/* globals _StationInfo, luxon, _RegionalCities, utils, icons, _TravelCities, SunCalc */ const _DayShortNames = { 'Sunday': 'Sun', 'Monday': 'Mon', 'Tuesday': 'Tue', 'Wednesday': 'Wed', 'Thursday': 'Thu', 'Friday': 'Fri', 'Saturday': 'Sat' }; var canvasProgress; var divProgress; var canvasRegionalObservations; var canvasRegionalForecast1; var canvasRegionalForecast2; var canvasLocalRadar; var canvasCurrentWeather; var canvasExtendedForecast1; var canvasExtendedForecast2; var canvasLocalForecast; var divHazards; var divHazardsScroll; var canvasHazards; var canvasAlmanac; var canvasAlmanacTides; var canvasOutlook; var canvasMarineForecast; var canvasAirQuality; var canvasTravelForecast; var divOutlookTemp; var cnvOutlookTemp; var divOutlookPrcp; var cnvOutlookPrcp; var canvasLatestObservations; var _WeatherParameters = null; var LoadStatuses = { Loading: 0, Loaded: 1, Failed: 2, NoData: 3, }; var _UpdateWeatherUpdateMs = 50; var canvasBackGroundDateTime = null; var canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions = null; var CurrentConditionTypes = { Title: 0, Conditions: 1, Temperature: 2, HumidityDewpoint: 3, BarometricPressure: 4, Wind: 5, VisibilityCeiling: 6, MonthPrecipitation: 7, }; var _UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionType = CurrentConditionTypes.Title; var _UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs = 0; var _UpdateCustomScrollTextMs = 0; var _UpdateHazardsY = 0; var CanvasTypes = { Progress: 0, CurrentWeather: 1, LatestObservations: 2, TravelForecast: 3, RegionalForecast1: 4, RegionalForecast2: 5, RegionalObservations: 6, LocalForecast: 7, MarineForecast: 8, ExtendedForecast1: 9, ExtendedForecast2: 10, Almanac: 11, AlmanacTides: 12, AirQuality: 13, Outlook: 14, LocalRadar: 15, Hazards: 16, }; var _FirstCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Progress; var _CurrentCanvasType = _FirstCanvasType; var _IsPlaying = false; const OperatingSystems = { Unknown: 0, Windows: 1, MacOS: 2, Linux: 3, Unix: 4, iOS: 5, Andriod: 6, WindowsPhone: 7, }; let _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Unknown; const _UserAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; if (_UserAgent.indexOf('Win') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Windows; if (_UserAgent.indexOf('Mac') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.MacOS; if (_UserAgent.indexOf('X11') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Unix; if (_UserAgent.indexOf('Linux') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Linux; if (_UserAgent.indexOf('iPad') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.iOS; if (_UserAgent.indexOf('iPhone') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.iOS; if (_UserAgent.indexOf('iPod') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.iOS; if (_UserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Andriod; if (_UserAgent.indexOf('Windows Phone') !== -1) _OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.WindowsPhone; const GetMonthPrecipitation = async (WeatherParameters) => { const DateTime = luxon.DateTime; const today = DateTime.local().startOf('day').toISO().replace('.000',''); try { const cliProducts = await $.ajaxCORS({ type: 'GET', url: 'https://api.weather.gov/products', data: { location: WeatherParameters.WeatherOffice, type: 'CLI', start: today, }, dataType: 'json', crossDomain: true, }); // get the first url from the list const cli = await $.ajaxCORS({ type: 'GET', url: cliProducts['@graph'][0]['@id'], dataType: 'json', crossDomain: true, }); WeatherParameters.WeatherMonthlyTotals = WeatherMonthlyTotalsParser(cli.productText); console.log(WeatherParameters.WeatherMonthlyTotals); } catch (e) { console.error('GetMonthPrecipitation failed'); console.error(e.status, e.responseJSON); return false; } }; var GetOutlook = function (WeatherParameters) { WeatherParameters.Outlook = null; // No current support for HI and AK. if (WeatherParameters.State === 'HI' || WeatherParameters.State === 'AK') { GetTideInfo2(WeatherParameters); return; } var ImagesLoadedCounter = 0; var ImagesLoadedMax = 2; var ImageOnError = function () { GetTideInfo2(WeatherParameters); }; var ImageOnLoad = function () { ImagesLoadedCounter++; if (ImagesLoadedCounter < ImagesLoadedMax) { return; } var Outlook = {}; var now = new Date(); var CurrentMonth = new