ForecastText.indexOf('SOUTHWEST WINDS ') !== -1) {
WindDirection = 'SW';
Index = -1;
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf(' WINDS AROUND '); Offset = 14; }
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf(' WIND TO '); Offset = 9; }
if (Index !== -1) {
Index += Offset;
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' KT', Index);
if (Index2 === -1) Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' KNOT', Index);
WindSpeedHigh = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
} else {
Index = -1;
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf(' WINDS '); Offset = 6; }
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf(' WIND '); Offset = 5;}
if (Index !== -1) {
Index += Offset;
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' TO ', Index);
if (Index2 === -1) {
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' KT', Index);
if (Index2 === -1) Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' KNOT', Index);
WindSpeedHigh = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
WindSpeedLow = WindSpeedHigh;
} else {
WindSpeedLow = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
Index = Index2 + 4;
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' KT', Index);
if (Index2 === -1) Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' KNOT', Index);
WindSpeedHigh = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
if (isNaN(WindSpeedLow)) {
WindSpeedLow = WindSpeedHigh;
} else if (isNaN(WindSpeedHigh)) {
WindSpeedHigh = WindSpeedLow;
Index = -1;
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf('SEAS AROUND '); Offset = 12; }
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf('WAVES AROUND '); Offset = 13; MarineForecast.SeasOrWaves = 'WAVES'; }
if (Index !== -1) {
Index += Offset;
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' FT', Index);
TideHigh = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
TideLow = TideHigh;
} else {
Index = -1;
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf('SEAS 1 FT OR LESS'); }
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf('SEAS LESS THAN 1 FT'); }
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf('WAVES 1 FT OR LESS'); MarineForecast.SeasOrWaves = 'WAVES'; }
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf('WAVES LESS THAN 1 FT'); MarineForecast.SeasOrWaves = 'WAVES'; }
if (Index !== -1) {
TideHigh = 1;
} else {
Index = -1;
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf('SEAS '); Offset = 5; }
if (Index === -1) { Index = ForecastText.indexOf('WAVES '); Offset = 6; MarineForecast.SeasOrWaves = 'WAVES'; }
if (Index !== -1) {
Index += Offset;
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' FT OR LESS', Index);
if (Index2 !== -1) {
TideHigh = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
TideLow = 0;
} else {
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' TO ', Index);
if (Index2 === -1) {
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' FT', Index);
TideHigh = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
TideLow = TideHigh;
} else {
TideLow = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
Index = Index2 + 4;
Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' FT', Index);
if (Index2 === -1) { Index2 = ForecastText.indexOf(' FEET', Index); }
TideHigh = parseInt(ForecastText.substr(Index, Index2 - Index));
if (isNaN(TideLow)) {
TideLow = TideHigh;
} else if (isNaN(TideHigh)) {
TideHigh = TideLow;
TideConditions = 'LIGHT';
if (TideHigh > 7) {
TideConditions = 'ROUGH';
} else if (TideHigh > 4) {
TideConditions = 'CHOPPY';
TideHighC = utils.units.FeetToMeters(TideHigh);
TideLowC = utils.units.FeetToMeters(TideLow);
WindSpeedHighC = WindSpeedHigh;
WindSpeedLowC = WindSpeedLow;
if (TideHighC === 0 && TideHigh > 0) {
TideHighC = 1;
switch (DayIndex) {
case 0:
// Today/Tonight
MarineForecast.TodayDayName = DayName;
MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedHigh = WindSpeedHigh;
MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedLow = WindSpeedLow;
MarineForecast.TodayWindDirection = WindDirection;
MarineForecast.TodayTideLow = TideLow;
MarineForecast.TodayTideHigh = TideHigh;
MarineForecast.TodayTideConditions = TideConditions;
MarineForecast.TodayTideHighC = TideHighC;
MarineForecast.TodayTideLowC = TideLowC;
MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedHighC = WindSpeedHighC;
MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedLowC = WindSpeedLowC;
return true;
case 1:
// Tomorrow
MarineForecast.TomorrowDayName = DayName;
MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedHigh = WindSpeedHigh;
MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedLow = WindSpeedLow;
MarineForecast.TomorrowWindDirection = WindDirection;
MarineForecast.TomorrowTideLow = TideLow;
MarineForecast.TomorrowTideHigh = TideHigh;
MarineForecast.TomorrowTideConditions = TideConditions;
MarineForecast.TomorrowTideHighC = TideHighC;
MarineForecast.TomorrowTideLowC = TideLowC;
MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedHighC = WindSpeedHighC;
MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedLowC = WindSpeedLowC;
return false;
WeatherParameters.MarineForecast = MarineForecast;
error: function (xhr, error, errorThrown) {
console.error('GetMarineForecast failed: ' + errorThrown);
error: function (xhr, error, errorThrown) {
console.error('GetMarineForecast failed: ' + errorThrown);
var PopulateMarineForecast = function (WeatherParameters) {
if (WeatherParameters === null || (_DontLoadGifs && WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loaded)) {
var MarineForecast = WeatherParameters.MarineForecast;
// Draw canvas
var canvas = canvasMarineForecast[0];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var BackGroundImage = new Image();
BackGroundImage.onload = function () {
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 30, 500, 90, _TopColor1, _TopColor2);
DrawTriangle(context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
DrawTitleText(context, 'Marine Forecast');
// Warning Message
if (MarineForecast.Warning !== '') {
DrawBorder(context, '#000000', 4, 100, 135, 440, 40);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 320, 165, MarineForecast.Warning, true, 'center');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 80, 250, 'WINDS:', true);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 80, 360, MarineForecast.SeasOrWaves + ':', true);
// Today's Forecast
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffff00', 280, 210, MarineForecast.TodayDayName, true, 'center');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 280, 250, MarineForecast.TodayWindDirection, true, 'center');
var TodayWindSpeedHigh = 0;
var TodayWindSpeedLow = 0;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
TodayWindSpeedHigh = MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedHigh;
TodayWindSpeedLow = MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedLow;
TodayWindSpeedHigh = MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedHighC;
TodayWindSpeedLow = MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedLowC;
var TodayWindSpeed = TodayWindSpeedHigh.toString() + 'kts';
//if (TodayWindSpeedLow > 0)
if (TodayWindSpeedLow !== TodayWindSpeedHigh) {
TodayWindSpeed = TodayWindSpeedLow.toString() + ' - ' + TodayWindSpeed;
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 280, 285, TodayWindSpeed, true, 'center');
DrawBorder(context, 'rgb(172, 165, 251)', '4', 205, 305, 150, 90);
var TodayTideHigh = 0;
var TodayTideLow = 0;
var TideUnit = '';
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
TodayTideHigh = MarineForecast.TodayTideHigh;
TodayTideLow = MarineForecast.TodayTideLow;
TideUnit = '\'';
TodayTideHigh = MarineForecast.TodayTideHighC;
TodayTideLow = MarineForecast.TodayTideLowC;
TideUnit = 'm';
var TodayTide = '';
if (TodayTideHigh > 0) {
TodayTide = TodayTideHigh.toString() + TideUnit;
//if (TodayTideLow > 0)
if (TodayTideLow !== TodayTideHigh) {
TodayTide = TodayTideLow.toString() + TideUnit + ' - ' + TodayTide;
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 280, 340, TodayTide, true, 'center');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 280, 390, MarineForecast.TodayTideConditions, true, 'center');
//DrawWaves(context, 240, 340, "rgb(172, 165, 251)", "ROUGH");
DrawWaves(context, 240, 340, 'rgb(172, 165, 251)', MarineForecast.TodayTideConditions);
// Tomorrow's Forecast
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffff00', 490, 210, MarineForecast.TomorrowDayName, true, 'center');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 490, 250, MarineForecast.TomorrowWindDirection, true, 'center');
var TomorrowWindSpeedHigh = 0;
var TomorrowWindSpeedLow = 0;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
TomorrowWindSpeedHigh = MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedHigh;
TomorrowWindSpeedLow = MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedLow;
TomorrowWindSpeedHigh = MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedHighC;
TomorrowWindSpeedLow = MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedLowC;
var TomorrowWindSpeed = TomorrowWindSpeedHigh.toString() + 'kts';
//if (TomorrowWindSpeedLow > 0)
if (TomorrowWindSpeedLow !== TomorrowWindSpeedHigh) {
TomorrowWindSpeed = TomorrowWindSpeedLow.toString() + ' - ' + TomorrowWindSpeed;
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 490, 285, TomorrowWindSpeed, true, 'center');
DrawBorder(context, 'rgb(172, 165, 251)', '4', 410, 305, 150, 90);
var TomorrowTideHigh = 0;
var TomorrowTideLow = 0;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
TomorrowTideHigh = MarineForecast.TomorrowTideHigh;
TomorrowTideLow = MarineForecast.TomorrowTideLow;
TideUnit = '\'';
TomorrowTideHigh = MarineForecast.TomorrowTideHighC;
TomorrowTideLow = MarineForecast.TomorrowTideLowC;
TideUnit = 'm';
var TomorrowTide = '';
if (TomorrowTideHigh > 0) {
TomorrowTide = TomorrowTideHigh.toString() + TideUnit;
//if (TomorrowTideLow > 0)
if (TomorrowTideLow !== TomorrowTideHigh) {
TomorrowTide = TomorrowTideLow.toString() + TideUnit + ' - ' + TomorrowTide;
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 490, 340, TomorrowTide, true, 'center');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#ffffff', 490, 390, MarineForecast.TomorrowTideConditions, true, 'center');
DrawWaves(context, 445, 340, 'rgb(172, 165, 251)', MarineForecast.TomorrowTideConditions);
//WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac = LoadStatuses.Loaded;
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasMarineForecast);
BackGroundImage.src = 'images/BackGround8_1.png';
//BackGroundImage.src = "images/BackGround8_" + _Themes.toString() + ".png";
var DrawWaves = function (context, x, y, color, conditions) {
switch (conditions) {
case 'LIGHT':
y -= 10;
context.arc(x, y, 35, Math.PI * 0.3, Math.PI * 0.7);
context.strokeStyle = color;
context.lineWidth = 4;
x += 40;
context.arc(x, y, 35, Math.PI * 0.3, Math.PI * 0.7);
x += 40;
context.arc(x, y, 35, Math.PI * 0.3, Math.PI * 0.7);
case 'CHOPPY':
context.arc(x, y, 25, Math.PI * 0.2, Math.PI * 0.8);
context.strokeStyle = color;
context.lineWidth = 4;
x += 40;
context.arc(x, y, 25, Math.PI * 0.2, Math.PI * 0.8);
x += 40;
context.arc(x, y, 25, Math.PI * 0.2, Math.PI * 0.8);
case 'ROUGH':
context.arc(x, y, 20, Math.PI * 0.1, Math.PI * 0.9);
context.strokeStyle = color;
context.lineWidth = 4;
x += 40;
context.arc(x, y, 20, Math.PI * 0.1, Math.PI * 0.9);
x += 40;
context.arc(x, y, 20, Math.PI * 0.1, Math.PI * 0.9);
var GetAirQuality3 = function (WeatherParameters) {
if (!WeatherParameters.ZipCode) {
// TODO, this code does not currently execute because no zip code is provided
var ZipCode = WeatherParameters.ZipCode;
let date = DateTime.local();
if (date.hour >= 12) {
date = date.plus({days:1});
var _Date = date.getYYYYMMDD();
var Url = 'http://www.airnowapi.org/aq/forecast/zipCode/?format=application/json&distance=25&API_KEY=E0E326E6-E199-4ABC-B382-0F9F9522E143';
Url += '&zipCode=' + encodeURIComponent(ZipCode);
Url += '&date=' + encodeURIComponent(_Date);
WeatherParameters.AirQuality = null;
// Load the xml file using ajax
type: 'GET',
url: Url,
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
cache: false,
success: function (json) {
var maxAQI = 0;
var City = '';
$(json).each(function () {
if (this.AQI > maxAQI) {
City = this.ReportingArea;
maxAQI = this.AQI;
if (maxAQI === 0) {
var AirQuality = {};
AirQuality.City = City;
AirQuality.Date = date;
AirQuality.IndexValue = maxAQI;
WeatherParameters.AirQuality = AirQuality;
error: function (xhr, error, errorThrown) {
console.error('GetAirQuality failed: ' + errorThrown);
var PopulateAirQuality = function (WeatherParameters) {
if (WeatherParameters === null || (_DontLoadGifs && WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loaded)) {
var AirQuality = WeatherParameters.AirQuality;
// Draw canvas
var canvas = canvasAirQuality[0];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var BackGroundImage = new Image();
BackGroundImage.onload = function () {
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 30, 500, 90, _TopColor1, _TopColor2);
DrawTriangle(context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 90, 640, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
// Title
var DayName = AirQuality.Date.getDayName();
DrawTitleText(context, 'Air Quality', 'For ' + DayName);
// Hazardous
DrawBox(context, '#FF0000', 320, 90, 320, 309);
DrawTriangle(context, '#FF0000', 300, 90, 320, 90, 320, 110);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000 Small', '20pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 105, 'HAZARDOUS', 1);
// Very Unhealthy
DrawBox(context, '#FF8000', 320, 110, 230, 289);
DrawTriangle(context, '#FF8000', 300, 110, 320, 110, 320, 130);
DrawTriangle(context, '#FF0000', 530, 110, 550, 110, 550, 130);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000 Small', '20pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 125, 'VERY UNHEALTHY', 1);
// Unhealthy
DrawBox(context, '#FFB000', 320, 130, 160, 269);
DrawTriangle(context, '#FFB000', 300, 130, 320, 130, 320, 150);
DrawTriangle(context, '#FF8000', 460, 130, 480, 130, 480, 150);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000 Small', '20pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 145, 'UNHEALTHY', 1);
// Good
DrawBox(context, '#FFFF00', 320, 150, 70, 249);
DrawTriangle(context, '#FFFF00', 300, 150, 320, 150, 320, 170);
DrawTriangle(context, '#FFB000', 370, 150, 390, 150, 390, 170);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000 Small', '20pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 165, 'GOOD', 1);
// City Name
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 240, 280, AirQuality.City, 2, 'right');
// Air Quality Value
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 310, 280, AirQuality.IndexValue.toString(), 2, 'right');
// Draw Bar
var BarWidth = GetAqiWidth(AirQuality.IndexValue);
DrawHorizontalGradient(context, 315, 245, 315 + BarWidth, 295, '#404040', '#B0B0B0');
DrawBox(context, '#000000', 315 + BarWidth - 2, 245, 2, 50);
DrawBox(context, '#FFFFFF', 315, 245, BarWidth, 2);
DrawBox(context, '#FFFFFF', 315, 245, 2, 50);
DrawBox(context, '#000000', 315, 293, BarWidth, 2);
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasAirQuality);
BackGroundImage.src = 'images/BackGround9_1.png';
//BackGroundImage.src = "images/BackGround9_" + _Themes.toString() + ".png";
var GetAqiWidth = function (IndexValue) {
var BarWidth = 0;
if (IndexValue <= 100) {
BarWidth = (IndexValue * 70) / 100;
} else if (IndexValue <= 200) {
//BarWidth = 70 + ((IndexValue - 100) * 160) / 200;
BarWidth = 70 + ((IndexValue - 100) * 90) / 100;
} else if (IndexValue <= 300) {
//BarWidth = 160 + ((IndexValue - 200) * 230) / 300;
BarWidth = 160 + ((IndexValue - 200) * 70) / 100;
} else if (IndexValue <= 500) {
//BarWidth = 230 + ((IndexValue - 300) * 320) / 500;
BarWidth = 230 + ((IndexValue - 300) * 90) / 200;
BarWidth = Math.round(BarWidth);
return BarWidth;
var GetAqiDescription = function (IndexValue) {
var Description = 'unknown';
if (IndexValue <= 100) {
Description = 'good';
} else if (IndexValue <= 200) {
Description = 'unhealthy';
} else if (IndexValue <= 300) {
Description = 'very unhealthy';
} else if (IndexValue <= 500) {
Description = 'hazardous';
return Description;
String.prototype.capitalize = function () {
return this.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function (letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
Date.prototype.stdTimezoneOffset = function () {
var jan = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
var jul = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 6, 1);
return Math.max(jan.getTimezoneOffset(), jul.getTimezoneOffset());
Date.prototype.dst = function () {
return this.getTimezoneOffset() < this.stdTimezoneOffset();
var GetWeatherHazards3 = function (WeatherParameters) {
var ZoneId = WeatherParameters.ZoneId;
var HazardUrls = [];
var HazardCounter = 0;
WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions =
ZoneId: WeatherParameters.ZoneId,
Hazards: [],
var Url = 'https://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwaatmget.php?x=' + ZoneId + '&y=0';
// Load the xml file using ajax
type: 'GET',
url: Url,
dataType: 'text',
crossDomain: true,
cache: false,
success: function (text) {
// IE doesn't support XML tags with colons.
