/* globals NoSleep, states, navigation */ $(() => { index.init(); }); const index = (() => { const overrides = { // '32899, Orlando, Florida, USA': { x: -80.6774, y: 28.6143 }, }; const _AutoRefreshIntervalMs = 500; const _AutoRefreshTotalIntervalMs = 600000; // 10 min. const _NoSleep = new NoSleep(); let divTwc; let divTwcTop; let divTwcMiddle; let divTwcBottom; let divTwcLeft; let divTwcRight; let divTwcNavContainer; let txtScrollText; let _AutoSelectQuery = false; let _LastUpdate = null; let _AutoRefreshIntervalId = null; let _AutoRefreshCountMs = 0; let _FullScreenOverride = false; let _WindowHeight = 0; let _WindowWidth = 0; const init = () => { _WindowHeight = $(window).height(); _WindowWidth = $(window).width(); divTwc = $('#divTwc'); divTwcTop = $('#divTwcTop'); divTwcMiddle = $('#divTwcMiddle'); divTwcBottom = $('#divTwcBottom'); divTwcLeft = $('#divTwcLeft'); divTwcRight = $('#divTwcRight'); divTwcNavContainer = $('#divTwcNavContainer'); txtScrollText = $('#txtScrollText'); $('#frmScrollText').on('submit', frmScrollText_submit); txtScrollText.on('focus', (e) => { $(e.target).select(); }); $('#chkScrollText').on('change', chkScrollText_change); $('#txtAddress').on('focus', (e) => { $(e.target).select(); }).focus(); $('.NavigateMenu').on('click', btnNavigateMenu_click); $('.NavigateRefresh').on('click', btnNavigateRefresh_click); $('.NavigateNext').on('click', btnNavigateNext_click); $('.NavigatePrevious').on('click', btnNavigatePrevious_click); $('.NavigatePlay').on('click', btnNavigatePlay_click); $('#btnGetGps').on('click', btnGetGps_click); $(window).on('resize', OnFullScreen); $(window).on('resize', window_resize); $(document).on('mousemove', document_mousemove); $(document).on('mousedown', document_mousemove); divTwc.on('mousedown', document_mousemove); $(document).on('keydown', document_keydown); document.addEventListener('touchmove', e => { if (_FullScreenOverride) e.preventDefault(); }); $('.ToggleFullScreen').on('click', btnFullScreen_click); FullScreenResize(); const categories = [ 'Land Features', 'Bay', 'Channel', 'Cove', 'Dam', 'Delta', 'Gulf', 'Lagoon', 'Lake', 'Ocean', 'Reef', 'Reservoir', 'Sea', 'Sound', 'Strait', 'Waterfall', 'Wharf', // Water Features 'Amusement Park', 'Historical Monument', 'Landmark', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Zoo', // POI/Arts and Entertainment 'College', // POI/Education 'Beach', 'Campground', 'Golf Course', 'Harbor', 'Nature Reserve', 'Other Parks and Outdoors', 'Park', 'Racetrack', 'Scenic Overlook', 'Ski Resort', 'Sports Center', 'Sports Field', 'Wildlife Reserve', // POI/Parks and Outdoors 'Airport', 'Ferry', 'Marina', 'Pier', 'Port', 'Resort', // POI/Travel 'Postal', 'Populated Place', ]; const cats = categories.join(','); $('#frmGetLatLng #txtAddress').devbridgeAutocomplete({ serviceUrl: location.protocol + '//geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/suggest', deferRequestBy: 300, paramName: 'text', params: { f: 'json', countryCode: 'USA', //'USA,PRI,VIR,GUM,ASM', category: cats, maxSuggestions: 10, }, dataType: 'json', transformResult: (response) => { if (_AutoSelectQuery) { _AutoSelectQuery = false; window.setTimeout(() => { $(ac.suggestionsContainer.children[0]).click(); }, 1); } return { suggestions: $.map(response.suggestions, function (i) { return { value: i.text, data: i.magicKey, }; }), }; }, minChars: 3, showNoSuggestionNotice: true, noSuggestionNotice: 'No results found. Please try a different search string.', onSelect: autocompleteOnSelect, width: 490, }); const ac = $('#frmGetLatLng #txtAddress').devbridgeAutocomplete(); $('#frmGetLatLng').submit(() => { if (ac.suggestions[0]) $(ac.suggestionsContainer.children[0]).click(); return false; }); // Auto load the previous query const TwcQuery = localStorage.getItem('TwcQuery'); if (TwcQuery) { _AutoSelectQuery = true; $('#txtAddress').val(TwcQuery) .blur() .focus(); } const TwcPlay = localStorage.getItem('TwcPlay'); if (TwcPlay === null || TwcPlay === 'true') postMessage('navButton', 'play'); const TwcScrollText = localStorage.getItem('TwcScrollText'); if (TwcScrollText) { txtScrollText.val(TwcScrollText); } const TwcScrollTextChecked = localStorage.getItem('TwcScrollTextChecked'); if (TwcScrollTextChecked && TwcScrollTextChecked === 'true') { $('#chkScrollText').prop('checked', 'checked'); } else { $('#chkScrollText').prop('checked', ''); } $('#btnClearQuery').on('click', () => { $('#spanCity').text(''); $('#spanState').text(''); $('#spanStationId').text(''); $('#spanRadarId').text(''); $('#spanZoneId').text(''); $('#chkScrollText').prop('checked', ''); txtScrollText.val(''); localStorage.removeItem('TwcScrollText'); localStorage.removeItem('TwcScrollTextChecked'); $('#chkAutoRefresh').prop('checked', 'checked'); localStorage.removeItem('TwcAutoRefresh'); $('#radEnglish').prop('checked', 'checked'); localStorage.removeItem('TwcUnits'); localStorage.removeItem('TwcPlay'); postMessage('navButton', 'play'); localStorage.removeItem('TwcQuery'); }); const TwcUnits = localStorage.getItem('TwcUnits'); if (!TwcUnits || TwcUnits === 'ENGLISH') { $('#radEnglish').prop('checked', 'checked'); } else if (TwcUnits === 'METRIC') { $('#radMetric').prop('checked', 'checked'); } $('input[type=\'radio\'][name=\'radUnits\']').on('change', (e) => { const Units = $(e.target).val(); e; localStorage.setItem('TwcUnits', Units); AssignLastUpdate(); postMessage('units', Units); }); $('#chkAutoRefresh').on('change', (e) => { const Checked = $(e.target).is(':checked'); if (_LastUpdate) { if (Checked) { StartAutoRefreshTimer(); } else { StopAutoRefreshTimer(); } } localStorage.setItem('TwcAutoRefresh', Checked); }); const TwcAutoRefresh = localStorage.getItem('TwcAutoRefresh'); if (!TwcAutoRefresh || TwcAutoRefresh === 'true') { $('#chkAutoRefresh').prop('checked', 'checked'); } else { $('#chkAutoRefresh').prop('checked', ''); } }; const autocompleteOnSelect = (suggestion) => { let request; // Do not auto get the same city twice. if (this.previousSuggestionValue === suggestion.value) return; this.previousSuggestionValue = suggestion.value; PreviousSuggestion = suggestion; if (overrides[suggestion.value]) { doRedirectToGeometry(overrides[suggestion.value]); } else { request = $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/find', data: { text: suggestion.value, magicKey: suggestion.data, f: 'json', }, }); request.done((data) => { const loc = data.locations[0]; if (loc) { doRedirectToGeometry(loc.feature.geometry); } else { alert('An unexpected error occurred. Please try a different search string.'); } }); } }; const doRedirectToGeometry = (geom) => { const latLon = {lat:Math.round2(geom.y, 4), lon:Math.round2(geom.x, 4)}; LoadTwcData(latLon); // Save the query localStorage.setItem('TwcQuery', $('#txtAddress').val()); }; const FullScreenResize = () => { const WindowWidth = $(window).width(); const WindowHeight = $(window).height(); const inFullScreen = InFullScreen(); let IFrameWidth; let IFrameHeight; let LeftWidth; let RightWidth; let TopHeight; let BottomHeight; let Offset; if (inFullScreen) { if ((WindowWidth / WindowHeight) >= 1.583333333333333) { divTwcTop.hide(); divTwcBottom.hide(); divTwcLeft.show(); divTwcRight.show(); divTwcMiddle.attr('style', 'width:100%; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;'); LeftWidth = ((WindowWidth - (WindowHeight * 1.33333333333333333333)) / 2); if (LeftWidth < 60) { LeftWidth = 60; } divTwcLeft.attr('style', 'width:' + LeftWidth + 'px; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;'); divTwcLeft.css('visibility', 'visible'); RightWidth = ((WindowWidth - (WindowHeight * 1.33333333333333333333)) / 2); if (RightWidth < 60) { RightWidth = 60; } divTwcRight.attr('style', 'width:' + RightWidth + 'px; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;'); divTwcRight.css('visibility', 'visible'); IFrameWidth = WindowWidth - LeftWidth - RightWidth; $('#display').attr('style', 'width:' + IFrameWidth + 'px; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;'); } else { divTwcTop.show(); divTwcBottom.show(); divTwcLeft.hide(); divTwcRight.hide(); Offset = 0; TopHeight = ((WindowHeight - ((WindowWidth - Offset) * 0.75)) / 2); if (TopHeight < 0) { TopHeight = 0; } divTwcTop.attr('style', 'width:100%; height:' + TopHeight + 'px; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;'); BottomHeight = ((WindowHeight - ((WindowWidth - Offset) * 0.75)) / 2); if (BottomHeight < 30) { BottomHeight = 30; 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}; const _lockOrientation = screen.lockOrientation || screen.mozLockOrientation || screen.msLockOrientation; const _unlockOrientation = screen.unlockOrientation || screen.mozUnlockOrientation || screen.msUnlockOrientation || (screen.orientation && screen.orientation.unlock); const OnFullScreen = () => { if (InFullScreen()) { divTwc.attr('style', 'position:fixed; top:0px; left:0px; bottom:0px; right:0px; width:100%; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;'); FullScreenResize(); $(window).on('resize', FullScreenResize); //FullScreenResize(); if (_lockOrientation) try { _lockOrientation('landscape-primary'); } catch (ex) { console.log('Unable to lock screen orientation.'); } } else { divTwc.attr('style', ''); divTwcMiddle.attr('style', ''); $(window).off('resize', FullScreenResize); FullScreenResize(); if (_unlockOrientation) try { _unlockOrientation(); } catch (ex) { console.log('Unable to unlock screen orientation.'); } } }; const InFullScreen = () => ((_FullScreenOverride) || (GetFullScreenElement()) || (window.innerHeight === screen.height) || (window.innerHeight === (screen.height - 1))); 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}; const ExitFullscreen = () => { // exit full-screen if (_FullScreenOverride) { _FullScreenOverride = false; $(window).resize(); } if (document.exitFullscreen) { // Chrome 71 broke this if the user pressed F11 to enter full screen mode. document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } }; const btnNavigateMenu_click = () => { postMessage('navButton', 'menu'); UpdateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; const LoadTwcData = (_latLon) => { // if latlon is provided store it locally if (_latLon) LoadTwcData.latLon = _latLon; // get the data const latLon = LoadTwcData.latLon; // if there's no data stop if (!latLon) return; $('#txtAddress').blur(); StopAutoRefreshTimer(); _LastUpdate = null; AssignLastUpdate(); postMessage('latLon', latLon); FullScreenResize(); if ($('#chkScrollText').is(':checked')) { postMessage('assignScrollText', txtScrollText.val()); } postMessage('units', $('input[type=\'radio\'][name=\'radUnits\']:checked').val()); const display = $('#display'); display.on('mousemove', document_mousemove); display.on('mousedown', document_mousemove); display.on('keydown', document_keydown); const SwipeCallBack = (event, direction) => { switch (direction) { case 'left': btnNavigateNext_click(); break; case 'right': default: btnNavigatePrevious_click(); break; } }; display.swipe({ //Generic swipe handler for all directions swipeRight: SwipeCallBack, swipeLeft: SwipeCallBack, }); }; const AssignLastUpdate = () => { let LastUpdate = '(None)'; if (_LastUpdate) { switch ($('input[type=\'radio\'][name=\'radUnits\']:checked').val()) { case 'ENGLISH': LastUpdate = _LastUpdate.toLocaleString('en-US', { weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', timeZoneName: 'short' }); break; default: LastUpdate = _LastUpdate.toLocaleString('en-GB', { weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', timeZoneName: 