Date(now.getYear(), now.getMonth(), 1); if (now.getDate() <= 14) { CurrentMonth = CurrentMonth.addMonths(-1); } Outlook.From = CurrentMonth.getMonthShortName(); CurrentMonth = CurrentMonth.addMonths(1); Outlook.To = CurrentMonth.getMonthShortName(); var cnvOutlookTempId = 'cnvOutlookTemp'; var contextTemp; if (_DontLoadGifs === false) { // Clear the current image. divOutlookTemp.empty(); divOutlookTemp.html(''); cnvOutlookTemp = $('#' + cnvOutlookTempId); cnvOutlookTemp.attr('width', '719'); // For Chrome. cnvOutlookTemp.attr('height', '707'); // For Chrome. } cnvOutlookTemp = $('#' + cnvOutlookTempId); contextTemp = cnvOutlookTemp[0].getContext('2d'); contextTemp.drawImage(TempImage, 0, 0); var TempColor = GetOutlookColor(WeatherParameters, contextTemp); var Temperature = GetOutlookTemperatureIndicator(TempColor); Outlook.Temperature = Temperature; var cnvOutlookPrcpId = 'cnvOutlookPrcp'; var contextPrcp; if (_DontLoadGifs === false) { // Clear the current image. divOutlookPrcp.empty(); divOutlookPrcp.html(''); cnvOutlookPrcp = $('#' + cnvOutlookPrcpId); cnvOutlookPrcp.attr('width', '719'); // For Chrome. cnvOutlookPrcp.attr('height', '707'); // For Chrome. } cnvOutlookPrcp = $('#' + cnvOutlookPrcpId); contextPrcp = cnvOutlookPrcp[0].getContext('2d'); contextPrcp.drawImage(PrcpImage, 0, 0); var PrcpColor = GetOutlookColor(WeatherParameters, contextPrcp); var Precipitation = GetOutlookPrecipitationIndicator(PrcpColor); Outlook.Precipitation = Precipitation; WeatherParameters.Outlook = Outlook; PopulateOutlook(WeatherParameters); GetTideInfo2(WeatherParameters); }; var TempUrl = 'https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/30day/off14_temp.gif'; TempUrl = 'cors/?u=' + encodeURIComponent(TempUrl); var TempImage = new Image(); TempImage.onload = ImageOnLoad; TempImage.onerror = ImageOnError; TempImage.src = TempUrl; var PrcpUrl = 'https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/30day/off14_prcp.gif'; PrcpUrl = 'cors/?u=' + encodeURIComponent(PrcpUrl); var PrcpImage = new Image(); PrcpImage.onload = ImageOnLoad; TempImage.onerror = ImageOnError; PrcpImage.src = PrcpUrl; }; var GetOutlookColor = function (WeatherParameters, context) { var X = 0; var Y = 0; var PixelColor = ''; var Latitude = WeatherParameters.Latitude; var Longitude = WeatherParameters.Longitude; // The height is in the range of latitude 75'N (top) - 15'N (bottom) Y = ((75 - Latitude) / 53) * 707; if (Latitude < 48.83) { Y -= Math.abs(48.83 - Latitude) * 2.9; } if (Longitude < -100.46) { Y -= Math.abs(-100.46 - Longitude) * 1.7; } else { Y -= Math.abs(-100.46 - Longitude) * 1.7; } // The width is in the range of the longitude ??? X = ((-155 - Longitude) / -110) * 719; // -155 - -40 if (Longitude < -100.46) { X -= Math.abs(-100.46 - Longitude) * 1; if (Latitude > 40) { X += Math.abs(40 - Latitude) * 4; } else { X -= Math.abs(40 - Latitude) * 4; } } else { X += Math.abs(-100.46 - Longitude) * 2; if (Latitude < 36 && Longitude > -90) { X += Math.abs(36 - Latitude) * 8; } else { X -= Math.abs(36 - Latitude) * 6; } } // The further left and right from lat 45 and lon -97 the y increases X = Math.round(X); Y = Math.round(Y); // Determine if there is any "non-white" colors around the area. // Search a 16x16 region. var FoundColor = false; for (var ColorX = X - 8; ColorX <= X + 8; ColorX++) { for (var ColorY = Y - 8; ColorY <= Y + 8; ColorY++) { PixelColor = GetPixelColor(context, ColorX, ColorY); if (PixelColor !== '#FFFFFF' && PixelColor !== '#000000') { FoundColor = true; } if (FoundColor) { break; } } if (FoundColor) { break; } } return PixelColor; }; var GetOutlookTemperatureIndicator = function (PixelColor) { var RGB = HexToRgb(PixelColor); if (RGB.b > RGB.r) { return 'B'; } else if (RGB.r > RGB.b) { return 'A'; } else { return 'N'; } }; var GetOutlookPrecipitationIndicator = function (PixelColor) { var RGB = HexToRgb(PixelColor); if (RGB.g > RGB.r) { return 'A'; } else if (RGB.r > RGB.g) { return 'B'; } else { return 'N'; } }; const GetPixelColor = (context, x, y) => { var PixelData = context.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data; var R = PixelData[0]; var G = PixelData[1]; var B = PixelData[2]; return '#' + ('000000' + RgbToHex(R, G, B)).slice(-6); }; const RgbToHex = (r, g, b) => { if (r > 255 || g > 255 || b > 255) throw 'Invalid color component'; return ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | b).