text = text.replaceAll('<cap:', '<cap_');
text = text.replaceAll('</cap:', '</cap_');
var $xml = $(text);
$xml.find('entry').each(function () {
var entry = $(this);
// Skip non-alerts.
var cap_msgType = entry.find('cap_msgType');
if (cap_msgType.text() !== 'Alert') {
return true;
var link = entry.find('link');
var Url = link.attr('href');
if (HazardUrls.length === 0) {
$(HazardUrls).each(function () {
var Url = this.toString();
type: 'GET',
url: Url,
dataType: 'xml',
crossDomain: true,
cache: true,
success: function (xml) {
var $xml = $(xml);
var description = $xml.find('description');
if (HazardCounter === HazardUrls.length) {
error: function () {
console.error('GetWeatherHazards3 failed for Url: ' + Url);
WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards = LoadStatuses.Failed;
error: function (xhr, error, errorThrown) {
console.error('GetWeatherHazards3 failed: ' + errorThrown);
WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards = LoadStatuses.Failed;
$(() => {
canvasBackGroundDateTime = $('#canvasBackGroundDateTime');
canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions = $('#canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions');
canvasProgress = $('#canvasProgress');
divProgress = $('#divProgress');
divDopplerRadarMap = $('#divDopplerRadarMap');
canvasLocalRadar = $('#canvasLocalRadar');
divRegionalForecastMap1 = $('#divRegionalForecastMap1');
divRegionalForecastMap2 = $('#divRegionalForecastMap2');
canvasRegionalForecast1 = $('#canvasRegionalForecast1');
canvasRegionalForecast2 = $('#canvasRegionalForecast2');
divRegionalCurrentMap = $('#divRegionalCurrentMap');
canvasRegionalObservations = $('#canvasRegionalObservations');
divTemperature = $('#divTemperature');
divStation = $('#divStation');
divConditions = $('#divConditions');
divHumidity = $('#divHumidity');
divIcon = $('#divIcon');
divDewpoint = $('#divDewpoint');
divCeiling = $('#divCeiling');
divVisibility = $('#divVisibility');
divWind = $('#divWind');
divPressure = $('#divPressure');
divGust = $('#divGust');
divHeatIndex = $('#divHeatIndex');
canvasCurrentWeather = $('#canvasCurrentWeather');
canvasExtendedForecast1 = $('#canvasExtendedForecast1');
canvasExtendedForecast2 = $('#canvasExtendedForecast2');
canvasLocalForecast = $('#canvasLocalForecast');
divHazards = $('#divHazards');
divHazardsScroll = $('#divHazardsScroll');
canvasHazards = $('#canvasHazards');
canvasAlmanac = $('#canvasAlmanac');
canvasAlmanacTides = $('#canvasAlmanacTides');
canvasOutlook = $('#canvasOutlook');
canvasMarineForecast = $('#canvasMarineForecast');
canvasAirQuality = $('#canvasAirQuality');
divOutlookTemp = $('#divOutlookTemp');
divOutlookPrcp = $('#divOutlookPrcp');
tblTravelCities = $('#tblTravelCities');
divTravelCitiesScroll = $('#divTravelCitiesScroll');
canvasTravelForecast = $('#canvasTravelForecast');
tblRegionalObservations = $('#tblRegionalObservations');
canvasLatestObservations = $('#canvasLatestObservations');
audMusic = $('#audMusic');
_WeatherParameters = {};
_WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions = {};
const WeatherCanvases = [];
_WeatherParameters.WeatherCanvases = WeatherCanvases;
$(WeatherCanvases).each(function () {
var WeatherCanvas = $(this);
WeatherCanvas.css('position', 'absolute');
WeatherCanvas.css('top', '0px');
WeatherCanvas.css('left', '0px');
_WeatherParameters.TravelCities = _TravelCities;
_WeatherParameters.Progress = new Progress({
WeatherParameters: _WeatherParameters,
var NavigateMenu = function () {
if (_IsPlaying) {
_PlayMs = 0;
var NavigateNext = function () {
if (_CurrentCanvasType === CanvasTypes.Progress) {
_PlayMs = 0;
} else {
_PlayMs += 10000;
_IsSpeaking = false; // Force navigation
var NavigatePrevious = function () {
if (_CurrentCanvasType === CanvasTypes.Progress) {
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.End - 10000;
} else {
_PlayMs -= 10000;
_IsSpeaking = false; // Force navigation
const NavigateReset = () => Navigate();
const Navigate = (offset) => {
const LocalForecastScreenTexts = _WeatherParameters.LocalForecastScreenTexts;
const Hazards = _WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions.Hazards;
const $cnvTravelCitiesScroll = $('#cnvTravelCitiesScroll');
const $cnvHazardsScroll = $('#cnvHazardsScroll');
if (offset === 0) {
_CurrentCanvasType = _FirstCanvasType;
} else if (offset !== undefined) {
switch (offset) {
case 1:
switch (_CurrentCanvasType) {
case CanvasTypes.LocalForecast:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (LocalForecastScreenTexts) {
if (_UpdateLocalForecastIndex < LocalForecastScreenTexts.length - 1) {
case CanvasTypes.Hazards:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards === LoadStatuses.Loaded && Hazards.length > 0) {
if (_UpdateHazardsY < $cnvHazardsScroll.height()) {
case CanvasTypes.LocalRadar:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.DopplerRadar === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (_DopplerRadarImageIndex > 0) {
case -1:
switch (_CurrentCanvasType) {
case CanvasTypes.LocalForecast:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (LocalForecastScreenTexts) {
if (_UpdateLocalForecastIndex > 0) {
case CanvasTypes.Hazards:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards === LoadStatuses.Loaded && Hazards.length > 0) {
if (_UpdateHazardsY > 0) {
case CanvasTypes.LocalRadar:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.DopplerRadar === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (_DopplerRadarImageIndex < (_DopplerRadarImageMax - 1)) {
_CurrentCanvasType += offset;
if (_CurrentCanvasType > _LastCanvasType) {
_CurrentCanvasType = _FirstCanvasType;
} else if (_CurrentCanvasType < _FirstCanvasType) {
_CurrentCanvasType = _LastCanvasType;
//window.location.hash = "";
switch (_CurrentCanvasType) {
case CanvasTypes.Progress:
//window.location.hash = "aProgress";
case CanvasTypes.CurrentWeather:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.CurrentConditions !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aCurrentWeather";
//canvasCurrentWeather[0].parentNode.scrollTop = canvasCurrentWeather[0].offsetTop;
case CanvasTypes.LatestObservations:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.NearbyConditions !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aLatestObservations";
case CanvasTypes.TravelForecast:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.TravelForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
if (offset === 1) {
} else if (offset === -1) {
case CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast1:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aRegionalForecast";
case CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast2:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aRegionalForecast";
case CanvasTypes.RegionalObservations:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.CurrentRegionalMap !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aRegionalObservations";
case CanvasTypes.LocalForecast:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
if (offset === 1) {
} else if (offset === -1) {
//window.location.hash = "aLocalForecast";
case CanvasTypes.MarineForecast:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loaded && _WeatherParameters.MarineForecast) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
case CanvasTypes.AirQuality:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loaded && _WeatherParameters.AirQuality) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
case CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast1:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.FourDayForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aExtendedForecast";
case CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast2:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.FourDayForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aExtendedForecast";
case CanvasTypes.Almanac:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aAlmanac";
case CanvasTypes.AlmanacTides:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac !== LoadStatuses.Loaded && _WeatherParameters.WeatherTides) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
//window.location.hash = "aAlmanac";
case CanvasTypes.Outlook:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac !== LoadStatuses.Loaded && _WeatherParameters.Outlook) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
case CanvasTypes.LocalRadar:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.DopplerRadar !== LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
if (offset === 1) {
} else if (offset === -1) {
//window.location.hash = "aLocalRadar";
case CanvasTypes.Hazards:
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards !== LoadStatuses.Loaded || Hazards.length === 0) {
if (offset) { Navigate(offset); } return;
if (offset === 1) {
} else if (offset === -1) {
//window.location.hash = "aHazards";
if (Math.floor(_CurrentPosition) !== _CurrentCanvasType) {
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
if (_PreviousPosition !== _CurrentPosition) {
_PreviousPosition = _CurrentPosition;
$.fn.scrollIntoView = function () {
const $self = this;
const OkToFadeOut = true;
_WeatherParameters.WeatherCanvases.forEach($WeatherCanvas => {
if (!$WeatherCanvas.is($self)) {
if ($WeatherCanvas.is(':visible')) {
$WeatherCanvas.css('z-index', '9999');
if (!OkToFadeOut) {
} else {
progress: () => {
UpdateWeatherCanvas(_WeatherParameters, $WeatherCanvas);
UpdateWeatherCanvas(_WeatherParameters, $self);
} else {
if (!$WeatherCanvas.is(':visible')) {
$WeatherCanvas.css('z-index', '');
$WeatherCanvas.css('opacity', '');
UpdateWeatherCanvas(_WeatherParameters, $WeatherCanvas);
_RefreshGifs = true;
window.setTimeout(function () { _RefreshGifs = false; }, 200);
var _PlayInterval = 100;
var _PlayMs = 0;
var _PlayMsOffsets = {
Start: 0,
End: 0,
Length: 0,
CurrentWeather_Start: 0,
CurrentWeather_End: 10000,
CurrentWeather_Length: 10000,
CurrentWeather_Loaded: false,
LatestObservations_Start: 0,
LatestObservations_End: 0,
LatestObservations_Length: 10000,
LatestObservations_Loaded: false,
TravelForecast_Start: 0,
TravelForecast_End: 0,
TravelForecast_Length: 60000,
TravelForecast_Loaded: false,
RegionalForecast1_Start: 0,
RegionalForecast1_End: 0,
RegionalForecast1_Length: 10000,
RegionalForecast1_Loaded: false,
RegionalForecast2_Start: 0,
RegionalForecast2_End: 0,
RegionalForecast2_Length: 10000,
RegionalForecast2_Loaded: false,
RegionalObservations_Start: 0,
RegionalObservations_End: 0,
RegionalObservations_Length: 10000,
RegionalObservations_Loaded: false,
LocalForecast_Start: 0,
LocalForecast_End: 0,
LocalForecast_Length: 0,
LocalForecast_Loaded: false,
MarineForecast_Start: 0,
MarineForecast_End: 0,
MarineForecast_Length: 10000,
MarineForecast_Loaded: false,
AirQuality_Start: 0,
AirQuality_End: 0,
AirQuality_Length: 10000,
AirQuality_Loaded: false,
ExtendedForecast1_Start: 0,
ExtendedForecast1_End: 0,
ExtendedForecast1_Length: 10000,
ExtendedForecast1_Loaded: false,
ExtendedForecast2_Start: 0,
ExtendedForecast2_End: 0,
ExtendedForecast2_Length: 10000,
ExtendedForecast2_Loaded: false,
Almanac_Start: 0,
Almanac_End: 0,
Almanac_Length: 10000,
Almanac_Loaded: false,
AlmanacTides_Start: 0,
AlmanacTides_End: 0,
AlmanacTides_Length: 10000,
AlmanacTides_Loaded: false,
Outlook_Start: 0,
Outlook_End: 0,
Outlook_Length: 10000,
Outlook_Loaded: false,
LocalRadar_Start: 0,
LocalRadar_End: 0,
LocalRadar_Length: 15000,
LocalRadar_Loaded: false,
Hazards_Start: 0,
Hazards_End: 0,
Hazards_Length: 0,
Hazards_Loaded: false,
var AssignPlayMsOffsets = function (CalledFromProgress) {
var LocalForecastScreenTexts = _WeatherParameters.LocalForecastScreenTexts;
var cnvHazardsScroll = $('#cnvHazardsScroll');
var Hazards = _WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions.Hazards;
var Progress = _WeatherParameters.Progress;
_PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_Start = 0;
if (Progress.CurrentConditions === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_End = _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_End;
if (Progress.NearbyConditions === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_End = _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_End;
if (Progress.TravelForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Length = 60000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_End = _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_End;
if (Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_End = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_End;
if (Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_End = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_End;
if (Progress.CurrentRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_End = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_End;
if (Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Length = LocalForecastScreenTexts.length * 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_End = _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Length;
//Marine Forecast
_PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_End;
