import { json } from './modules/utils/fetch.mjs'; import noSleep from './modules/utils/nosleep.mjs'; import { message as navMessage, isPlaying, resize, resetStatuses, latLonReceived, stopAutoRefreshTimer, registerRefreshData, } from './modules/navigation.mjs'; import { round2 } from './modules/utils/units.mjs'; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { init(); }); let fullScreenOverride = false; const categories = [ 'Land Features', 'Bay', 'Channel', 'Cove', 'Dam', 'Delta', 'Gulf', 'Lagoon', 'Lake', 'Ocean', 'Reef', 'Reservoir', 'Sea', 'Sound', 'Strait', 'Waterfall', 'Wharf', // Water Features 'Amusement Park', 'Historical Monument', 'Landmark', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Zoo', // POI/Arts and Entertainment 'College', // POI/Education 'Beach', 'Campground', 'Golf Course', 'Harbor', 'Nature Reserve', 'Other Parks and Outdoors', 'Park', 'Racetrack', 'Scenic Overlook', 'Ski Resort', 'Sports Center', 'Sports Field', 'Wildlife Reserve', // POI/Parks and Outdoors 'Airport', 'Ferry', 'Marina', 'Pier', 'Port', 'Resort', // POI/Travel 'Postal', 'Populated Place', ]; const category = categories.join(','); const init = () => { document.getElementById('txtAddress').addEventListener('focus', (e) => {; }); registerRefreshData(loadData); document.getElementById('NavigateMenu').addEventListener('click', btnNavigateMenuClick); document.getElementById('NavigateRefresh').addEventListener('click', btnNavigateRefreshClick); document.getElementById('NavigateNext').addEventListener('click', btnNavigateNextClick); document.getElementById('NavigatePrevious').addEventListener('click', btnNavigatePreviousClick); document.getElementById('NavigatePlay').addEventListener('click', btnNavigatePlayClick); document.getElementById('ToggleFullScreen').addEventListener('click', btnFullScreenClick); const btnGetGps = document.getElementById('btnGetGps'); btnGetGps.addEventListener('click', btnGetGpsClick); if (!navigator.geolocation) = 'none'; document.getElementById('divTwc').addEventListener('click', () => { if (document.fullscreenElement) updateFullScreenNavigate(); }); document.addEventListener('keydown', documentKeydown); document.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => { if (fullScreenOverride) e.preventDefault(); }); $('#frmGetLatLng #txtAddress').devbridgeAutocomplete({ serviceUrl: '', deferRequestBy: 300, paramName: 'text', params: { f: 'json', countryCode: 'USA', // 'USA,PRI,VIR,GUM,ASM', category, maxSuggestions: 10, }, dataType: 'json', transformResult: (response) => ({ suggestions: => ({ value: i.text, data: i.magicKey, })), }), minChars: 3, showNoSuggestionNotice: true, noSuggestionNotice: 'No results found. Please try a different search string.', onSelect(suggestion) { autocompleteOnSelect(suggestion, this); }, width: 490, }); $('#frmGetLatLng').on('submit', () => { const ac = $('#frmGetLatLng #txtAddress').devbridgeAutocomplete(); if (ac.suggestions[0]) $(ac.suggestionsContainer.children[0]).trigger('click'); return false; }); // Auto load the previous query const query = localStorage.getItem('latLonQuery'); const latLon = localStorage.getItem('latLon'); const fromGPS = localStorage.getItem('latLonFromGPS'); if (query && latLon && !fromGPS) { const txtAddress = document.getElementById('txtAddress'); txtAddress.value = query; loadData(JSON.parse(latLon)); } if (fromGPS) { btnGetGpsClick(); } const twcPlay = localStorage.getItem('play'); if (twcPlay === null || twcPlay === 'true') postMessage('navButton', 'play'); document.getElementById('btnClearQuery').addEventListener('click', () => { document.getElementById('spanCity').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('spanState').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('spanStationId').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('spanRadarId').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('spanZoneId').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('chkAutoRefresh').checked = true; localStorage.removeItem('autoRefresh'); localStorage.removeItem('play'); postMessage('navButton', 'play'); localStorage.removeItem('latLonQuery'); localStorage.removeItem('latLon'); localStorage.removeItem('latLonFromGPS'); document.getElementById('btnGetGps').classList.remove('active'); }); // swipe functionality document.getElementById('container').addEventListener('swiped-left', () => swipeCallBack('left')); document.getElementById('container').addEventListener('swiped-right', () => swipeCallBack('right')); }; const autocompleteOnSelect = async (suggestion, elem) => { // Do not auto get the same city twice. if (elem.previousSuggestionValue === suggestion.value) return; const data = await json('', { data: { text: suggestion.value, magicKey:, f: 'json', }, }); const loc = data.locations[0]; if (loc) { localStorage.removeItem('latLonFromGPS'); document.getElementById('btnGetGps').classList.remove('active'); doRedirectToGeometry(loc.feature.geometry); } else { console.error('An unexpected error occurred. Please try a different search string.'); } }; const doRedirectToGeometry = (geom, haveDataCallback) => { const latLon = { lat: round2(geom.y, 4), lon: round2(geom.x, 4) }; // Save the query