123 lines
4.5 KiB
123 lines
4.5 KiB
// current weather conditions display
import { distance as calcDistance, directionToNSEW } from './utils/calc.mjs';
import { json } from './utils/fetch.mjs';
import STATUS from './status.mjs';
import { locationCleanup } from './utils/string.mjs';
import { celsiusToFahrenheit, kphToMph } from './utils/units.mjs';
import WeatherDisplay from './weatherdisplay.mjs';
import { registerDisplay } from './navigation.mjs';
class LatestObservations extends WeatherDisplay {
constructor(navId, elemId) {
super(navId, elemId, 'Latest Observations', true);
// constants
this.MaximumRegionalStations = 7;
async getData(_weatherParameters) {
if (!super.getData(_weatherParameters)) return;
const weatherParameters = _weatherParameters ?? this.weatherParameters;
// calculate distance to each station
const stationsByDistance = Object.keys(StationInfo).map((key) => {
const station = StationInfo[key];
const distance = calcDistance(station.lat, station.lon, weatherParameters.latitude, weatherParameters.longitude);
return { ...station, distance };
// sort the stations by distance
const sortedStations = stationsByDistance.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance);
// try up to 30 regional stations
const regionalStations = sortedStations.slice(0, 30);
// get data for regional stations
const allConditions = await Promise.all(regionalStations.map(async (station) => {
try {
const data = await json(`https://api.weather.gov/stations/${station.id}/observations/latest`, { retryCount: 3, stillWaiting: () => this.stillWaiting() });
// test for temperature, weather and wind values present
if (data.properties.temperature.value === null
|| data.properties.textDescription === ''
|| data.properties.windSpeed.value === null) return false;
// format the return values
return {
StationId: station.id,
city: station.city,
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Unable to get latest observations for ${station.id}`);
return false;
// remove and stations that did not return data
const actualConditions = allConditions.filter((condition) => condition);
// cut down to the maximum of 7
this.data = actualConditions.slice(0, this.MaximumRegionalStations);
// test for at least one station
if (this.data.length < 1) {
async drawCanvas() {
const conditions = this.data;
// sort array by station name
const sortedConditions = conditions.sort((a, b) => ((a.Name < b.Name) ? -1 : 1));
this.elem.querySelector('.column-headers .temp.english').classList.add('show');
this.elem.querySelector('.column-headers .temp.metric').classList.remove('show');
const lines = sortedConditions.map((condition) => {
const windDirection = directionToNSEW(condition.windDirection.value);
const Temperature = Math.round(celsiusToFahrenheit(condition.temperature.value));
const WindSpeed = Math.round(kphToMph(condition.windSpeed.value));
const fill = {};
fill.location = locationCleanup(condition.city).substr(0, 14);
fill.temp = Temperature;
fill.weather = shortenCurrentConditions(condition.textDescription).substr(0, 9);
if (WindSpeed > 0) {
fill.wind = windDirection + (Array(6 - windDirection.length - WindSpeed.toString().length).join(' ')) + WindSpeed.toString();
} else if (WindSpeed === 'NA') {
fill.wind = 'NA';
} else {
fill.wind = 'Calm';
return this.fillTemplate('observation-row', fill);
const linesContainer = this.elem.querySelector('.observation-lines');
linesContainer.innerHTML = '';
const shortenCurrentConditions = (_condition) => {
let condition = _condition;
condition = condition.replace(/Light/, 'L');
condition = condition.replace(/Heavy/, 'H');
condition = condition.replace(/Partly/, 'P');
condition = condition.replace(/Mostly/, 'M');
condition = condition.replace(/Few/, 'F');
condition = condition.replace(/Thunderstorm/, 'T\'storm');
condition = condition.replace(/ in /, '');
condition = condition.replace(/Vicinity/, '');
condition = condition.replace(/ and /, ' ');
condition = condition.replace(/Freezing Rain/, 'Frz Rn');
condition = condition.replace(/Freezing/, 'Frz');
condition = condition.replace(/Unknown Precip/, '');
condition = condition.replace(/L Snow Fog/, 'L Snw/Fog');
condition = condition.replace(/ with /, '/');
return condition;
// register display
registerDisplay(new LatestObservations(2, 'latest-observations'));