if (Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _WeatherParameters.MarineForecast) {
_PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_End = _PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Length;
//Air Quality
_PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_End;
if (Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _WeatherParameters.AirQuality) {
_PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_End = _PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_End;
if (Progress.FourDayForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_End = _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_End;
if (Progress.FourDayForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_End = _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_End;
if (Progress.Almanac === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_End = _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Length;
//Almanac (Tides)
_PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_End;
if (Progress.Almanac === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _WeatherParameters.WeatherTides) {
_PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_End = _PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_End;
if (Progress.Almanac === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _WeatherParameters.Outlook) {
_PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Length = 10000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_End = _PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_End;
if (Progress.DopplerRadar === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Length = 15000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_End = _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Start = _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_End;
if (Progress.Hazards === LoadStatuses.Loaded && Hazards.length > 0) {
_PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Length = (((385 + cnvHazardsScroll.height()) / 385) * 13000) + 3000;
} else {
_PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Length = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_End = _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Start + _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Length;
//Global offsets
_PlayMsOffsets.Start = 0;
_PlayMsOffsets.End = _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_End;
_PlayMsOffsets.Length = _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_End;
// Update the Play Position
if (CalledFromProgress) {
if (Progress.CurrentConditions === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_Start
//if (_PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_End)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.CurrentWeather) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.NearbyConditions === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Start)
//if (_PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_End)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.LatestObservations) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.TravelForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Start)
//if (_PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_End)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.TravelForecast) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast_Start)
//if (_PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast_End)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast1) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast_Start)
//if (_PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast_End)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast2) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.CurrentRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Start)
//if (_PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_End)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.RegionalObservations) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Start)
//if (_PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Start)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.LocalForecast) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Loaded === false && _WeatherParameters.MarineForecast) {
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.MarineForecast) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Loaded === false && _WeatherParameters.AirQuality) {
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.AirQuality) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.FourDayForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast_Start)
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast_Start)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast1) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.FourDayForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Loaded === false) {
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast2) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.Almanac === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Start)
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Start)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.Almanac) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.Almanac === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Loaded === false && _WeatherParameters.WeatherTides) {
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.AlmanacTides) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.Almanac === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Loaded === false && _WeatherParameters.Outlook) {
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.Outlook) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.DopplerRadar === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Start)
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Start)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.LocalRadar) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Loaded = true;
if (Progress.Hazards === LoadStatuses.Loaded && _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Loaded === false) {
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_End)
//if (_PlayMs <= _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Start)
//if (_PlayMs > _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Start)
if (_CurrentCanvasType > CanvasTypes.Hazards) {
_PlayMs += _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Length;
_PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Loaded = true;
} else {
switch (_CurrentCanvasType) {
case CanvasTypes.Progress:
_PlayMs = 0;
case CanvasTypes.CurrentWeather:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_Start;
case CanvasTypes.LatestObservations:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Start;
case CanvasTypes.TravelForecast:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Start;
case CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast1:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Start;
case CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast2:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Start;
case CanvasTypes.RegionalObservations:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Start;
case CanvasTypes.LocalForecast:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Start;
case CanvasTypes.MarineForecast:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Start;
case CanvasTypes.AirQuality:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Start;
case CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast1:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Start;
case CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast2:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Start;
case CanvasTypes.Almanac:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Start;
case CanvasTypes.AlmanacTides:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Start;
case CanvasTypes.Outlook:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Start;
case CanvasTypes.LocalRadar:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Start;
case CanvasTypes.Hazards:
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Start;
var UpdatePlayPosition = function () {
var cnvTravelCitiesScroll = $('#cnvTravelCitiesScroll');
var cnvHazardsScroll = $('#cnvHazardsScroll');
var SubMs;
var PrevPlayMs = _PlayMs;
var PrevCanvasType = _CurrentCanvasType;
var PrevPosition = _CurrentPosition;
var PrevUpdateLocalForecastIndex = _UpdateLocalForecastIndex;
if (_PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.Start) {
_PlayMs = _PlayMsOffsets.End + _PlayMs;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.End) {
_PlayMs = _PlayMs - _PlayMsOffsets.End;
if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.CurrentWeather_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.CurrentWeather;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.LatestObservations_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LatestObservations;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.TravelForecast;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
SubMs = _PlayMs - _PlayMsOffsets.TravelForecast_Start;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast1_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast1;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalForecast2_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast2;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.RegionalObservations_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.RegionalObservations;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LocalForecast;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
SubMs = _PlayMs - _PlayMsOffsets.LocalForecast_Start;
_UpdateLocalForecastIndex = Math.floor(SubMs / 10000);
_CurrentPosition += _UpdateLocalForecastIndex / 10;
if (_IsSpeaking) {
if (_UpdateLocalForecastIndex !== PrevUpdateLocalForecastIndex) {
_UpdateLocalForecastIndex = PrevUpdateLocalForecastIndex;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
_CurrentPosition += _UpdateLocalForecastIndex / 10;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.MarineForecast_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.MarineForecast;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.AirQuality_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.AirQuality;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast1_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast1;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.ExtendedForecast2_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast2;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.Almanac_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Almanac;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.AlmanacTides_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.AlmanacTides;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.Outlook_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Outlook;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LocalRadar;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
SubMs = _PlayMs - _PlayMsOffsets.LocalRadar_Start;
SubMs = SubMs % 4500;
if (SubMs < 2000) {
_DopplerRadarImageIndex = 0;
} else {
_DopplerRadarImageIndex = (_DopplerRadarImageMax - 1) - (Math.floor((SubMs - 2000) / 500));
//_CurrentPosition += _DopplerRadarImageIndex / 10;
} else if (_PlayMs >= _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Start && _PlayMs < _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_End) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Hazards;
_CurrentPosition = _CurrentCanvasType;
SubMs = _PlayMs - _PlayMsOffsets.Hazards_Start;
// Wait 3 seconds and then start scrolling.
if (SubMs < 3000) {
_UpdateHazardsY = -385;
if (SubMs >= 3000) {
//y += 1;
_UpdateHazardsY = (3 * ((SubMs - 3000) / _PlayInterval)) - 385;
if (_UpdateHazardsY > cnvHazardsScroll.height()) {
_UpdateHazardsY = cnvHazardsScroll.height();
// Wait 10 seconds and start all over.
//_CurrentPosition += Math.round(_UpdateHazardsY / 385) / 10;
if (_IsSpeaking) {
if (_CurrentCanvasType !== PrevCanvasType) {
_CurrentCanvasType = PrevCanvasType;
_CurrentPosition = PrevPosition;
_PlayMs = PrevPlayMs - _PlayInterval;
//console.log("_PlayMs=" + _PlayMs);
var NavigatePlayToggle = function () {
_IsPlaying = !(_IsPlaying);
if (_PlayIntervalId) {
_PlayIntervalId = null;
if (_IsPlaying) {
_PlayIntervalId = window.setInterval(function () {
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.GetTotalPercentage() !== 100) {
_PlayMs += _PlayInterval;
}, _PlayInterval);
} else {
//if (_PlayIntervalId)
// window.clearInterval(_PlayIntervalId);
// _PlayIntervalId = null;
if (_CallBack) _CallBack({ Status: 'ISPLAYING', Value: _IsPlaying });
var IsPlaying = function () {
return _IsPlaying;
var canvasProgress_mousemove = function (e) {
canvasProgress.css('cursor', '');
var RatioX = canvasProgress.width() / 640;
var RatioY = canvasProgress.height() / 480;
if (e.offsetX >= (70 * RatioX) && e.offsetX <= (565 * RatioX)) {
//if (e.offsetY >= (105 * RatioY) && e.offsetY <= (350 * RatioY))
if (e.offsetY >= (100 * RatioY) && e.offsetY <= (385 * RatioY)) {
// Show hand cursor.