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }; const HexToRgb = (h) => { const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(h); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16), } : null; }; var PopulateOutlook = function (WeatherParameters) { if (WeatherParameters === null || (_DontLoadGifs && WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac !== LoadStatuses.Loaded)) { return; } var Outlook = WeatherParameters.Outlook; // Draw canvas var canvas = canvasOutlook[0]; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var BackGroundImage = new Image(); BackGroundImage.onload = function () { context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0); DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 30, 500, 90, _TopColor1, _TopColor2); DrawTriangle(context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90); DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 0, 90, 52, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2); DrawHorizontalGradientSingle(context, 584, 90, 640, 399, _SideColor1, _SideColor2); DrawTitleText(context, 'Almanac', 'Outlook'); DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 180, '30 Day Outlook', 2, 'center'); var DateRange = 'MID-' + Outlook.From.toUpperCase() + ' TO MID-' + Outlook.To.toUpperCase(); DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 320, 220, DateRange, 2, 'center'); var Temperature = GetOutlookDescription(Outlook.Temperature); DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 300, 'Temperatures: ' + Temperature, 2); var Precipitation = GetOutlookDescription(Outlook.Precipitation); DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 70, 380, 'Precipitation: ' + Precipitation, 2); UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasOutlook); }; //BackGroundImage.src = "images/BackGround1_" + _Themes.toString() + ".png"; BackGroundImage.src = 'images/BackGround1_1.png'; }; var GetOutlookDescription = function (OutlookIndicator) { switch (OutlookIndicator) { case 'N': return 'Normal'; case 'A': return 'Above Normal'; case 'B': return 'Below Normal'; default: } }; String.prototype.capitalize = function () { return this.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function (letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); }; Date.prototype.stdTimezoneOffset = function () { var jan = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1); var jul = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 6, 1); return Math.max(jan.getTimezoneOffset(), jul.getTimezoneOffset()); }; Date.prototype.dst = function () { return this.getTimezoneOffset() < this.stdTimezoneOffset(); }; var GetWeatherHazards3 = function (WeatherParameters) { var ZoneId = WeatherParameters.ZoneId; var HazardUrls = []; var HazardCounter = 0; WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions = { ZoneId: WeatherParameters.ZoneId, Hazards: [], }; var Url = 'https://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwaatmget.php?x=' + ZoneId + '&y=0'; // Load the xml file using ajax $.ajaxCORS({ type: 'GET', url: Url, dataType: 'text', crossDomain: true, cache: false, success: function (text) { // IE doesn't support XML tags with colons. text = text.replaceAll(' { canvasBackGroundDateTime = $('#canvasBackGroundDateTime'); canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions = $('#canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions'); canvasProgress = $('#canvasProgress'); divProgress = $('#divProgress'); canvasLocalRadar = $('#canvasLocalRadar'); canvasRegionalForecast1 = $('#canvasRegionalForecast1'); canvasRegionalForecast2 = $('#canvasRegionalForecast2'); canvasRegionalObservations = $('#canvasRegionalObservations'); canvasCurrentWeather = $('#canvasCurrentWeather'); canvasExtendedForecast1 = $('#canvasExtendedForecast1'); canvasExtendedForecast2 = $('#canvasExtendedForecast2'); canvasLocalForecast = $('#canvasLocalForecast'); divHazards = $('#divHazards'); divHazardsScroll = $('#divHazardsScroll'); canvasHazards = $('#canvasHazards'); canvasAlmanac = $('#canvasAlmanac'); canvasAlmanacTides = $('#canvasAlmanacTides'); canvasOutlook = $('#canvasOutlook'); canvasMarineForecast = $('#canvasMarineForecast'); canvasAirQuality = $('#canvasAirQuality'); divOutlookTemp = $('#divOutlookTemp'); divOutlookPrcp = $('#divOutlookPrcp'); canvasTravelForecast = $('#canvasTravelForecast'); canvasLatestObservations = $('#canvasLatestObservations'); canvasProgress.mousemove(canvasProgress_mousemove); canvasProgress.click(canvasProgress_click); _WeatherParameters = {}; _WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions = {}; const WeatherCanvases = []; WeatherCanvases.push(canvasProgress); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasCurrentWeather); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasLatestObservations); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasTravelForecast); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasRegionalForecast1); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasRegionalForecast2); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasRegionalObservations); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasAlmanac); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasAlmanacTides); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasOutlook); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasMarineForecast); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasAirQuality); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasLocalForecast); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasExtendedForecast1); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasExtendedForecast2); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasHazards); WeatherCanvases.push(canvasLocalRadar); _WeatherParameters.WeatherCanvases = WeatherCanvases; $(WeatherCanvases).each(function () { var WeatherCanvas = $(this); WeatherCanvas.css('position', 'absolute'); WeatherCanvas.css('top', '0px'); WeatherCanvas.css('left', '0px'); WeatherCanvas.hide(); }); canvasProgress.show(); _WeatherParameters.TravelCities = _TravelCities; _WeatherParameters.Progress = new Progress({ WeatherParameters: _WeatherParameters, }); }); var NavigateMenu = function () { if (_IsPlaying) { NavigatePlayToggle(); } Navigate(0); _PlayMs = 0; }; $.fn.scrollIntoView = function () { const $self = this; const OkToFadeOut = true; _WeatherParameters.WeatherCanvases.forEach($WeatherCanvas => { if (!$WeatherCanvas.is($self)) { if ($WeatherCanvas.is(':visible')) { $WeatherCanvas.css('z-index', '9999'); if (!OkToFadeOut) { $WeatherCanvas.hide(); } else { $WeatherCanvas.fadeOut({ progress: () => { UpdateWeatherCanvas(_WeatherParameters, $WeatherCanvas); UpdateWeatherCanvas(_WeatherParameters, $self); }, }); } } } else { if (!$WeatherCanvas.is(':visible')) { $WeatherCanvas.css('z-index', ''); $WeatherCanvas.show(); } $WeatherCanvas.stop(); $WeatherCanvas.css('opacity', ''); UpdateWeatherCanvas(_WeatherParameters, $WeatherCanvas); } }); _RefreshGifs = true; window.setTimeout(function () { _RefreshGifs = false; }, 200); }; var canvasProgress_mousemove = function (e) { canvasProgress.css('cursor', ''); var RatioX = canvasProgress.width() / 640; var RatioY = canvasProgress.height() / 480; if (e.offsetX >= (70 * RatioX) && e.offsetX <= (565 * RatioX)) { //if (e.offsetY >= (105 * RatioY) && e.offsetY <= (350 * RatioY)) if (e.offsetY >= (100 * RatioY) && e.offsetY <= (385 * RatioY)) { // Show hand cursor. canvasProgress.css('cursor', 'pointer'); } } }; var canvasProgress_click = function (e) { var Hazards = _WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions.Hazards; var RatioX = canvasProgress.width() / 640; var RatioY = canvasProgress.height() / 480; if (e.offsetX >= (70 * RatioX) && e.offsetX <= (565 * RatioX)) { if (e.offsetY >= (100 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (129 * RatioY)) { if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.CurrentConditions === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { // Current Conditions _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.CurrentWeather; AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aCurrentWeather"; NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (129 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (158 * RatioY)) { // Latest Observations if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.NearbyConditions === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LatestObservations; AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aLatestObservations"; NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (158 