'short' }); break; } } $('#spanLastRefresh').html(LastUpdate); if (_LastUpdate && $('#chkAutoRefresh').is(':checked')) StartAutoRefreshTimer(); }; const btnNavigateRefresh_click = () => { LoadTwcData(); UpdateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; const btnNavigateNext_click = () => { postMessage('navButton', 'next'); UpdateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; const btnNavigatePrevious_click = () => { postMessage('navButton', 'previous'); UpdateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; const window_resize = () => { const $window = $(window); if ($window.height() === _WindowHeight || $window.width() === _WindowWidth) return; _WindowHeight = $window.height(); _WindowWidth = $window.width(); postMessage('navButton', 'reset'); UpdateFullScreenNavigate(); }; let _NavigateFadeIntervalId = null; const UpdateFullScreenNavigate = () => { $(document.activeElement).blur(); $('body').removeClass('HideCursor'); divTwcLeft.fadeIn2(); divTwcRight.fadeIn2(); divTwcBottom.fadeIn2(); if (_NavigateFadeIntervalId) { window.clearTimeout(_NavigateFadeIntervalId); _NavigateFadeIntervalId = null; } _NavigateFadeIntervalId = window.setTimeout(() => { if (InFullScreen()) { $('body').addClass('HideCursor'); divTwcLeft.fadeOut2(); divTwcRight.fadeOut2(); divTwcBottom.fadeOut2(); } }, 2000); }; const document_mousemove = (e) => { if (InFullScreen() && (e.originalEvent.movementX === 0 && e.originalEvent.movementY === 0 && e.originalEvent.buttons === 0)) return; UpdateFullScreenNavigate(); }; const document_keydown = (e) => { const code = (e.keyCode || e.which); if (InFullScreen() || document.activeElement === document.body) { switch (code) { case 32: // Space btnNavigatePlay_click(); return false; case 39: // Right Arrow case 34: // Page Down btnNavigateNext_click(); return false; case 37: // Left Arrow case 33: // Page Up btnNavigatePrevious_click(); return false; case 36: // Home btnNavigateMenu_click(); return false; case 48: // Restart btnNavigateRefresh_click(); return false; case 70: // F btnFullScreen_click(); return false; default: } } }; $.fn.fadeIn2 = function () { const _self = this; let opacity = 0.0; let IntervalId = null; if (_self.css('opacity') !== '0') return; _self.css('visibility', 'visible'); _self.css('opacity', '0.0'); IntervalId = window.setInterval(() => { opacity += 0.1; opacity = Math.round2(opacity, 1); _self.css('opacity', opacity.toString()); if (opacity === 1.0) { //_self.css("visibility", ""); _self.css('visibility', 'visible'); window.clearInterval(IntervalId); } }, 50); return _self; }; $.fn.fadeOut2 = function () { const _self = this; let opacity = 1.0; let IntervalId = null; if (_self.css('opacity') !== '1') return; _self.css('visibility', 'visible'); _self.css('opacity', '1.0'); IntervalId = window.setInterval(() => { opacity -= 0.2; opacity = Math.round2(opacity, 1); _self.css('opacity', opacity.toString()); if (opacity === 0) { _self.css('visibility', 'hidden'); window.clearInterval(IntervalId); } }, 50); return _self; }; Math.round2 = (value, decimals) => Number(Math.round(value + 'e' + decimals) + 'e-' + decimals); const btnNavigatePlay_click = () => { postMessage('navButton', 'playToggle'); UpdateFullScreenNavigate(); return false; }; // read and dispatch an event from the iframe const message = (data) => { // test for trust // dispatch event if (!data.type) return; switch (data.type) { case 'loaded': _LastUpdate = new Date(); AssignLastUpdate(); break; case 'weatherParameters': populateWeatherParameters(data.message); break; case 'isPlaying': localStorage.setItem('TwcPlay', navigation.isPlaying()); if (navigation.isPlaying()) { _NoSleep.enable(); $('img[src=\'images/nav/ic_play_arrow_white_24dp_1x.png\']').attr('title', 