canvasProgress.css('cursor', 'pointer');
var canvasProgress_click = function (e) {
var Hazards = _WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions.Hazards;
var RatioX = canvasProgress.width() / 640;
var RatioY = canvasProgress.height() / 480;
if (e.offsetX >= (70 * RatioX) && e.offsetX <= (565 * RatioX)) {
if (e.offsetY >= (100 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (129 * RatioY)) {
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.CurrentConditions === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
// Current Conditions
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.CurrentWeather;
//window.location.hash = "#aCurrentWeather";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (129 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (158 * RatioY)) {
// Latest Observations
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.NearbyConditions === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LatestObservations;
//window.location.hash = "#aLatestObservations";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (158 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (187 * RatioY)) {
// Travel Forecast
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.TravelForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.TravelForecast;
//window.location.hash = "#aTravelForecast";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (187 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (216 * RatioY)) {
// Regional Forecast
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast1;
//window.location.hash = "#aRegionalForecast";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (216 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (245 * RatioY)) {
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.CurrentRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
// Regional Observations
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.RegionalObservations;
//window.location.hash = "#aRegionalObservations";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (245 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (274 * RatioY)) {
// Local Forecast
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LocalForecast;
//window.location.hash = "#aLocalForecast";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (274 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (303 * RatioY)) {
// Extended Forecast
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.FourDayForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast1;
//window.location.hash = "#aExtendedForecast";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (303 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (332 * RatioY)) {
// Almanac
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Almanac;
//window.location.hash = "#aAlmanac";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (332 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (361 * RatioY)) {
// Local Radar
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.DopplerRadar === LoadStatuses.Loaded) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LocalRadar;
//window.location.hash = "#aLocalRadar";
} else if (e.offsetY >= (361 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (390 * RatioY)) {
// Hazards
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards === LoadStatuses.Loaded && Hazards.length > 0) {
_CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Hazards;
//window.location.hash = "#aHazards";
String.prototype.centerText = function(numberOfSpaces) {
var text = this;
text = text.trim();
if (text.length > numberOfSpaces) {
return text;
var l = text.length;
var w2 = Math.floor(numberOfSpaces / 2);
var l2 = Math.floor(l / 2);
var s = new Array(w2 - l2).join(' ');
text = s + text + s;
if (text.length < numberOfSpaces) {
text += new Array(numberOfSpaces - text.length + 1).join(' ');
return text;
var PopulateHazardConditions = function (WeatherParameters) {
if (WeatherParameters === null || (_DontLoadGifs && WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards !== LoadStatuses.Loaded)) {
var WeatherHazardConditions = WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions;
var ZoneId = WeatherHazardConditions.ZoneId;
var Text;
var Line;
var SkipLine;
var DontLoadGifs = _DontLoadGifs;
$(WeatherHazardConditions.Hazards).each(function () {
//Text = this.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>");
//divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + "<br/><br/>" + Text);
Text = this.toString();
SkipLine = false;
Text = Text.replaceAll('\n', ' ');
//Text = Text.replaceAll("*** ", "");
//$(Text.split("\n")).each(function ()
$(Text.split(' ')).each(function () {
Line = this.toString();
Line = Line.toUpperCase();
if (Line.startsWith('&&')) {
return false;
} else if (Line.startsWith('$$')) {
return false;
if (SkipLine) {
if (Line === '') {
SkipLine = false;
return true;
return true;
if (Line.startsWith(ZoneId)) {
SkipLine = true;
return true;
} else if (Line.indexOf('>') !== -1) {
SkipLine = true;
return true;
} else if (Line.indexOf('LAT...LON ') !== -1) {
SkipLine = true;
return true;
//divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + "<br/>" + Line);
if (Line.indexOf('.') === 0 || Line.indexOf('*') === 0) {
divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + '<br/><br/>');
if (Line.indexOf('.') === 0 && Line.indexOf('...') !== 0) {
Line = Line.substr(1);
divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + Line + ' ');
divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + '<br/><br/>');
var DrawHazards = function () {
// Draw canvas
var canvas = canvasHazards[0];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var BackGroundImage = new Image();
BackGroundImage.onload = function () {
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0);
if (DontLoadGifs) {
if (WeatherHazardConditions.Hazards.length > 0) {
WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards = LoadStatuses.Loaded;
} else {
WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards = LoadStatuses.NoData;
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasHazards);
BackGroundImage.src = 'images/BackGround7.png';
var HazardsText = divHazards.html();
HazardsText = HazardsText.replaceAll('<br>', '\n');
HazardsText = HazardsText.replaceAll('<br/>', '\n');
HazardsText = HazardsText.replaceAll('<br />', '\n');
HazardsText = HazardsText.replaceAll('<br></br>', '\n');
WeatherHazardConditions.HazardsText = HazardsText;
WeatherHazardConditions.HazardsTextC = ConvertConditionsToMetric(HazardsText);
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
HazardsText = WeatherHazardConditions.HazardsTextC;
var HazardsWrapped = HazardsText.wordWrap(32);
var cnvHazardsScroll;
var ShowHazardsScroll = function () {
var cnvHazardsScrollId;
var context;
cnvHazardsScrollId = 'cnvHazardsScroll';
var HazardsWrappedLines = HazardsWrapped.split('\n');
var MaxHazardsWrappedLines = 365;
if (_OperatingSystem === OperatingSystems.Andriod) {
MaxHazardsWrappedLines = 92;
if (HazardsWrappedLines.length > MaxHazardsWrappedLines) {
HazardsWrappedLines = HazardsWrappedLines.splice(0, MaxHazardsWrappedLines - 1);
var height = 0 + (HazardsWrappedLines.length * 45);
if (DontLoadGifs === false) {
// Clear the current image.
divHazardsScroll.html('<canvas id=\'' + cnvHazardsScrollId + '\' />');
cnvHazardsScroll = $('#' + cnvHazardsScrollId);
cnvHazardsScroll.attr('width', '640'); // For Chrome.
cnvHazardsScroll.attr('height', height); // For Chrome.
cnvHazardsScroll = $('#' + cnvHazardsScrollId);
context = cnvHazardsScroll[0].getContext('2d');
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(112, 35, 35)', 0, 0, 640, height);
//var y = 0;
var y = 45;
$(HazardsWrappedLines).each(function () {
var HazardLine = this.toString();
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 80, y, HazardLine, 1);
y += 45;
var UpdateHazards = function (Offset) {
var canvas = canvasHazards[0];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var cnvHazardsScroll = $('#cnvHazardsScroll');
switch (Offset) {
case undefined:
case 0:
_UpdateHazardsY = 0;
case Infinity:
_UpdateHazardsY = cnvHazardsScroll.height();
_UpdateHazardsY += (385 * Offset);
if (_UpdateHazardsY > cnvHazardsScroll.height()) {
_UpdateHazardsY = cnvHazardsScroll.height();
} else if (_UpdateHazardsY < 0) {
_UpdateHazardsY = 0;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(112, 35,35)', 0, 0, 640, 385);
context.drawImage(cnvHazardsScroll[0], 0, _UpdateHazardsY, 640, 385, 0, 0, 640, 385);
const WeatherMonthlyTotalsParser = (text) => {
return +text.match(/MONTH TO DATE\s*(\d{1,2}\.\d\d)/)[1];
Number.prototype.pad = function(size) {
var s = String(this);
while (s.length < (size || 1)) {
s = '0' + s;
return s;
const PopulateAlmanacInfo = async (WeatherParameters) => {
if (WeatherParameters === null || (_DontLoadGifs && WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac !== LoadStatuses.Loaded)) return;
const info = WeatherParameters.AlmanacInfo;
// Draw canvas
const canvas = canvasAlmanac[0];
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// load all images in parallel
const [FullMoonImage, LastMoonImage, NewMoonImage, FirstMoonImage, BackGroundImage] = await Promise.all([
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 30, 500, 90, _TopColor1, _TopColor2);
DrawTriangle(context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 90, 640, 190, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
DrawTitleText(context, 'Almanac', 'Astronomical');
const Today = luxon.DateTime.local();
const Tomorrow = Today.plus({days: 1});
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFF00', 320, 120, Today.toLocaleString({weekday: 'long'}), 2, 'center');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFF00', 500, 120, Tomorrow.toLocaleString({weekday: 'long'}), 2, 'center');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 150, 'Sunrise:', 2);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 270, 150, luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(info.sun[0].sunrise).toLocaleString(luxon.DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE).toLowerCase(), 2);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 450, 150, luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(info.sun[1].sunrise).toLocaleString(luxon.DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE).toLowerCase(), 2);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 180, ' Sunset:', 2);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 270, 180, luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(info.sun[0].sunset).toLocaleString(luxon.DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE).toLowerCase(), 2);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 450, 180, luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(info.sun[1].sunset).toLocaleString(luxon.DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE).toLowerCase(), 2);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFF00', 70, 220, 'Moon Data:', 2);
info.moon.forEach((MoonPhase, Index) => {
const date = MoonPhase.date.toLocaleString({month: 'short', day: 'numeric'});
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 120+Index*130, 260, MoonPhase.phase, 2, 'center');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 120+Index*130, 390, date, 2, 'center');
const image = (() => {
switch (MoonPhase.phase) {
case 'Full':
return FullMoonImage;
case 'Last':
return LastMoonImage;
case 'New':
return NewMoonImage;
case 'First':
return FirstMoonImage;
context.drawImage(image, 75+Index*130, 270);
WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac = LoadStatuses.Loaded;
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasAlmanac);
const ShowDopplerMap = async (WeatherParameters) => {
let OffsetY;
let OffsetX;
let SourceXY;
let contextWorker;
const cnvDopplerMapId = 'cnvDopplerRadarMap';
const cnvRadarWorkerId = 'cnvRadarWorker';
// Clear the current image.
let src = 'images/4000RadarMap2.jpg';
if (WeatherParameters.State === 'HI') src = 'images/HawaiiRadarMap2.png';
const img = await utils.loadImg(src);
console.log('Doppler Image Loaded');
divDopplerRadarMap.html(`<canvas id='${cnvDopplerMapId}'/><canvas id='${cnvRadarWorkerId}'/>`);
const $cnvDopplerMap = $(`#${cnvDopplerMapId}`);
$cnvDopplerMap.attr('width', '640'); // For Chrome.
$cnvDopplerMap.attr('height', '367'); // For Chrome.
const context = $cnvDopplerMap[0].getContext('2d');
const $cnvRadarWorker = $(`#${cnvRadarWorkerId}`);
OffsetX = 120;
OffsetY = 69;
if (WeatherParameters.State === 'HI') {
$cnvRadarWorker.attr('width', '600'); // For Chrome.
$cnvRadarWorker.attr('height', '571'); // For Chrome.
SourceXY = GetXYFromLatitudeLongitudeHI(WeatherParameters.Latitude, WeatherParameters.Longitude, OffsetX, OffsetY);
} else {
$cnvRadarWorker.attr('width', '2550'); // For Chrome.
$cnvRadarWorker.attr('height', '1600'); // For Chrome.
OffsetX *= 2;
OffsetY *= 2;
SourceXY = GetXYFromLatitudeLongitudeDoppler(WeatherParameters.Latitude, WeatherParameters.Longitude, OffsetX, OffsetY);
$cnvRadarWorker.css('display', 'none');
contextWorker = $cnvRadarWorker[0].getContext('2d');
// Draw them onto the map.
context.drawImage(img, SourceXY.x, SourceXY.y, (OffsetX * 2), (OffsetY * 2), 0, 0, 640, 367);
const baseUrl = 'https://radar.weather.gov/Conus/RadarImg/';
const RadarContexts = [];
try {
// get a list of available radars
const radarHtml = await $.ajaxCORS({
type: 'GET',
url: baseUrl,
dataType: 'text',
crossDomain: true,
// convert to an array of gif urls
const $list = $(radarHtml);
const gifs = $list.find('a[href]').map((i,elem) => elem.innerHTML).get();
// filter for selected urls
let filter = /^Conus_\d/;
if (WeatherParameters.State === 'HI') filter = /hawaii_\d/;
// get the last few images
const urlsFull = gifs.filter(gif => gif.match(filter));
const urls = urlsFull.slice(-_DopplerRadarImageMax);
// Load the most recent doppler radar images.
const RadarImages = await Promise.all(urls.map(async (url, idx) => {
// create destination context
const id = 'cnvRadar' + idx.toString();
let RadarContext = $(`#${id}`);
if (!RadarContext[idx]) {
$('body').append(`<canvas id='${id}'/>`);
RadarContext = $(`#${id}`);
RadarContext.attr('width', '640'); // For Chrome.
RadarContext.attr('height', '367'); // For Chrome.
RadarContext.css('display', 'none');
// get the image
const blob = await $.ajaxCORS({
type: 'GET',
url: baseUrl + url,
xhrFields: {
responseType: 'blob',
crossDomain: true,
// assign to an html image element
return await utils.loadImg(blob);
RadarImages.forEach((radarImg, idx) => {
const RadarContext = RadarContexts[idx][0].getContext('2d');
contextWorker.clearRect(0, 0, contextWorker.canvas.width, contextWorker.canvas.height);
SmoothingEnabled(contextWorker, false);
if (WeatherParameters.State === 'HI') {
contextWorker.drawImage(radarImg, 0, 0, 571, 600);
} else {
contextWorker.drawImage(radarImg, 0, 0, 2550, 1600);
let RadarOffsetX;
let RadarOffsetY;
let RadarSourceXY;
let RadarSourceX;
let RadarSourceY;
if (WeatherParameters.State === 'HI') {
RadarOffsetX = 120;
RadarOffsetY = 69;
RadarSourceXY = GetXYFromLatitudeLongitudeHI(WeatherParameters.Latitude, WeatherParameters.Longitude, OffsetX, OffsetY);
RadarSourceX = RadarSourceXY.x;
RadarSourceY = RadarSourceXY.y;
} else {
RadarOffsetX = 117;
RadarOffsetY = 60;
RadarSourceXY = GetXYFromLatitudeLongitudeDoppler(WeatherParameters.Latitude, WeatherParameters.Longitude, OffsetX, OffsetY);
RadarSourceX = RadarSourceXY.x / 2;
RadarSourceY = RadarSourceXY.y / 2;
// Draw them onto the map.