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (187 * RatioY)) { // Travel Forecast if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.TravelForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.TravelForecast; UpdateTravelCities(0); AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aTravelForecast"; NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (187 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (216 * RatioY)) { // Regional Forecast if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.TomorrowsRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.RegionalForecast1; //window.location.hash = "#aRegionalForecast"; AssignPlayMsOffsets(); NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (216 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (245 * RatioY)) { if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.CurrentRegionalMap === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { // Regional Observations _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.RegionalObservations; AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aRegionalObservations"; NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (245 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (274 * RatioY)) { // Local Forecast if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.WordedForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LocalForecast; UpdateLocalForecast(0); AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aLocalForecast"; NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (274 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (303 * RatioY)) { // Extended Forecast if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.FourDayForecast === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.ExtendedForecast1; AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aExtendedForecast"; NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (303 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (332 * RatioY)) { // Almanac if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Almanac === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Almanac; AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aAlmanac"; NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (332 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (361 * RatioY)) { // Local Radar if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.DopplerRadar === LoadStatuses.Loaded) { _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.LocalRadar; UpdateDopplarRadarImage(0); AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aLocalRadar"; NavigateReset(); } } else if (e.offsetY >= (361 * RatioY) && e.offsetY < (390 * RatioY)) { // Hazards if (_WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards === LoadStatuses.Loaded && Hazards.length > 0) { _CurrentCanvasType = CanvasTypes.Hazards; UpdateHazards(0); AssignPlayMsOffsets(); //window.location.hash = "#aHazards"; NavigateReset(); } } } }; var PopulateHazardConditions = function (WeatherParameters) { if (WeatherParameters === null || (_DontLoadGifs && WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards !== LoadStatuses.Loaded)) { return; } var WeatherHazardConditions = WeatherParameters.WeatherHazardConditions; var ZoneId = WeatherHazardConditions.ZoneId; var Text; var Line; var SkipLine; var DontLoadGifs = _DontLoadGifs; divHazards.empty(); $(WeatherHazardConditions.Hazards).each(function () { //Text = this.replaceAll("\n", "
"); //divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + "

" + Text); Text = this.toString(); SkipLine = false; Text = Text.replaceAll('\n', ' '); //Text = Text.replaceAll("*** ", ""); //$(Text.split("\n")).each(function () $(Text.split(' ')).each(function () { Line = this.toString(); Line = Line.toUpperCase(); if (Line.startsWith('&&')) { return false; } else if (Line.startsWith('$$')) { return false; } if (SkipLine) { if (Line === '') { SkipLine = false; return true; } return true; } if (Line.startsWith(ZoneId)) { SkipLine = true; return true; } else if (Line.indexOf('>') !== -1) { SkipLine = true; return true; } else if (Line.indexOf('LAT...LON ') !== -1) { SkipLine = true; return true; } //divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + "
" + Line); if (Line.indexOf('.') === 0 || Line.indexOf('*') === 0) { divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + '

'); if (Line.indexOf('.') === 0 && Line.indexOf('...') !== 0) { Line = Line.substr(1); } } divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + Line + ' '); }); divHazards.html(divHazards.html() + '

'); }); var DrawHazards = function () { // Draw canvas var canvas = canvasHazards[0]; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var BackGroundImage = new Image(); BackGroundImage.onload = function () { context.drawImage(BackGroundImage, 0, 0); if (DontLoadGifs) { UpdateHazards(); } if (WeatherHazardConditions.Hazards.length > 0) { WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards = LoadStatuses.Loaded; } else { WeatherParameters.Progress.Hazards = LoadStatuses.NoData; } UpdateWeatherCanvas(WeatherParameters, canvasHazards); }; BackGroundImage.src = 'images/BackGround7.png'; }; var HazardsText = divHazards.html(); HazardsText = HazardsText.replaceAll('
', '\n'); HazardsText = HazardsText.replaceAll('
', '\n'); HazardsText = HazardsText.replaceAll('
', '\n'); HazardsText = HazardsText.replaceAll('

', '\n'); WeatherHazardConditions.HazardsText = HazardsText; WeatherHazardConditions.HazardsTextC = ConvertConditionsToMetric(HazardsText); if (_Units === Units.Metric) { HazardsText = WeatherHazardConditions.HazardsTextC; } var HazardsWrapped = HazardsText.wordWrap(32); var cnvHazardsScroll; var ShowHazardsScroll = function () { var cnvHazardsScrollId; var context; cnvHazardsScrollId = 'cnvHazardsScroll'; var HazardsWrappedLines = HazardsWrapped.split('\n'); var MaxHazardsWrappedLines = 365; if (_OperatingSystem === OperatingSystems.Andriod) { MaxHazardsWrappedLines = 92; } if (HazardsWrappedLines.length > MaxHazardsWrappedLines) { HazardsWrappedLines = HazardsWrappedLines.splice(0, MaxHazardsWrappedLines - 1); } var height = 0 + (HazardsWrappedLines.length * 45); if (DontLoadGifs === false) { // Clear the current image. divHazardsScroll.empty(); divHazardsScroll.html(''); cnvHazardsScroll = $('#' + cnvHazardsScrollId); cnvHazardsScroll.attr('width', '640'); // For Chrome. cnvHazardsScroll.attr('height', height); // For Chrome. } cnvHazardsScroll = $('#' + cnvHazardsScrollId); context = cnvHazardsScroll[0].getContext('2d'); DrawBox(context, 'rgb(112, 35, 35)', 0, 0, 640, height); //var y = 0; var y = 45; $(HazardsWrappedLines).each(function () { var HazardLine = this.toString(); DrawText(context, 'Star4000', '24pt', '#FFFFFF', 80, y, HazardLine, 1); y += 45; }); DrawHazards(); }; ShowHazardsScroll(); }; var UpdateHazards = function (Offset) { var canvas = canvasHazards[0]; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var cnvHazardsScroll = $('#cnvHazardsScroll'); switch (Offset) { case undefined: break; case 0: _UpdateHazardsY = 0; break; case Infinity: _UpdateHazardsY = cnvHazardsScroll.height(); break; default: _UpdateHazardsY += (385 * Offset); if (_UpdateHazardsY > cnvHazardsScroll.height()) { _UpdateHazardsY = cnvHazardsScroll.height(); } else if (_UpdateHazardsY < 0) { _UpdateHazardsY = 0; } break; } DrawBox(context, 'rgb(112, 35,35)', 0, 0, 640, 385); context.drawImage(cnvHazardsScroll[0], 0, _UpdateHazardsY, 640, 385, 0, 0, 640, 385); }; const WeatherMonthlyTotalsParser = (text) => { return +text.match(/MONTH TO DATE\s*(\d{1,2}\.\d\d)/)[1]; }; Number.prototype.pad = function(size) { var s = String(this); while (s.length < (size || 1)) { s = '0' + s; } return s; }; const Progress = function (e) { const DrawCustomScrollText = (WeatherParameters, context) => { const font = 'Star4000'; const size = '24pt'; const color = '#ffffff'; const shadow = 2; let x = 640; const y = 430; if (WeatherParameters.Progress.GetTotalPercentage() !== 100) { return; } // Clear the date and time area. context.drawImage(canvasBackGroundCurrentConditions[0], 0, 0, 640, 75, 0, 405, 640, 75); const text = _ScrollText; x = 640 - ((_UpdateCustomScrollTextMs / _UpdateWeatherUpdateMs) * 5); // Wait an extra 5 characters. if (x < ((text.length + 10) * 15 * -1)) { _UpdateCustomScrollTextMs = 0; x = 640; } // Draw the current condition. DrawText(context, font, size, color, x, y, text, shadow); }; const AssignScrollText = (e) => { _ScrollText = e.ScrollText; _UpdateCustomScrollTextMs = 0; _UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionType = CurrentConditionTypes.Title; _UpdateWeatherCurrentConditionCounterMs = 0; };