// navigation handles progress, next/previous and initial load messages from the parent frame import noSleep from './utils/nosleep.mjs'; import STATUS from './status.mjs'; import { wrap } from './utils/calc.mjs'; import { json } from './utils/fetch.mjs'; import { getPoint } from './utils/weather.mjs'; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { init(); }); const displays = []; let playing = false; let progress; const weatherParameters = {}; // auto refresh const AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS = 500; const AUTO_REFRESH_TIME_MS = 600000; // 10 min. let AutoRefreshIntervalId = null; let AutoRefreshCountMs = 0; const init = async () => { // set up resize handler window.addEventListener('resize', resize); resize(); // auto refresh const TwcAutoRefresh = localStorage.getItem('TwcAutoRefresh'); if (!TwcAutoRefresh || TwcAutoRefresh === 'true') { document.getElementById('chkAutoRefresh').checked = true; } else { document.getElementById('chkAutoRefresh').checked = false; } document.getElementById('chkAutoRefresh').addEventListener('change', autoRefreshChange); generateCheckboxes(); }; const message = (data) => { // dispatch event if (!data.type) return; switch (data.type) { case 'navButton': handleNavButton(data.message); break; default: console.error(`Unknown event ${data.type}`); } }; const getWeather = async (latLon) => { // get initial weather data const point = await getPoint(latLon.lat, latLon.lon); // get stations const stations = await json(point.properties.observationStations); const StationId = stations.features[0].properties.stationIdentifier; let { city } = point.properties.relativeLocation.properties; if (StationId in StationInfo) { city = StationInfo[StationId].city; [city] = city.split('/'); } // populate the weather parameters weatherParameters.latitude = latLon.lat; weatherParameters.longitude = latLon.lon; weatherParameters.zoneId = point.properties.forecastZone.substr(-6); weatherParameters.radarId = point.properties.radarStation.substr(-3); weatherParameters.stationId = StationId; weatherParameters.weatherOffice = point.properties.cwa; weatherParameters.city = city; weatherParameters.state = point.properties.relativeLocation.properties.state; weatherParameters.timeZone = point.properties.relativeLocation.properties.timeZone; weatherParameters.forecast = point.properties.forecast; weatherParameters.forecastGridData = point.properties.forecastGridData; weatherParameters.stations = stations.features; // update the main process for display purposes populateWeatherParameters(weatherParameters); // draw the progress canvas and hide others hideAllCanvases(); document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'none'; if (progress) { await progress.drawCanvas(); progress.showCanvas(); } // call for new data on each display displays.forEach((display) => display.getData(weatherParameters)); }; // receive a status update from a module {id, value} const updateStatus = (value) => { if (value.id < 0) return; if (!progress) return; progress.drawCanvas(displays, countLoadedDisplays()); // calculate first enabled display const firstDisplayIndex = displays.findIndex((display) => display.enabled); // if this is the first display and we're playing, load it up so it starts playing if (isPlaying() && value.id === firstDisplayIndex && value.status === STATUS.loaded) { navTo(msg.command.firstFrame); } // send loaded messaged to parent if (countLoadedDisplays() < displays.length) return; // everything loaded, set timestamps AssignLastUpdate(new Date()); }; // note: a display that is "still waiting"/"retrying" is considered loaded intentionally // the weather.gov api has long load times for some products when you are the first // requester for the product after the cache expires const countLoadedDisplays = () => displays.reduce((acc, display) => { if (display.status !== STATUS.loading) return acc + 1; return acc; }, 0); const hideAllCanvases = () => { displays.forEach((display) => display.hideCanvas()); }; // is playing interface const isPlaying = () => playing; // navigation message constants const msg = { response: { // display to navigation previous: Symbol('previous'), // already at first frame, calling function should switch to previous canvas inProgress: Symbol('inProgress'), // have data to display, calling function should do nothing next: Symbol('next'), // end of frames reached, calling function should switch to next canvas }, command: { // navigation to display firstFrame: Symbol('firstFrame'), previousFrame: Symbol('previousFrame'), nextFrame: Symbol('nextFrame'), lastFrame: Symbol('lastFrame'), // used when navigating backwards from the begining of the next canvas }, }; // receive navigation messages from displays const displayNavMessage = (myMessage) => { if (myMessage.type === msg.response.previous) loadDisplay(-1); if (myMessage.type === msg.response.next) loadDisplay(1); }; // navigate to next or previous const navTo = (direction) => { // test for a current display const current = currentDisplay(); progress.hideCanvas(); if (!current) { // special case for no active displays (typically on progress screen) // find the first ready display let firstDisplay; let displayCount = 0; do { if (displays[displayCount].status === STATUS.loaded) firstDisplay = displays[displayCount]; displayCount += 1; } while (!firstDisplay && displayCount < displays.length); if (!firstDisplay) return; firstDisplay.navNext(msg.command.firstFrame); return; } if (direction === msg.command.nextFrame) currentDisplay().navNext(); if (direction === msg.command.previousFrame) currentDisplay().navPrev(); }; // find the next or previous available display const loadDisplay = (direction) => { const totalDisplays = displays.length; const curIdx = currentDisplayIndex(); let idx; for (let i = 0; i < totalDisplays; i += 1) { // convert form simple 0-10 to start at current display index +/-1 and wrap idx = wrap(curIdx + (i + 1) * direction, totalDisplays); if (displays[idx].status === STATUS.loaded) break; } // if new display index is less than current display a wrap occurred, test for reload timeout if (idx <= curIdx) { if (refreshCheck()) return; } const newDisplay = displays[idx]; // hide all displays hideAllCanvases(); // show the new display and navigate to an appropriate display if (direction < 0) newDisplay.showCanvas(msg.command.lastFrame); if (direction > 0) newDisplay.showCanvas(msg.command.firstFrame); }; // get the current display index or value const currentDisplayIndex = () => { const index = displays.findIndex((display) => display.isActive()); return index; }; const currentDisplay = () => displays[currentDisplayIndex()]; const setPlaying = (newValue) => { playing = newValue; const playButton = document.getElementById('NavigatePlay'); localStorage.setItem('TwcPlay', playing); if (playing) { noSleep(true); playButton.title = 'Pause'; playButton.src = 'images/nav/ic_pause_white_24dp_1x.png'; } else { noSleep(false); playButton.title = 'Play'; playButton.src = 'images/nav/ic_play_arrow_white_24dp_1x.png'; } // if we're playing and on the progress screen jump to the next screen if (!progress) return; if (playing && !currentDisplay()) navTo(msg.command.firstFrame); }; // handle all navigation buttons const handleNavButton = (button) => { switch (button) { case 'play': setPlaying(true); break; case 'playToggle': setPlaying(!playing); break; case 'stop': setPlaying(false); break; case 'next': setPlaying(false); navTo(msg.command.nextFrame); break; case 'previous': setPlaying(false); navTo(msg.command.previousFrame); break; case 'menu': setPlaying(false); progress.showCanvas(); hideAllCanvases(); break; default: console.error(`Unknown navButton ${button}`); } }; // return the specificed display const getDisplay = (index) => displays[index]; // resize the container on a page resize const resize = () => { const marginOffset = (document.fullscreenElement) ? 0 : 16; const widthZoomPercent = (window.innerWidth - marginOffset) / 640; const heightZoomPercent = (window.innerHeight - marginOffset) / 480; const scale = Math.min(widthZoomPercent, heightZoomPercent); if (scale < 1.0 || document.fullscreenElement) { document.getElementById('container').style.zoom = scale; } else { document.getElementById('container').style.zoom = 1; } }; // reset all statuses to loading on all displays, used to keep the progress bar accurate during refresh const resetStatuses = () => { displays.forEach((display) => { display.status = STATUS.loading; }); }; // allow displays to register themselves const registerDisplay = (display) => { displays[display.navId] = display; // generate checkboxes generateCheckboxes(); }; const generateCheckboxes = () => { const availableDisplays = document.getElementById('enabledDisplays'); if (!availableDisplays) return; // generate checkboxes const checkboxes = displays.map((d) => d.generateCheckbox(d.defaultEnabled)).filter((d) => d); // write to page availableDisplays.innerHTML = ''; availableDisplays.append(...checkboxes); }; // special registration method for progress display const registerProgress = (_progress) => { progress = _progress; }; const populateWeatherParameters = (params) => { document.getElementById('spanCity').innerHTML = `${params.city}, `; document.getElementById('spanState').innerHTML = params.state; document.getElementById('spanStationId').innerHTML = params.stationId; document.getElementById('spanRadarId').innerHTML = params.radarId; document.getElementById('spanZoneId').innerHTML = params.zoneId; }; const autoRefreshChange = (e) => { const { checked } = e.target; if (checked) { startAutoRefreshTimer(); } else { stopAutoRefreshTimer(); } localStorage.setItem('TwcAutoRefresh', checked); }; const AssignLastUpdate = (date) => { if (date) { document.getElementById('spanLastRefresh').innerHTML = date.toLocaleString('en-US', { weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', timeZoneName: 'short', }); if (document.getElementById('chkAutoRefresh').checked) startAutoRefreshTimer(); } else { document.getElementById('spanLastRefresh').innerHTML = '(none)'; } }; const latLonReceived = (data) => { getWeather(data); AssignLastUpdate(null); }; const startAutoRefreshTimer = () => { // Ensure that any previous timer has already stopped. // check if timer is running if (AutoRefreshIntervalId) return; // Reset the time elapsed. AutoRefreshCountMs = 0; const AutoRefreshTimer = () => { // Increment the total time elapsed. AutoRefreshCountMs += AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS; // Display the count down. let RemainingMs = (AUTO_REFRESH_TIME_MS - AutoRefreshCountMs); if (RemainingMs < 0) { RemainingMs = 0; } const dt = new Date(RemainingMs); document.getElementById('spanRefreshCountDown').innerHTML = `${dt.getMinutes() < 10 ? `0${dt.getMinutes()}` : dt.getMinutes()}:${dt.getSeconds() < 10 ? `0${dt.getSeconds()}` : dt.getSeconds()}`; // Time has elapsed. if (AutoRefreshCountMs >= AUTO_REFRESH_TIME_MS && !isPlaying()) loadTwcData(); }; AutoRefreshIntervalId = window.setInterval(AutoRefreshTimer, AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS); AutoRefreshTimer(); }; const stopAutoRefreshTimer = () => { if (AutoRefreshIntervalId) { window.clearInterval(AutoRefreshIntervalId); document.getElementById('spanRefreshCountDown').innerHTML = '--:--'; AutoRefreshIntervalId = null; } }; const refreshCheck = () => { // Time has elapsed. if (AutoRefreshCountMs >= AUTO_REFRESH_TIME_MS) { loadTwcData(); return true; } return false; }; const loadTwcData = () => { if (loadTwcData.callback) loadTwcData.callback(); }; const registerRefreshData = (callback) => { loadTwcData.callback = callback; }; export { updateStatus, displayNavMessage, resetStatuses, isPlaying, resize, registerDisplay, registerProgress, currentDisplay, getDisplay, msg, message, latLonReceived, stopAutoRefreshTimer, registerRefreshData, };