RadarContext.clearRect(0, 0, RadarContext.canvas.width, RadarContext.canvas.height);
SmoothingEnabled(RadarContext, false);
RadarContext.drawImage(contextWorker.canvas, RadarSourceX, RadarSourceY, (RadarOffsetX * 2), (RadarOffsetY * 2.33), 0, 0, 640, 367);
console.log('Doppler Radar Images Loaded');
WeatherParameters.DopplerRadarInfo = {
RadarContexts: RadarContexts,
RadarImage: img,
RadarMapContext: context,
RadarSourceX: SourceXY.x,
RadarSourceY: SourceXY.y,
OffsetY: OffsetY,
OffsetX: OffsetX,
// draw the background image
const RadarContext = RadarContexts[0][0].getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(img, SourceXY.x, SourceXY.y, (OffsetX * 2), (OffsetY * 2), 0, 0, 640, 367);
MergeDopplerRadarImage(context, RadarContext);
// Draw canvas
const BackGroundImage = await utils.loadImg('images/BackGround4_1.png');
const canvas = canvasLocalRadar[0];
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0);
// Title
DrawText(context, 'Arial', 'bold 28pt', '#ffffff', 175, 65, 'Local', 2);
DrawText(context, 'Arial', 'bold 28pt', '#ffffff', 175, 100, 'Radar', 2);
DrawText(context, 'Arial', 'bold 18pt', '#ffffff', 390, 49, 'PRECIP', 2);
DrawText(context, 'Arial', 'bold 18pt', '#ffffff', 298, 73, 'Light', 2);
DrawText(context, 'Arial', 'bold 18pt', '#ffffff', 517, 73, 'Heavy', 2);
let x = 362;
const y = 52;
DrawBox(context, '#000000', x - 2, y - 2, 154, 28);
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(49, 210, 22)', x, y, 17, 24); x += 19;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(28, 138, 18)', x, y, 17, 24); x += 19;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(20, 90, 15)', x, y, 17, 24); x += 19;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(10, 40, 10)', x, y, 17, 24); x += 19;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(196, 179, 70)', x, y, 17, 24); x += 19;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(190, 72, 19)', x, y, 17, 24); x += 19;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(171, 14, 14)', x, y, 17, 24); x += 19;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(115, 31, 4)', x, y, 17, 24); x += 19;
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(143, 73, 95)', 318, 83, 32, 24);
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(250, 122, 232)', 320, 85, 28, 20);
DrawText(context, 'Arial', 'bold 18pt', '#ffffff', 355, 105, '= Incomplete Data', 2);
window.setInterval(() => {
context.drawImage($cnvDopplerMap[0], 0, 0, 640, 367, 0, 113, 640, 367);
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasLocalRadar);
}, 100);
WeatherParameters.Progress.DopplerRadar = LoadStatuses.Loaded;
} catch (e) {
console.error('Unable to load radar');
WeatherParameters.Progress.DopplerRadar = LoadStatuses.Failed;
const UpdateDopplarRadarImage = (offset) => {
switch (offset) {
case undefined:
case 0:
_DopplerRadarImageIndex = _DopplerRadarImageMax - 1;
case Infinity:
_DopplerRadarImageIndex = 0;
_DopplerRadarImageIndex -= offset;
if (_DopplerRadarImageIndex > _DopplerRadarImageMax - 1) _DopplerRadarImageIndex = 0;
if (_DopplerRadarImageIndex < 0) _DopplerRadarImageIndex = _DopplerRadarImageMax - 1;
const RadarContexts = _WeatherParameters.DopplerRadarInfo.RadarContexts;
const img = _WeatherParameters.DopplerRadarInfo.RadarImage;
const context = _WeatherParameters.DopplerRadarInfo.RadarMapContext;
const SourceX = _WeatherParameters.DopplerRadarInfo.RadarSourceX;
const SourceY = _WeatherParameters.DopplerRadarInfo.RadarSourceY;
const OffsetY = _WeatherParameters.DopplerRadarInfo.OffsetY;
const OffsetX = _WeatherParameters.DopplerRadarInfo.OffsetX;
const RadarContext = RadarContexts[_DopplerRadarImageIndex][0].getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(img, SourceX, SourceY, (OffsetX * 2), (OffsetY * 2), 0, 0, 640, 367);
MergeDopplerRadarImage(context, RadarContext);
const RemoveDopplerRadarImageNoise = (RadarContext) => {
const RadarImageData = RadarContext.getImageData(0, 0, RadarContext.canvas.width, RadarContext.canvas.height);
// examine every pixel,
// change any old rgb to the new-rgb
for (let i = 0; i < RadarImageData.data.length; i += 4) {
// i + 0 = red
// i + 1 = green
// i + 2 = blue
// i + 3 = alpha (0 = transparent, 255 = opaque)
let [R, G, B, A] = RadarImageData.data.slice(i,i+4);
// is this pixel the old rgb?
if ((R === 1 && G === 159 && B === 244)
|| (R >= 200 && G >= 200 && B >= 200)
|| (R === 4 && G === 233 && B === 231)
|| (R === 3 && G === 0 && B === 244)) {
// Transparent
R = 0;
G = 0;
B = 0;
A = 0;
} else if (R === 2 && G === 253 && B === 2) {
// Light Green 1
R = 49;
G = 210;
B = 22;
A = 255;
} else if (R === 1 && G === 197 && B === 1) {
// Light Green 2
R = 0;
G = 142;
B = 0;
A = 255;
} else if (R === 0 && G === 142 && B === 0) {
// Dark Green 1
R = 20;
G = 90;
B = 15;
A = 255;
} else if (R === 253 && G === 248 && B === 2) {
// Dark Green 2
R = 10;
G = 40;
B = 10;
A = 255;
} else if (R === 229 && G === 188 && B === 0) {
// Yellow
R = 196;
G = 179;
B = 70;
A = 255;
} else if (R === 253 && G === 139 && B === 0) {
// Orange
R = 190;
G = 72;
B = 19;
A = 255;
} else if (R === 212 && G === 0 && B === 0) {
// Red
R = 171;
G = 14;
B = 14;
A = 255;
} else if (R === 188 && G === 0 && B === 0) {
// Brown
R = 115;
G = 31;
B = 4;
A = 255;
// store new values
RadarImageData.data[i] = R;
RadarImageData.data[i + 1] = G;
RadarImageData.data[i + 2] = B;
RadarImageData.data[i + 3] = A;
// rewrite the image
RadarContext.putImageData(RadarImageData, 0, 0);
const MergeDopplerRadarImage = (MapContext, RadarContext) => {
const MapImageData = MapContext.getImageData(0, 0, MapContext.canvas.width, MapContext.canvas.height);
const RadarImageData = RadarContext.getImageData(0, 0, RadarContext.canvas.width, RadarContext.canvas.height);
// examine every pixel,
// change any old rgb to the new-rgb
for (let i = 0; i < RadarImageData.data.length; i += 4) {
// i + 0 = red
// i + 1 = green
// i + 2 = blue
// i + 3 = alpha (0 = transparent, 255 = opaque)
// is this pixel the old rgb?
if ((MapImageData.data[i] < 116 && MapImageData.data[i + 1] < 116 && MapImageData.data[i + 2] < 116)) {
// Transparent
RadarImageData.data[i] = 0;
RadarImageData.data[i + 1] = 0;
RadarImageData.data[i + 2] = 0;
RadarImageData.data[i + 3] = 0;
RadarContext.putImageData(RadarImageData, 0, 0);
MapContext.drawImage(RadarContext.canvas, 0, 0);
const Progress = function (e) {
const WeatherParameters = e.WeatherParameters;
this.CurrentConditions = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.WordedForecast = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.FourDayForecast = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.TravelForecast = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.NearbyConditions = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.CurrentRegionalMap = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.TomorrowsRegionalMap = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.Almanac = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.DopplerRadar = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.Hazards = LoadStatuses.Loading;
this.Loaded = false;
const _self = this;
const canvas = canvasProgress[0];
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
let gifProgress;
const _ProgressInterval = window.setInterval(() => {
if (!_self.Loaded) return;
if (!gifProgress) return;
const ProgressPercent = _self.GetTotalPercentage();
gifProgress.get_canvas().width = (ProgressPercent / 100) * 530 + 1;
if (ProgressPercent > 0) {
if (ProgressPercent >= 100) {
if (typeof _CallBack === 'function') _CallBack({ Status: 'LOADED', LastUpdate: new Date() });
}, 250);
const _DisplayLoadingDetails = () => {
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 100, 640, 300, 0, 100, 640, 300);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 90, 52, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 584, 90, 640, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
let OffsetY = 120;
const __DrawText = (caption, status) => {
let StatusText;
let StatusColor;
const Dots = Array(120 - Math.floor(caption.length * 2.5)).join('.');
DrawText(context, 'Star4000 Extended', '19pt', '#ffffff', 70, OffsetY, caption + Dots, 2);
// Erase any dots that spill into the status text.
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 475, OffsetY - 20, 165, 30, 475, OffsetY - 20, 165, 30);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 584, 90, 640, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2);
switch (status) {
case LoadStatuses.Loading:
StatusText = 'Loading';
StatusColor = '#ffff00';
case LoadStatuses.Loaded:
//StatusText = "Loaded";
StatusText = 'Press Here';
StatusColor = '#00ff00';
if (caption === 'Hazardous Weather') {
StatusColor = '#ff0000';
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 440, OffsetY - 20, 75, 25, 440, OffsetY - 20, 75, 25);
case LoadStatuses.Failed:
StatusText = 'Failed';
StatusColor = '#ff0000';
case LoadStatuses.NoData:
StatusText = 'No Data';
StatusColor = '#C0C0C0';
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(33, 40, 90)', 475, OffsetY - 15, 75, 15);
DrawText(context, 'Star4000 Extended', '19pt', StatusColor, 565, OffsetY, StatusText, 2, 'end');
OffsetY += 29;
__DrawText('Current Conditions', WeatherParameters.Progress.CurrentConditions);
__DrawText('Latest Observations', WeatherParameters.Progress.NearbyConditions);
__DrawText('Travel Forecast', WeatherParameters.Progress.TravelForecast);
__DrawText('Regional Forecast', WeatherParameters.Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap);
__DrawText('Regional Observations', WeatherParameters.Progress.CurrentRegionalMap);
__DrawText('Local Forecast', WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast);
__DrawText('Extended Forecast', WeatherParameters.Progress.FourDayForecast);
__DrawText('Almanac', WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac);
__DrawText('Local Radar', WeatherParameters.Progress.DopplerRadar);
__DrawText('Hazardous Weather', WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards);
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, $(canvas));
this.GetTotalPercentage = function() {
let Percentage = 0;
let IncreaseAmount = 10;
if (this.CurrentConditions !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.WordedForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.FourDayForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.TravelForecast !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.NearbyConditions !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.CurrentRegionalMap !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.TomorrowsRegionalMap !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.Almanac !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.DopplerRadar !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
if (this.Hazards !== LoadStatuses.Loading) Percentage += IncreaseAmount;
return Percentage;
let BackGroundImage;
this.DrawProgress = async () => {
const DontLoadGifs = _DontLoadGifs;
BackGroundImage = await utils.loadImg('images/BackGround1_1.png');
_self.Loaded = false;
if (!DontLoadGifs || !gifProgress) {
// Conditions Icon
gifProgress = await utils.SuperGifAsync({
src: 'images/Progress1.gif',
loop_delay: 100,
auto_play: true,
canvas: canvas,
x: 50,
y: 480,
context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0);
DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 30, 500, 90, _TopColor1, _TopColor2);
DrawTriangle(context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
canvasBackGroundDateTime[0].getContext('2d').drawImage(canvas, 410, 30, 175, 60, 0, 0, 175, 60);
canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions[0].getContext('2d').drawImage(canvas, 0, 405, 640, 75, 0, 0, 640, 75);
DrawTitleText(context, 'WeatherStar', '4000+ 2.00');
// Draw a box for the progress.
DrawBox(context, '#000000', 51, 428, 534, 22);
DrawBox(context, '#ffffff', 53, 430, 530, 18);
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasProgress);
_self.Loaded = true;
if (DontLoadGifs === false)e.OnLoad();
const SmoothingEnabled = (context, enable) => {
context.imageSmoothingEnabled = enable;
context.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = enable;
context.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = enable;
context.msImageSmoothingEnabled = enable;
context.oImageSmoothingEnabled = enable;
const UpdateWeatherCanvases = function (WeatherParameters) {
// skip if parameters not loaded
if (WeatherParameters === null) return;
WeatherParameters.WeatherCanvases.forEach((WeatherCanvas) => {
// find the foreground canvas
// Attempt to save battery/cpu.
if (document.elementFromPoint(0, 0) !== WeatherCanvas[0]) return;
UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, WeatherCanvas);
if (WeatherParameters.Progress.GetTotalPercentage() === 100) {
_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs += _UpdateWeatherUpdateMs;
_UpdateCustomScrollTextMs += _UpdateWeatherUpdateMs;
const UpdateWeatherCanvas = (WeatherParameters, Canvas) => {
let OkToDrawCurrentConditions = true;
let OkToDrawNoaaImage = true;
let OkToDrawCurrentDateTime = true;
let OkToDrawLogoImage = true;
let OkToDrawCustomScrollText = false;
let bottom = undefined;
const context = Canvas[0].getContext('2d');
// visibility tests
if (_ScrollText !== '') OkToDrawCustomScrollText = true;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasAlmanac[0]) OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasAlmanacTides[0]) OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasOutlook[0]) OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasMarineForecast[0])OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasAirQuality[0]) OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasTravelForecast[0]) OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasRegionalForecast1[0])OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasRegionalForecast2[0]) OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasRegionalObservations[0]) OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasLocalRadar[0]) {
OkToDrawCurrentConditions = false;
OkToDrawCurrentDateTime = false;
OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
OkToDrawCustomScrollText = false;
if (Canvas[0] === canvasHazards[0]) {
OkToDrawNoaaImage = false;
bottom = true;
OkToDrawLogoImage = false;
// draw functions
if (OkToDrawCurrentDateTime) DrawCurrentDateTime(context, bottom);
if (OkToDrawLogoImage) DrawLogoImage(context);
if (OkToDrawNoaaImage) DrawNoaaImage(context);
if (OkToDrawCurrentConditions) DrawCurrentConditions(WeatherParameters, context);
if (OkToDrawCustomScrollText) DrawCustomScrollText(WeatherParameters, context);
const DrawCurrentDateTime = (context, bottom) => {
// test if needed
if (_WeatherParameters === null || _WeatherParameters.TimeZone === undefined) return;
const font = 'Star4000 Small';
const size = '24pt';
const color = '#ffffff';
const shadow = 2;
// Clear the date and time area.