localStorage.setItem('latLonQuery', document.getElementById('txtAddress').value); localStorage.setItem('latLon', JSON.stringify(latLon)); // get the data loadData(latLon, haveDataCallback); }; const btnFullScreenClick = () => { if (!document.fullscreenElement) { enterFullScreen(); } else { exitFullscreen(); } if (isPlaying()) { noSleep(true); } else { noSleep(false); } updateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; const enterFullScreen = () => { const element = document.getElementById('divTwc'); // Supports most browsers and their versions. const requestMethod = element.requestFullScreen || element.webkitRequestFullScreen || element.mozRequestFullScreen || element.msRequestFullscreen; if (requestMethod) { // Native full screen., { navigationUI: 'hide' }); // } else { // iOS doesn't support FullScreen API. window.scrollTo(0, 0); fullScreenOverride = true; } resize(); updateFullScreenNavigate(); // change hover text and image const img = document.getElementById('ToggleFullScreen'); img.src = 'images/nav/ic_fullscreen_exit_white_24dp_1x.png'; img.title = 'Exit fullscreen'; }; const exitFullscreen = () => { // exit full-screen if (fullScreenOverride) { fullScreenOverride = false; } if (document.exitFullscreen) { // Chrome 71 broke this if the user pressed F11 to enter full screen mode. document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } resize(); // change hover text and image const img = document.getElementById('ToggleFullScreen'); img.src = 'images/nav/ic_fullscreen_white_24dp_1x.png'; img.title = 'Enter fullscreen'; }; const btnNavigateMenuClick = () => { postMessage('navButton', 'menu'); updateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; const loadData = (_latLon, haveDataCallback) => { // if latlon is provided store it locally if (_latLon) loadData.latLon = _latLon; // get the data const { latLon } = loadData; // if there's no data stop if (!latLon) return; document.getElementById('txtAddress').blur(); stopAutoRefreshTimer(); latLonReceived(latLon, haveDataCallback); }; const swipeCallBack = (direction) => { switch (direction) { case 'left': btnNavigateNextClick(); break; case 'right': default: btnNavigatePreviousClick(); break; } }; const btnNavigateRefreshClick = () => { resetStatuses(); loadData(); updateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; const btnNavigateNextClick = () => { postMessage('navButton', 'next'); updateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; const btnNavigatePreviousClick = () => { postMessage('navButton', 'previous'); updateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; let navigateFadeIntervalId = null; const updateFullScreenNavigate = () => { document.activeElement.blur(); document.getElementById('divTwcBottom').classList.remove('hidden'); document.getElementById('divTwcBottom').classList.add('visible'); if (navigateFadeIntervalId) { clearTimeout(navigateFadeIntervalId); navigateFadeIntervalId = null; } navigateFadeIntervalId = setTimeout(() => { if (document.fullscreenElement) { document.getElementById('divTwcBottom').classList.remove('visible'); document.getElementById('divTwcBottom').classList.add('hidden'); } }, 2000); }; const documentKeydown = (e) => { const code = (e.keyCode || e.which); // 200ms repeat if (( - documentKeydown.lastButton ?? 0) < 200) return false; documentKeydown.lastButton =; if (document.fullscreenElement || document.activeElement === document.body) { switch (code) { case 32: // Space btnNavigatePlayClick(); return false; case 39: // Right Arrow case 34: // Page Down btnNavigateNextClick(); return false; case 37: // Left Arrow case 33: // Page Up btnNavigatePreviousClick(); return false; case 36: // Home btnNavigateMenuClick(); return false; case 48: // Restart btnNavigateRefreshClick(); return false; case 70: // F btnFullScreenClick(); return false; default: } } return false; }; const btnNavigatePlayClick = () => { postMessage('navButton', 'playToggle'); updateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; // post a message to the iframe const postMessage = (type, myMessage = {}) => { navMessage({ type, message: myMessage }); }; const getPosition = async () => new Promise((resolve) => { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(resolve); }); const btnGetGpsClick = async () => { if (!navigator.geolocation) return; const btn = document.getElementById('btnGetGps'); // toggle first if (btn.classList.contains('active')) { btn.classList.remove('active'); localStorage.removeItem('latLonFromGPS'); return; } // set gps active btn.classList.add('active'); // get position const position = await getPosition(); const { latitude, longitude } = position.coords; const txtAddress = document.getElementById('txtAddress'); txtAddress.value = `${round2(latitude, 4)}, ${round2(longitude, 4)}`; doRedirectToGeometry({ y: latitude, x: longitude }, (point) => { console.log(point); const location =; // Save the query const query = `${}, ${location.state}`; localStorage.setItem('latLon', JSON.stringify({ lat: latitude, lon: longitude })); localStorage.setItem('latLonQuery', query); localStorage.setItem('latLonFromGPS', true); txtAddress.value = `${}, ${location.state}`; }); };