// pass through api requests // http(s) modules const https = require('https'); // url parsing const queryString = require('querystring'); // return an express router module.exports = (req, res) => { if (!req.query.u) res.status(404); // add out-going headers const headers = {}; headers['user-agent'] = '(WeatherStar 4000+, ws4000@netbymatt.com)'; headers['accept'] = req.headers.accept; // get query paramaters if the exist const queryParams = Object.keys(req.query).reduce((acc, key) => { // skip the paramater 'u' if (key === 'u') return acc; // add the paramter to the resulting object acc[key] = req.query[key]; return acc; },{}); let query = queryString.encode(queryParams); if (query.length > 0) query = '?' + query; // get the page https.get('https://api.weather.gov' + req.path + query, { headers, }, getRes => { // pull some info const {statusCode} = getRes; // pass the status code through res.status(statusCode); // set headers res.header('content-type', getRes.headers['content-type']); // pipe to response getRes.pipe(res); }).on('error', e=>{ console.error(e); }); };