if (bottom) {
DrawBox(context, 'rgb(25, 50, 112)', 0, 389, 640, 16);
} else {
context.drawImage(canvasBackGroundDateTime[0], 0, 0, 175, 60, 410, 30, 175, 60);
// Get the current date and time.
let now = new Date();
now = utils.calc.DateToTimeZone(now, _WeatherParameters.TimeZone);
//time = "11:35:08 PM";
let h = now.getHours();
let m = now.getMinutes();
let s = now.getSeconds();
let time = '';
let x;
let y;
let date;
if (_Units === Units.English) {
if (h < 10) {
if (h === 0) {
time = '12';
} else {
time += ' ' + h.toString();
} else if (h > 12) {
if (h - 12 < 10) {
time += ' ' + (h - 12).toString();
} else {
time += (h - 12).toString();
} else {
time += h.toString();
} else if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
if (h < 10) {
time += ' ' + h.toString();
} else {
time += h.toString();
time += ':';
if (m < 10) time += '0';
time += m.toString() + ':';
if (s < 10) time += '0';
time += s.toString() + ' ';
if (_Units === Units.English) {
if (h >= 12) {
time += 'PM';
} else {
time += 'AM';
if (bottom) {
x = 400;
y = 402;
} else {
x = 410;
y = 65;
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
x += 45;
DrawText(context, font, size, color, x, y, time, shadow); //y += 20;
if (_Units === Units.English) {
date = ' ';
const W = now.getDayShortName().toUpperCase();
date += W + ' ';
const M = now.getMonthShortName().toUpperCase();
date += M + ' ';
const D = now.getDate();
if (D < 10) date += ' ';
//date += " " + D.toString();
date += D.toString();
} else {
date = ' ';
const W = now.getDayShortName().toUpperCase();
date += W + ' ';
const D = now.getDate();
if (D < 10) date += ' ';
date += D.toString();
const M = now.getMonthShortName().toUpperCase();
date += ' ' + M;
if (bottom) {
x = 55;
y = 402;
} else {
x = 410;
y = 85;
DrawText(context, font, size, color, x, y, date, shadow);
const DrawNoaaImage = async (context) => {
// load the image and store locally
if (!DrawNoaaImage.image) {
DrawNoaaImage.image = utils.loadImg('images/noaa5.gif');
// wait for the image to load completely
const img = await DrawNoaaImage.image;
context.drawImage(img, 356, 39);
const DrawLogoImage = async (context) => {
// load the image and store locally
if (!DrawLogoImage.image) {
DrawLogoImage.image = utils.loadImg('images/Logo3.png');
// wait for the image load completely
const img = await DrawLogoImage.image;
context.drawImage(img, 50, 30, 85, 67);
var DrawCurrentConditions = function (WeatherParameters, context) {
var Humidity;
var DewPoint;
var Temperature;
var TemperatureUnit;
var HeatIndex;
var WindChill;
var Pressure;
var PressureDirection;
var WindSpeed;
var WindDirection;
var WindGust;
var WindUnit;
var Visibility;
var VisibilityUnit;
var Ceiling;
var CeilingUnit;
var PrecipitationTotal;
var PrecipitationTotalUnit;
var font, size, color, x, y, shadow;
var text;
font = 'Star4000';
size = '24pt';
color = '#ffffff';
shadow = 2;
x = 70;
y = 430;
if (WeatherParameters.Progress.GetTotalPercentage() !== 100) {
// Clear the date and time area.
context.drawImage(canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions[0], 0, 0, 640, 75, 0, 405, 640, 75);
var WeatherCurrentConditions = WeatherParameters.WeatherCurrentConditions;
var WeatherMonthlyTotals = WeatherParameters.WeatherMonthlyTotals;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
Temperature = WeatherCurrentConditions.Temperature;
TemperatureUnit = 'F';
HeatIndex = WeatherCurrentConditions.HeatIndex;
WindChill = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindChill;
Humidity = WeatherCurrentConditions.Humidity;
DewPoint = WeatherCurrentConditions.DewPoint;
Pressure = WeatherCurrentConditions.Pressure;
PressureDirection = WeatherCurrentConditions.PressureDirection;
WindSpeed = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindSpeed;
WindGust = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindGust;
WindDirection = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindDirection;
WindUnit = ' MPH';
VisibilityUnit = ' mi.';
Visibility = WeatherCurrentConditions.Visibility;
Ceiling = WeatherCurrentConditions.Ceiling;
CeilingUnit = ' ft.';
PrecipitationTotal = WeatherMonthlyTotals.PrecipitationTotal;
PrecipitationTotalUnit = ' in';
case Units.Metric:
Temperature = WeatherCurrentConditions.TemperatureC;
TemperatureUnit = 'C';
HeatIndex = WeatherCurrentConditions.HeatIndexC;
WindChill = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindChillC;
Humidity = WeatherCurrentConditions.Humidity;
DewPoint = WeatherCurrentConditions.DewPointC;
Pressure = WeatherCurrentConditions.PressureC;
PressureDirection = WeatherCurrentConditions.PressureDirection;
WindSpeed = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindSpeedC;
WindGust = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindGustC;
WindDirection = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindDirection;
WindUnit = ' KPH';
VisibilityUnit = ' km.';
Visibility = WeatherCurrentConditions.VisibilityC;
Ceiling = WeatherCurrentConditions.CeilingC;
CeilingUnit = ' m.';
PrecipitationTotal = WeatherMonthlyTotals.PrecipitationTotalC;
PrecipitationTotalUnit = ' cm';
if (_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs >= 4000) {
_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs = 0;
if (_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionType > CurrentConditionTypes.MonthPrecipitation) {
_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionType = CurrentConditionTypes.Title;
switch(_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionType) {
case CurrentConditionTypes.Title:
text = 'Conditions at ' + WeatherCurrentConditions.StationName.substr(0, 20); // mjb 06/01/19
case CurrentConditionTypes.Conditions:
text = WeatherCurrentConditions.Conditions;
case CurrentConditionTypes.Temperature:
text = 'Temp: ' + Temperature + String.fromCharCode(176) + TemperatureUnit;
if (HeatIndex !== Temperature) {
text += ' ';
text += 'Heat Index: ' + HeatIndex + String.fromCharCode(176) + TemperatureUnit;
} else if (WindChill !== '' && WindChill < Temperature) {
text += ' ';
text += 'Wind Chill: ' + WindChill + String.fromCharCode(176) + TemperatureUnit;
case CurrentConditionTypes.HumidityDewpoint:
text = 'Humidity: ' + Humidity + '%';
text += ' ';
text += 'Dewpoint: ' + DewPoint + String.fromCharCode(176) + TemperatureUnit;
case CurrentConditionTypes.BarometricPressure:
text = 'Barometric Pressure: ' + Pressure + ' ' + PressureDirection;
case CurrentConditionTypes.Wind:
if (WindSpeed > 0) {
text = 'Wind: ' + WindDirection + ' ' + WindSpeed + WindUnit;
} else if (WindSpeed === 'NA') {
text = 'Wind: NA';
} else {
text = 'Wind: Calm';
if (WindGust !== '') {
text += ' ';
text += 'Gusts to ' + WindGust;
case CurrentConditionTypes.VisibilityCeiling:
text = 'Visib: ' + parseInt(Visibility).toString() + VisibilityUnit;
text += ' ';
text += 'Ceiling: ' + (Ceiling === '' ? 'Unlimited' : Ceiling + CeilingUnit);
case CurrentConditionTypes.MonthPrecipitation:
if (PrecipitationTotal.toString() === '') {
_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs += 4000;
DrawCurrentConditions(WeatherParameters, context);
// mjb 10/02/19 Begin
//text = WeatherMonthlyTotals.MonthName + " Precipitation: " + PrecipitationTotal.toString() + PrecipitationTotalUnit;
if (PrecipitationTotal.toString() === 'T') {
text = WeatherMonthlyTotals.MonthName + ' Precipitation: Trace';
} else {
text = WeatherMonthlyTotals.MonthName + ' Precipitation: ' + PrecipitationTotal.toString() + PrecipitationTotalUnit;
// mjb 10/02/19 End
// Draw the current condition.
DrawText(context, font, size, color, x, y, text, shadow);
//_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs += _UpdateWeatherUpdateMs;
const DrawCustomScrollText = (WeatherParameters, context) => {
const font = 'Star4000';
const size = '24pt';
const color = '#ffffff';
const shadow = 2;
let x = 640;
const y = 430;
if (WeatherParameters.Progress.GetTotalPercentage() !== 100) {
// Clear the date and time area.
context.drawImage(canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions[0], 0, 0, 640, 75, 0, 405, 640, 75);
const text = _ScrollText;
//text = "Hello World!";
//text = "A";
x = 640 - ((_UpdateCustomScrollTextMs / _UpdateWeatherUpdateMs) * 5);
// Wait an extra 5 characters.
if (x < ((text.length + 10) * 15 * -1)) {
_UpdateCustomScrollTextMs = 0;
x = 640;
// Draw the current condition.