'Pause'); $('img[src=\'images/nav/ic_play_arrow_white_24dp_1x.png\']').attr('src', 'images/nav/ic_pause_white_24dp_1x.png'); $('img[src=\'images/nav/ic_play_arrow_white_24dp_2x.png\']').attr('title', 'Pause'); $('img[src=\'images/nav/ic_play_arrow_white_24dp_2x.png\']').attr('src', 'images/nav/ic_pause_white_24dp_2x.png'); } else { _NoSleep.disable(); $('img[src=\'images/nav/ic_pause_white_24dp_1x.png\']').attr('title', 'Play'); $('img[src=\'images/nav/ic_pause_white_24dp_1x.png\']').attr('src', 'images/nav/ic_play_arrow_white_24dp_1x.png'); $('img[src=\'images/nav/ic_pause_white_24dp_2x.png\']').attr('title', 'Play'); $('img[src=\'images/nav/ic_pause_white_24dp_2x.png\']').attr('src', 'images/nav/ic_play_arrow_white_24dp_2x.png'); } break; default: console.error(`Unknown event '${data.eventType}`); } }; // post a message to the iframe const postMessage = (type, message = {}) => { navigation.message({type, message}); }; const StartAutoRefreshTimer = () => { // Ensure that any previous timer has already stopped. // check if timer is running if (_AutoRefreshIntervalId) return; // Reset the time elapsed. _AutoRefreshCountMs = 0; const AutoRefreshTimer = () => { // Increment the total time elapsed. _AutoRefreshCountMs += _AutoRefreshIntervalMs; // Display the count down. let RemainingMs = (_AutoRefreshTotalIntervalMs - _AutoRefreshCountMs); if (RemainingMs < 0) { RemainingMs = 0; } const dt = new Date(RemainingMs); $('#spanRefreshCountDown').html((dt.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + dt.getMinutes() : dt.getMinutes()) + ':' + (dt.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + dt.getSeconds() : dt.getSeconds())); // Time has elapsed. if (_AutoRefreshCountMs >= _AutoRefreshTotalIntervalMs) LoadTwcData(); }; _AutoRefreshIntervalId = window.setInterval(AutoRefreshTimer, _AutoRefreshIntervalMs); AutoRefreshTimer(); }; const StopAutoRefreshTimer = () => { if (_AutoRefreshIntervalId) { window.clearInterval(_AutoRefreshIntervalId); $('#spanRefreshCountDown').html('--:--'); _AutoRefreshIntervalId = null; } }; const btnGetGps_click = async () => { if (!navigator.geolocation) return; const position = await (() => { return new Promise(resolve => { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(resolve); }); })(); const latitude = position.coords.latitude; const longitude = position.coords.longitude; let data; try { data = await $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/reverseGeocode', data: { location: longitude + ',' + latitude, distance: 1000, // Find location up to 1 KM. f: 'json', }, }); } catch (e) { console.error('Unable to fetch reverse geocode'); console.error(e.status, e.responseJSONe); } const ZipCode = data.address.Postal; const City = data.address.City; const State = states.getTwoDigitCode(data.address.Region); const Country = data.address.CountryCode; const TwcQuery = `${ZipCode}, ${City}, ${State}, ${Country}`; $('#txtAddress').val(TwcQuery) .blur() .focus(); // Save the query localStorage.setItem('TwcQuery', TwcQuery); }; const populateWeatherParameters = (weatherParameters) => { $('#spanCity').text(weatherParameters.city + ', '); $('#spanState').text(weatherParameters.state); $('#spanStationId').text(weatherParameters.stationId); $('#spanRadarId').text(weatherParameters.radarId); $('#spanZoneId').text(weatherParameters.zoneId); }; const frmScrollText_submit = () => { chkScrollText_change(); return false; }; const chkScrollText_change = (e) => { const chkScrollText = $(e.target); txtScrollText.blur(); let ScrollText = txtScrollText.val(); localStorage.setItem('TwcScrollText', ScrollText); const ScrollTextChecked = chkScrollText.is(':checked'); localStorage.setItem('TwcScrollTextChecked', ScrollTextChecked); if (chkScrollText.is(':checked') === false) { ScrollText = ''; } postMessage('assignScrollText', ScrollText); }; return { init, message, }; })();