DrawText(context, font, size, color, x, y, text, shadow);
let _CallBack = null;
var SetCallBack = (e) => _CallBack = e.CallBack;
const Units = {
English: 0,
Metric: 1,
var _Units = Units.English;
var _ScrollText = '';
var _DontLoadGifs = false;
var _RefreshGifs = false;
var AssignUnits = (e) => {
switch (e.Units) {
case 'ENGLISH':
_Units = Units.English;
case 'METRIC':
_Units = Units.Metric;
const RefreshSegments = () => {
_DontLoadGifs = true;
if (_WeatherParameters) _WeatherParameters.Progress.DrawProgress();
PopulateExtendedForecast(_WeatherParameters, 1);
PopulateExtendedForecast(_WeatherParameters, 2);
ShowRegionalMap(_WeatherParameters, true);
ShowRegionalMap(_WeatherParameters, false, true);
_DontLoadGifs = false;
_RefreshGifs = true;
window.setTimeout(() => _RefreshGifs = false, 200);
var AudioPlayToggle = () => {
_IsAudioPlaying = !(_IsAudioPlaying);
if (_IsAudioPlaying) {
_AudioPlayIntervalId = window.setIntervalWorker(function () {
if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.GetTotalPercentage() !== 100) return;
_AudioPlayIntervalId = null;
if (_AudioContext === null && audMusic.attr('src') === '') {
}, _AudioPlayInterval);
} else {
if (_AudioPlayIntervalId) {
_AudioPlayIntervalId = null;
if (_CallBack) _CallBack({ Status: 'ISAUDIOPLAYING', Value: _IsAudioPlaying });
const IsAudioPlaying = () => {
return _IsAudioPlaying;
const audMusic_OnError = () => {
const RefreshStateOfMusicAudio = () => {
const IsAudioPlaying = _IsAudioPlaying;
if (window.AudioContext) {
_IsAudioPlaying = (_AudioContext.state === 'running' && _AudioDuration !== 0);
} else {
var audio = audMusic[0];
_IsAudioPlaying = (audio.paused === false && _AudioDuration !== 0);
if (IsAudioPlaying !== _IsAudioPlaying) {
if (_CallBack) _CallBack({ Status: 'ISAUDIOPLAYING', Value: _IsAudioPlaying });
const AudioOnTimeUpdate = () => {
if (window.AudioContext) {
_AudioCurrentTime = _AudioContext.currentTime;
} else {
_AudioCurrentTime = audMusic[0].currentTime;
if (_IsAudioPlaying) {
const EndingOffsetInSeconds = 3;
let VolumeDecrementBy = 0.0;
const IntervalMs = 50;
VolumeDecrementBy = 1 / ((EndingOffsetInSeconds * 1000) / IntervalMs);
if (_AudioCurrentTime >= (_AudioDuration - EndingOffsetInSeconds)) {
if (!_AudioFadeOutIntervalId) {
_AudioFadeOutIntervalId = window.setIntervalWorker(function () {
var volume = VolumeAudio();
volume -= VolumeDecrementBy;
if (volume <= 0) {
_AudioFadeOutIntervalId = null;
if (_IsAudioPlaying) {
}, IntervalMs);
const PopulateMusicUrls = () => {
_MusicUrls = [];
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Andrew Korus - Hello There.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Ficara - Stormy Weather.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Incognito - Larc En Ciel De Miles.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Ozzie Ahlers - Fingerpainting.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Ray Obiedo - Blue Kiss.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Richard Tyznik - Hi Times.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Torcuato Mariano - Ocean Way.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Gota - All Alone.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Ficara - High Tides Of Maui.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Chris Camozzi - Swing Shift.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Brian Hughes - StringBean.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Brian Hughes - Postcard From Brazil.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Brian Hughes - One 2 One.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Brian Hughes - Here We Go.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Brian Hughes - Three Graces.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Ficara - Friends Forever.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Physical Therapy - What The Flush.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - The Blizzard Song.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Terry Coleman - Just Groovin.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Terry Coleman - Autumn Dance.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Terry Coleman - Amazed.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Ray Obiedo - Sienna.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Incognito - Sunchild.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Ficara - Gliding.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Ficara - Craig.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Eddie Reasoner - Sea Breeze.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Chris Camozzi - My Dancing Heart.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Chris Camozzi - Suede.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Joe Sample - Rainbow Seeker.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Norman Brown - Celebration.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Wayne Gerard - Aint She Sweet.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Wayman Tisdale - Brazilia.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/The Rippingtons - In Another Life.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/The Rippingtons - Life In The Tropics.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Chris Camozzi - Hangin Out.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Bryan Savage - Two Cool.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - 50 Below.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - After Midnight.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - After The Rain.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - All I Need To Know.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Autumn Blue.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Better Than Nothing.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Bobbys Theme.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Broken Record.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Crazy Pianos.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Desert Nights.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Here Comes The Rain.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Im So Dizzy.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - If You Only Knew.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Just For The Moment.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Midnight Rain.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Pier 32.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Rainbeat.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Road Trip.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Rollercoaster Ride.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Round And Round.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Season On Edge.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Slightly Blued.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Someday.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Something About You.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - The End.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - The Last Song.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - The Mist.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - The Only One For Me.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Under The Influence.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Ups And Downs.mp3');
_MusicUrls.push('Audio/Trammell Starks - Water Colors.mp3');
_MusicUrlsTemp = _MusicUrls.slice(0);
const GetNextMusicUrl = () => {
if (_MusicUrlsTemp.length < 1) { _MusicUrlsTemp = _MusicUrls.slice(0); }
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * _MusicUrlsTemp.length);
const item = _MusicUrlsTemp[index];
_MusicUrlsTemp.splice(index, 1);
return item;
const LoadAudio = async (Url) => {
if (_AudioRefreshIntervalId) {
_AudioRefreshIntervalId = null;
if (window.AudioContext) {
if (_AudioContext) {
_AudioContext = null;
if (_AudioBufferSource) {
_AudioBufferSource = null;
_AudioContext = new AudioContext();
_AudioDuration = 0;
_AudioCurrentTime = 0;
const audioData = await $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: Url,
xhr: () => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
return xhr;
//decode the loaded data
_AudioContext.decodeAudioData(audioData, (buffer) => {
//create a source node from the buffer
_AudioBufferSource = _AudioContext.createBufferSource();
_AudioBufferSource.buffer = buffer;
_AudioDuration = buffer.duration;
_AudioCurrentTime = 0;
//create a gain node
_AudioGain = _AudioContext.createGain();
_AudioGain.gain.value = 1.00;
_AudioRefreshIntervalId = window.setIntervalWorker(function () {
}, 500);
} else {
var audio = audMusic[0];
_AudioDuration = 0;
_AudioCurrentTime = 0;
audio.volume = 1.00;
audio.oncanplaythrough = () => {
_AudioDuration = audio.duration;
_AudioCurrentTime = 0;
_AudioRefreshIntervalId = window.setIntervalWorker(() => {
}, 500);
audio.src = Url;
const PlayAudio = () => {
if (window.AudioContext) {
if (_AudioDuration !== 0) {
} else {
var audio = audMusic[0];
const PauseAudio = () => {
if (window.AudioContext) {
if (_AudioDuration !== 0) {
} else {
var audio = audMusic[0];
const VolumeAudio = (vol) => {
let volume = -1;
if (window.AudioContext) {
if (_AudioGain) {
if (vol !== undefined) {
_AudioGain.gain.value = vol;
volume =_AudioGain.gain.value;
} else {
let audio = audMusic[0];
if (vol !== undefined) {
audio.volume = vol;
volume = audio.volume;
return volume;
var NarrationPlayToggle = () => {
_IsNarrationPlaying = !(_IsNarrationPlaying);
let _NarrationPlayIntervalId;
if (_IsNarrationPlaying) {
if (!window.speechSynthesis) {
_IsNarrationPlaying = false;
if (_OperatingSystem === OperatingSystems.iOS) {
_IsNarrationPlaying = false;
_NarrationPlayIntervalId = window.setIntervalWorker(() => {
_NarrationPlayIntervalId = null;
_Utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
_Utterance.lang = 'en-US';
_Utterance.volume = 1.0;
_Utterance.rate = 0.9;
_Utterance.pitch = 1.0;
}, 100);
} else {
if (_NarrationPlayIntervalId) {
_NarrationPlayIntervalId = null;
if (window.speechSynthesis.speaking) {
_IsSpeaking = false;
if (_CallBack) _CallBack({ Status: 'ISNARRATIONPLAYING', Value: _IsNarrationPlaying });
var IsNarrationPlaying = () => _IsNarrationPlaying;
const SpeakUtterance = () => {
if (_IsNarrationPlaying === false) return;
const CurrentUtteranceId = new Date().getTime();
_CurrentUtteranceId = CurrentUtteranceId;
if (window.speechSynthesis.speaking) window.speechSynthesis.cancel();
const Text = GetNarrationText();
if (Text === '') return;
console.log(`Speak Utterance: '${Text}'`);
const Sentences = Text.split('.');
let SentenceIndex = -1;
const SpeakNextSentence = () => {
if (_IsNarrationPlaying === false) {
console.log('_IsNarrationPlaying === false.');
_IsSpeaking = false;
if (CurrentUtteranceId !== _CurrentUtteranceId) {
console.log(`CurrentUtteranceId (${CurrentUtteranceId}) !== _CurrentUtteranceId (${_CurrentUtteranceId})`);
if (SentenceIndex > Sentences.length - 1) {
console.log('Narration Finished.');
_IsSpeaking = false;
const Sentence = Sentences[SentenceIndex];
_CurrentUtterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
_CurrentUtterance.text = Sentence;
_CurrentUtterance.onend = SpeakNextSentence;
_CurrentUtterance.rate = _Utterance.rate;
_CurrentUtterance.pitch = _Utterance.pitch;
_CurrentUtterance.volume = _Utterance.volume;
console.log(`Speaking '${Sentence}'`);
_IsSpeaking = true;
setTimeout(SpeakNextSentence, 500);
const GetNarrationText = () => {
const CanvasType = Math.floor(_CurrentPosition);
const SubCanvasType = Math.round2((_CurrentPosition - CanvasType), 1) * 10;
let Text = '';
switch (CanvasType) {
case CanvasTypes.CurrentWeather:
{const WeatherCurrentConditions = _WeatherParameters.WeatherCurrentConditions;
let Temperature = WeatherCurrentConditions.Temperature;
let HeatIndex = WeatherCurrentConditions.HeatIndex;
let WindChill = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindChill;
let Humidity = WeatherCurrentConditions.Humidity;
let DewPoint = WeatherCurrentConditions.DewPoint;
let Pressure = WeatherCurrentConditions.Pressure;
let PressureDirection = WeatherCurrentConditions.PressureDirection;
let PressureUnit = ' inches ';
let WindSpeed = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindSpeed;
let WindGust = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindGust;
let WindDirection = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindDirection;
let WindUnit = ' miles per hour ';
let VisibilityUnit = ' miles ';
let Visibility = WeatherCurrentConditions.Visibility;
let Ceiling = WeatherCurrentConditions.Ceiling;
let CeilingUnit = ' feet ';
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
Temperature = WeatherCurrentConditions.TemperatureC.toString();
HeatIndex = WeatherCurrentConditions.HeatIndexC.toString();
WindChill = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindChillC.toString();
Humidity = WeatherCurrentConditions.Humidity.toString();
DewPoint = WeatherCurrentConditions.DewPointC.toString();
Pressure = WeatherCurrentConditions.PressureC.toString();
PressureDirection = WeatherCurrentConditions.PressureDirection;
PressureUnit = ' millibars ';
WindSpeed = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindSpeedC.toString();
WindGust = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindGustC.toString();
WindDirection = WeatherCurrentConditions.WindDirection;
WindUnit = ' kilometers per hour ';
VisibilityUnit = ' kilometers ';
Visibility = WeatherCurrentConditions.VisibilityC.toString();
Ceiling = WeatherCurrentConditions.CeilingC.toString();
CeilingUnit = ' meters ';
Text += `The current conditions at ${WeatherCurrentConditions.StationName}. `;
Text += WeatherCurrentConditions.Conditions + '. ';
Text += Temperature.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' degrees ';
if (HeatIndex !== Temperature) {
Text += 'with a heat index of ' + HeatIndex.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' degrees ';
} else if (WindChill !== '' && WindChill < Temperature) {
Text += 'with a wind chill of ' + WindChill.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' degrees';
Text += '. ';
if (WindSpeed > 0) {
Text += 'Winds ' + GetWindDirectionWords(WindDirection) + ' at ' + WindSpeed + WindUnit;
} else if (WindSpeed === 'NA') {
Text += 'Winds are not available ';
} else {
Text += 'Winds are calm ';
if (WindGust !== '') {
Text += ' gusts to ' + WindGust;
Text += '. ';
Text += 'Humidity is ' + Humidity.toString() + ' percent. ';
Text += 'Dewpoint is ' + DewPoint.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' degrees. ';
Text += 'Ceiling is ' + (Ceiling === '' ? 'Unlimited' : Ceiling + CeilingUnit) + '. ';
Text += 'Visibility is ' + parseInt(Visibility).toString() + VisibilityUnit + '. ';
Text += 'Barometric Pressure is ' + Pressure.replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' ' + PressureUnit + ' and ';
switch (PressureDirection) {
case 'R':
Text += 'rising';
case 'F':
Text += 'falling';
Text += '. ';}
case CanvasTypes.LatestObservations:
{const WeatherCurrentRegionalConditions = _WeatherParameters.WeatherCurrentRegionalConditions;
const SortedArray = WeatherCurrentRegionalConditions.SortedArray;
Text += 'Latest observations for the following cities. ';
$(SortedArray).each(function () {
const WeatherCurrentCondition = this;
let Temperature = WeatherCurrentCondition.Temperature;
let WindSpeed = WeatherCurrentCondition.WindSpeed;
let WindUnit = ' miles per hour ';
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
Temperature = Math.round(WeatherCurrentCondition.TemperatureC);
WindSpeed = WeatherCurrentCondition.WindSpeedC;
WindUnit = ' kilometers per hour ';
Text += WeatherCurrentCondition.StationName + ' ';
Text += WeatherCurrentCondition.Conditions + '. ';
Text += Temperature.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' degrees ';
if (WeatherCurrentCondition.WindSpeed > 0) {
Text += ' with Winds ' + GetWindDirectionWords(WeatherCurrentCondition.WindDirection) + ' at ' + WindSpeed.toString() + ' ' + WindUnit + ' ';
} else {
Text += ' with Calm Winds ';
Text += '. ';
case CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast1:
case CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast2:
{ const WeatherExtendedForecast = _WeatherParameters.WeatherExtendedForecast;
Text += 'Extended Forecast. ';
let LBound;
let UBound;
switch (CanvasType) {
case CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast1:
LBound = 0;
UBound = 2;
case CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast2:
LBound = 3;
UBound = 5;
$(WeatherExtendedForecast.Day).each(function (Index) {
if (Index < LBound || Index > UBound) return true;
const Day = this;
let MinimumTemperature = Day.MinimumTemperature;
let MaximumTemperature = Day.MaximumTemperature;
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
MinimumTemperature = Math.round(Day.MinimumTemperatureC);
MaximumTemperature = Math.round(Day.MaximumTemperatureC);
Text += Day.DayName + ' ';
Text += Day.Conditions + '. ';
Text += ' with a high of ' + MaximumTemperature.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' ';
Text += ' and a low of ' + MinimumTemperature.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' ';
Text += '. ';
case CanvasTypes.Almanac:
{ const AlmanacInfo = _WeatherParameters.AlmanacInfo;
const Today = DateTime.local();
const Tomorrow = Today.plus({days: 1});
if (isNaN(AlmanacInfo.TodaySunRise)) {
Text += 'No sunrise for ' + Today.getDayName() + ' ';
} else {
Text += 'Sunrise for ' + Today.getDayName() + ' is at ' + AlmanacInfo.TodaySunRise.getFormattedTime() + ' ';
if (isNaN(AlmanacInfo.TodaySunSet)) {
Text += 'no setset. ';
} else {
Text += 'sunset is at ' + AlmanacInfo.TodaySunSet.getFormattedTime() + '. ';
if (isNaN(AlmanacInfo.TomorrowSunRise)) {
Text += 'No sunrise for ' + Tomorrow.getDayName() + ' ';
} else {
Text += 'Sunrise for ' + Tomorrow.getDayName() + ' is at ' + AlmanacInfo.TomorrowSunRise.getFormattedTime() + ' ';
if (isNaN(AlmanacInfo.TomorrowSunSet)) {
Text += 'no setset. ';
} else {
Text += 'sunset is at ' + AlmanacInfo.TomorrowSunSet.getFormattedTime() + '. ';
AlmanacInfo.MoonPhases.forEach(MoonPhase => {
switch (MoonPhase.Phase) {
case 'Full':
Text += 'Full moon ';
case 'Last':
Text += 'Last quarter ';
case 'New':
Text += 'New moon ';
case 'First':
Text += 'First quarter ';
Text += 'is on ' + MoonPhase.Date.getMonthName() + ' ' + MoonPhase.Date.getDate().toString() + '. ';
Text += '. ';
case CanvasTypes.AlmanacTides:
const AlmanacInfo = _WeatherParameters.AlmanacInfo;
const WeatherTides = _WeatherParameters.WeatherTides;
let TideCounter = 0;
WeatherTides.forEach(WeatherTide => {
Text += WeatherTide.StationName.toLowerCase() + ' Tides. ';
TideCounter = 0;
Text += 'Low tides at ';
WeatherTide.TideTypes.forEach((TideType, Index) => {
if (TideType !== 'low') return true;
let TideTime = WeatherTide.TideTimes[Index];
let TideDay = WeatherTide.TideDays[Index];
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
TideTime = utils.calc.TimeTo24Hour(TideTime);
TideDay = _DayLongNames[TideDay];
Text += TideDay + ' at ' + TideTime;
if (TideCounter === 0) {
Text += ' and ';
} else {
Text += '. ';
TideCounter = 0;
Text += 'High tides at ';
WeatherTide.TideTypes.forEach((TideType, Index) => {
if (TideType !== 'high') return true;
let TideTime = WeatherTide.TideTimes[Index];
let TideDay = WeatherTide.TideDays[Index];
if (_Units === Units.Metric) {
TideTime = utils.calc.TimeTo24Hour(TideTime);
TideDay = _DayLongNames[TideDay];
Text += TideDay + ' at ' + TideTime;
if (TideCounter === 0) {
Text += ' and ';
} else {
Text += '. ';
if (isNaN(AlmanacInfo.TodaySunRise)) {
Text += 'No sunrise for today ';
} else {
Text += 'Sunrise for today is at ' + AlmanacInfo.TodaySunRise.getFormattedTime() + ' ';
if (isNaN(AlmanacInfo.TodaySunSet)) {
Text += ' and no setset. ';
} else {
Text += ' and sunset is at ' + AlmanacInfo.TodaySunSet.getFormattedTime() + '. ';
case CanvasTypes.Outlook:
{const Outlook = _WeatherParameters.Outlook;
Text += 'Your 30 day outlook from mid ' + _MonthLongNames[Outlook.From] + ' to mid ' + _MonthLongNames[Outlook.To] + '. ';
Text += 'Temperatures are expected to be ' + GetOutlookDescription(Outlook.Temperature) + '. ';
Text += 'Precipitation is expected to be ' + GetOutlookDescription(Outlook.Precipitation) + '. ';
case CanvasTypes.MarineForecast:
{const MarineForecast = _WeatherParameters.MarineForecast;
let WindSpeed;
let Tide;
Text += 'Marine Forecast. ';
if (MarineForecast.Warning !== '') {
Text += MarineForecast.Warning + '. ';
Text += MarineForecast.TodayDayName;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
WindSpeed = MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedHigh.toString() + ' knots.';
if (MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedLow !== MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedHigh) {
WindSpeed = MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedLow.toString() + ' to ' + WindSpeed;
WindSpeed = MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedHighC.toString() + ' knots.';
if (MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedLowC !== MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedHighC) {
WindSpeed = MarineForecast.TodayWindSpeedLowC.toString() + ' to ' + WindSpeed;
Text += ' winds ' + GetWindDirectionWords(MarineForecast.TodayWindDirection) + ' at ' + WindSpeed;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
Tide = MarineForecast.TodayTideHigh.toString() + ' feet. ';
if (MarineForecast.TodayTideLow !== MarineForecast.TodayTideHigh) {
Tide = MarineForecast.TodayTideLow.toString() + ' to ' + Tide;
Tide = MarineForecast.TodayTideHighC.toString() + ' meters. ';
if (MarineForecast.TodayTideLowC !== MarineForecast.TodayTideHighC) {
Tide = MarineForecast.TodayTideLowC.toString() + ' to ' + Tide;
Text += ' ' + MarineForecast.SeasOrWaves.capitalize() + ' at ' + Tide;
Text += MarineForecast.TomorrowDayName;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
WindSpeed = MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedHigh.toString() + ' knots. ';
if (MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedLow !== MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedHigh) {
WindSpeed = MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedLow.toString() + ' to ' + WindSpeed;
WindSpeed = MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedHighC.toString() + ' knots. ';
if (MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedLowC !== MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedHighC) {
WindSpeed = MarineForecast.TomorrowWindSpeedLowC.toString() + ' to ' + WindSpeed;
Text += ' winds ' + GetWindDirectionWords(MarineForecast.TomorrowWindDirection) + ' at ' + WindSpeed;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
Tide = MarineForecast.TomorrowTideHigh.toString() + ' feet. ';
if (MarineForecast.TomorrowTideLow !== MarineForecast.TomorrowTideHigh) {
Tide = MarineForecast.TomorrowTideLow.toString() + ' to ' + Tide;
Tide = MarineForecast.TomorrowTideHighC.toString() + ' meters. ';
if (MarineForecast.TomorrowTideLowC !== MarineForecast.TomorrowTideHighC) {
Tide = MarineForecast.TomorrowTideLowC.toString() + ' to ' + Tide;
Text += ' ' + MarineForecast.SeasOrWaves.capitalize() + ' at ' + Tide;
case CanvasTypes.AirQuality:
{const AirQuality = _WeatherParameters.AirQuality;
Text = 'Air quality forecast for ' + AirQuality.Date.getDayName() + '. ';
Text += AirQuality.City + ', ' + GetAqiDescription(AirQuality.IndexValue) + ' with an air quality index of ' + AirQuality.IndexValue.toString() + '.';
case CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast1:
case CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast2:
{ const Today = new Date();
var addDays = 0;
var IsNightTime;
var RegionalForecastCities;
if (CanvasType === CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast2) {
RegionalForecastCities = _WeatherParameters.RegionalForecastCities2;
if (Today.getHours() >= 12) {
// Tomorrow's daytime forecast
addDays = 1;
Today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
IsNightTime = false;
} else {
// Todays's nighttime forecast
if (Today.getHours() === 0) {
// Prevent Midnight from causing the wrong icons to appear.
Today.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0);
IsNightTime = true;
} else {
RegionalForecastCities = _WeatherParameters.RegionalForecastCities1;
if (Today.getHours() >= 12) {
// Todays's nighttime forecast
// Prevent Midnight from causing the wrong icons to appear.
Today.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0);
IsNightTime = true;
} else {
// Today's daytime forecast
if (Today.getHours() === 0) {
// Prevent Midnight from causing the wrong icons to appear.
Today.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0);
IsNightTime = false;
const Tomorrow = Today.addDays(addDays);
var DayName = Tomorrow.getDayName();
Text += 'Regional forecast for ' + DayName + (IsNightTime ? ' Night ' : '') + ' for the following cities. ';
$(RegionalForecastCities).each(function () {
var RegionalForecastCity = this;
var RegionalCity = RegionalForecastCity.RegionalCity;
var weatherTravelForecast = RegionalForecastCity.weatherTravelForecast;
// City Name
Text += RegionalCity.Name + ' ';
Text += weatherTravelForecast.Conditions + ' ';
// Temperature
if (IsNightTime) {
var MinimumTemperature;
if (_Units === Units.English) {
MinimumTemperature = weatherTravelForecast.MinimumTemperature.toString();
} else {
MinimumTemperature = Math.round(weatherTravelForecast.MinimumTemperatureC).toString();
Text += ' with a low of ' + MinimumTemperature.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + '. ';
} else {
var MaximumTemperature;
if (_Units === Units.English) {
MaximumTemperature = weatherTravelForecast.MaximumTemperature.toString();
} else {
MaximumTemperature = Math.round(weatherTravelForecast.MaximumTemperatureC).toString();
Text += ' with a high of ' + MaximumTemperature.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + '. ';
Text += '. ';
case CanvasTypes.RegionalObservations:
Text += 'Regional Observations for the following cities. ';
$(_WeatherParameters.RegionalObservationsCities).each(function () {
var RegionalObservationsCity = this;
var RegionalCity = RegionalObservationsCity.RegionalCity;
var weatherCurrentConditions = RegionalObservationsCity.weatherCurrentConditions;
// City Name
Text += RegionalCity.Name + ' ';
Text += weatherCurrentConditions.Conditions + ' ';
// Temperature
var Temperature;
if (_Units === Units.English) {
Temperature = weatherCurrentConditions.Temperature.toString();
} else {
Temperature = Math.round(weatherCurrentConditions.TemperatureC).toString();
Text += Temperature.toString().replaceAll('.', ' point ') + '. ';
Text += '. ';
case CanvasTypes.LocalForecast:
var LocalForecastScreenTexts = _WeatherParameters.LocalForecastScreenTexts;
var UpdateLocalForecastIndex = SubCanvasType;
Text = LocalForecastScreenTexts[UpdateLocalForecastIndex];
Text = GetVerboseText(Text);
Text = Text.toLowerCase();
case CanvasTypes.LocalRadar:
Text = 'Your local radar.';
case CanvasTypes.TravelForecast:
var TravelCities = _WeatherParameters.TravelCities;
var UpdateTravelCitiesIndex = SubCanvasType;
if (UpdateTravelCitiesIndex === 0) {
//Text += "Travel Forecast for " + TravelCities[0].WeatherTravelForecast.DayName + " for the following cities. ";
Text += 'Travel Forecast for ' + GetTravelCitiesDayName(TravelCities) + ' for the following cities. ';
//for (var Index = (UpdateTravelCitiesIndex * 3) ; Index <= ((UpdateTravelCitiesIndex * 3) + 3) - 1; Index++)
$(TravelCities).each(function () {
var TravelCity = this;
var WeatherTravelForecast = TravelCity.WeatherTravelForecast;
Text += TravelCity.Name + ' ';
if (WeatherTravelForecast && WeatherTravelForecast.Icon !== 'images/r/') {
Text += WeatherTravelForecast.Conditions + ' ';
var MinimumTemperature;
var MaximumTemperature;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
MinimumTemperature = WeatherTravelForecast.MinimumTemperature.toString();
MaximumTemperature = WeatherTravelForecast.MaximumTemperature.toString();
MinimumTemperature = Math.round(WeatherTravelForecast.MinimumTemperatureC).toString();
MaximumTemperature = Math.round(WeatherTravelForecast.MaximumTemperatureC).toString();
Text += ' with high of ' + MaximumTemperature.replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' ';
Text += ' and low of ' + MinimumTemperature.replaceAll('.', ' point ') + ' ';
} else {
Text += ' No travel data available ';
Text += '. ';
case CanvasTypes.Hazards:
var WeatherHazardConditions = _WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions;
switch (_Units) {
case Units.English:
Text = WeatherHazardConditions.HazardsText;
Text = WeatherHazardConditions.HazardsTextC;
Text = GetVerboseText(Text);
Text = Text.toLowerCase();
return Text;
const GetVerboseText = (Text) => {
Text = ' ' + Text;
Text = Text.replaceAll('\n', ' ');
Text = Text.replaceAll('*', ' ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' MPH', ' MILES PER HOUR');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' KPH', ' KILOMETERS PER HOUR');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' IN.', ' INCHES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' CM.', ' CENTIMETERS ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' EST', ' EASTERN STANDARD TIME');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' CST', ' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' MST', ' MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' PST', ' PACIFIC STANDARD TIME');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' AST', ' ALASKA STANDARD TIME');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' AKST', ' ALASKA STANDARD TIME');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' HST', ' HAWAII STANDARD TIME');
//'twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -0S', ' MINUS SINGLE DIGITS ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -10S', ' MINUS TEENS ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -20S', ' MINUS TWENTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -30S', ' MINUS THIRTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -40S', ' MINUS FORTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -50S', ' MINUS FIFTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -60S', ' MINUS SIXTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -70S', ' MINUS SEVENTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -80S', ' MINUS EIGHTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' -90S', ' MINUS NINETIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 0S', ' SINGLE DIGITS ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 10S', ' TEENS ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 20S', ' TWENTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 30S', ' THIRTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 40S', ' FORTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 50S', ' FIFTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 60S', ' SIXTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 70S', ' SEVENTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 80S', ' EIGHTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 90S', ' NINETIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 100S', ' HUNDREDS ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 110S', ' HUNDRED TEENS ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 120S', ' HUNDRED TWENTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 130S', ' HUNDRED THIRTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 140S', ' HUNDRED FORTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 150S', ' HUNDRED FIFTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 160S', ' HUNDRED SIXTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 170S', ' HUNDRED SEVENTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 180S', ' HUNDRED EIGHTIES ');
Text = Text.replaceAll(' 190S', ' HUNDRED NINETIES ');
return Text;
const GetWindDirectionWords = (WindDirection) => {
var Words = WindDirection;
Words = Words.replaceAll('N', 'North ');
Words = Words.replaceAll('S', 'South ');
Words = Words.replaceAll('E', 'East ');
Words = Words.replaceAll('W', 'West ');
return Words;
const AssignScrollText = (e) => {
_ScrollText = e.ScrollText;
_UpdateCustomScrollTextMs = 0;
_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionType = CurrentConditionTypes.Title;
_UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs = 0;